by munificent
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psychopath?   19 y  
Here is one of those who had enough power to believe he and his company were One, therefore his and Tyco's money were One...
Kozlowski, Swartz Sentenced Tyco’s former CEO and CFO will serve eight and one-third to 25 years in state prison. Stephen Taub, CFO.com September 20, 2005 Former Tyco International Ltd. chairman and chief executive officer Dennis Kozlowski and former chief financial officer Mark Swartz were each sentenced to eight and one-third to 25 years in state prison for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the conglomerate, according to reports. Kozlowski was also fined $70 million and ordered to pay $97 million in restitution, according to The New York Times; Swartz was reporte ...   read more

USDA Issues Organic Standards   19 y  
I am going to bed, but I think some of you would like to get ane-letter to congress. N'cest?
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) needs your immediate help to stop Congress and the Bush administration from seriously degrading organic standards. After 35 years of hard work, the U.S. organic community has built up a multi-billion dollar alternative to industrial agriculture, based upon strict organic standards and organic community control over modification to these standards. Now, large corporations such as Kraft, Wal-Mart, & Dean Foods--aided and abetted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are moving to lower organic standards by allowing a Bush appointee to create ...   read more

Hardrive Crash?   19 y  
What does one "do with employees" if there is a slowdown. I get this newsletter, but am, by no means, in complete agreement with his ideas. My hardrive just crashed last night so I am in the conversation of electronic disaster...well electronic inconvenience..
Preparation Is The Key I had some time scheduled off, and had many things planned to do during that time off. Knowing me, though, that basically meant I had work to do, but work that was outside of my consulting work. However, the day I came home from my consulting assignment, a Friday afternoon, within 30 minutes my computer decided it didn’t want to be a part of my life any more, and suddenly died. From that Friday until ten days later, I was without my main computer, and it turned parts of my life upside down. Although, being diligent, I had backed up all my printed or written fi ...   read more

Affirmations   19 y  
Affirmations for next week
Your Daily Affirmations for the third week of September, 2005 Thursday, September 15, 2005 Love, peace, joy, and all blessed conditions are a part of me because I am part of God. Realizing my oneness with my good, I remember to receive. And it is mine! Friday, September 16, 2005 I open myself to the vision of the highest idea in the mind of God for my life. I respond to Spirit and answer the call to be all I am meant to be. Saturday, September 17, 2005 I am filled with the ageless energy of life. I am the perfect age. Sunday, September 18, 2005 Right now, as I focus on God’s ...   read more

Seeds of Greatness   19 y  
Seeds of greatness that you, as a parent, plant in your children. Seeds and sproutlings that you as a parent nuture in your children.
3. Seeds of Greatness by Denis Waitley (Excerpted from Denis Waitley and Maryann Rosenthal’s Seeds of Greatness - The Value-Based Family Enrichment Program for 21st Century Leaders Coaching calendar) ”One way to make it clear that you are listening to your child is to repeat what you think your child has just told you. You can use phrases like, ”Sounds like you are saying...” or ”Are you saying...” Ask you child questions -- lots of questions! Encourage creativity, thinking skills, and problem solving. Learning how to find answers is a lifelong skill. Ask who, what when, where and w ...   read more

R U Better Off than 4 yrs ago?   19 y  
Bob Bauman has his say on asset protection, off shore investing, taxes, and Leadership-Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
COMMENT: Are You Better Off Now? Dear A-Letter Reader: The inimitable Oscar Wilde wrote in one of his plays: ”Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.” As the fourth anniversary of the 9-11-01 terrorists attacks passes, the people of the United States have every reason to question whether their ”leaders” and governments have learned anything from those thousands of needless deaths and from events of the ensuing four years. If the bureaucratic morass of the before and after of Hurricane Katrina is the example, our so-called leaders have shown themselves to be ...   read more

Artic Drilling e-petition   19 y  
I do not believe Congress is trying to hide the drilling legislation behine the disaster in Louisiana~ as the initial article letter stated. But I do believe that petitions are "felt" and "heard" in political circles.
https://www.virtualsprockets.com/Transactions/secure1.cfm?clientID=85&return=...   visit the page

Quote of the Day   19 y  
I let the article below slip in -then I liked the juxtaposition of the sentiments, eh? Bush Quote Ever the One for Understatement.......
In This E-Mail: Houston Finds Business Boon After Katrina By SIMON ROMERO Perhaps no city in the U.S. is in a better spot than Houston to turn Katrina’s tragedy into opportunity. And businesses there are already scrambling to profit. QUOTATION OF THE DAY ”There’s a lot of work to be done.” PRESIDENT BUSH, visiting hurricane   visit the page

U Blog on About:HolisticHealth.com   19 y  
You can blog with the big boys on About: Holistic Health.com. We certainly have several of us that could fit the BILL
http://healing.about.com/library/blcarnival_submit.htm Carnival of Healing Use this handy form to submit articles and announcements from your blog or Web site for inclusion in the Carnival of Healing. The Carnival of Healing is NOT a search engine or a link directory. I’m not really looking for links to Websites. Submissions I’m wanting is URLS that point to healing articles, empowerment stories, innovative healing ideas, remedy tips, announcements of new stuff, etc. Attention Bloggers: I’m especially interested in the blog community. What are your opinions? What are you wri ...   read more

Failure of Leadership   19 y  
Gee, I guess it's already been said, eh?
A Failure of Leadership By BOB HERBERT Published: September 5, 2005 ”Bush to New Orleans: Drop Dead” Neither the death of the chief justice nor the frantic efforts of panicked White House political advisers can conceal the magnitude of the president’s failure of leadership last week. The catastrophe in New Orleans billowed up like the howling winds of hell and was carried live and in color on television screens across the U.S. and around the world. Forum: Bob Herbert’s Columns The Big Easy had turned into the Big Hurt, and the colossal failure of George W. Bush to intervene pow ...   read more

Become an Expert and..   19 y  
Want to earn a living doing the things you love, the ones that light up your life and align your hara? Here are the ways to get your message out while marketing you as an expert in your field
WRITING ARTICLES Writing an article is a great way to raise your profile in your industry and/or profession. Published authors are perceived as experts and more knowledgeable than others in the profession. If you’ve discovered an interesting way of doing something at work that you think others would like to know about, that could be a great topic for an article. Of course if it’s something unique to your company, you need to make sure your employer wouldn’t consider it a proprietary trade secret. Another potential topic is discussing what you foresee happening in your industry or pr ...   read more

Covey; Leaders listen   19 y  
I like Steven Covey, he knows the importance of integrating values with everyday life. This man must be a great husband..all that listening!
Investor’s Business Daily 8th Habit: Listen To Workers Friday August 26, 7:00 pm ET Donna Howell It takes eight to be great. Leadership trainer Stephen Covey’s bestseller ”The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” has sold more than 15 million copies since its 1989 debut. Now Covey, the co-founder of professional services firm FranklinCovey, is taking it to the next level. His new book, ”The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness To Greatness,” tells how to find your voice and inspire others to find theirs. Inspiration was key to growth at companies like Toyota, General Electric, ...   read more

Behold and Beware?   19 y  
Jim Rohn is a coach that has been coaching financial advisors since dirt was made...He has some stuff that I really resonate with and some I do not. Since I have been studying words for 9-10 years now-much in the sense of "the power of your word" which equals your integrity and your word being the equal- a simple enough relationship- as in reciprocity
WORDS/VOCABULARY The two great words of antiquity are behold and beware. Behold the possibilities and beware the temptations. Vocabulary enables us to interpret and to express. If you have a limited vocabulary, you will also have a limited vision and a limited future. Well chosen words mixed with measured emotions is the basis of affecting people. It’s okay to send flowers, but don’t let the flowers do all the talking. Flowers have a limited vocabulary. About the best flowers can say is that you remembered. But your words tell the rest. Words do two major things: They provid ...   read more

Leadership Miracles   19 y  
God intended me to play full out, fall down, get up, wipe myself off, and go 150% like there is no tomorrow, and when I am down and tired and have nothing left to give...accessing my beautiful heart that he blessed me with allows me to give it one more try..The courage to look stupid, the courage to do the outlandish and answer the why's (responsibly) afterwards..To live fully and in the moment- gets a little messy at times...BUT and this is a big BUT- If I can maintain love and caring for others my actions will ALWAYS be tempered with concern for them.....This is why God gives us the ability to give completely-even when it COURAGE to do so...Or perhaps it's more about lack of attachemnt to outcome..and allowing-yes that is what is about
FORMULA FOR CREATING MIRACLES 1. Know what you don’t want. (That’s easy.) 2. Decide what you do want. (Reverse #1.) 3. Get clear. (You attract what you believe.) 4. Feel your intention already achieved. (Ahhh, yes!) 5. Let go. (Trust, as you take inspired action.) Joe Vitale .eTIP.ca This is a loose tranfer of the Science of Mind Principles....If you want the real juice see this posting:   visit the page

We are ALL Leaders   19 y  
Denis Waitley lives in Rancho Santa Fe in the San Diego County's "poshest" of neighborhoods....I hope you enjoy his vidoe..He has consulted all the really "competitive" spirits/organizations, i.e. Superbowl Winners, Astronauts, Olympic Gold Medalists but he is very gentle, and commonsensical... soft spoken and nice...
VIDEO CLIP, HE SPEAKS FOR HIMSELF-AND HE SPEAKS WELL!: http://www.speakerstreams.com/waitley/300/leader_300.html LEADERSHIP The key to authentic leadership is to listen to your followers, and then open the door for them to lead themselves. The secret is empowerment. The main incentive is genuine caring and recognition. The five most important words a leader can speak are: ”I am proud of you.” The four most important are: ”What is your opinion?” The three most important are: ”If you please.” The two most important are: ”Thank You.” And the most important single wo ...   read more

Communication: Gracious Space   19 y  
gracious space and leadership....communication at a non-heirarchial structure
What Is Gracious Space? Gracious Space is both a spirit and an organizational tool that creates opportunities for deeper listening and understanding, welcomes diversity, and encourages the creative potential of disagreement or diverse views. Aspects of Gracious Space include: A spirit of compassion and curiosity A setting that is expressed externally A commitment to invite the stranger A commitment to learn in public A container for working with conflict, and A tool to promote the common good. Gracious Space is a significant part of the work of the Center for Ethic ...   read more

Leadership and Alignment   19 y  
This blog will post articles, and discussion on structurally ethical leadership-aligned with...what?...we shall see...This blog is an inquiry into the body, heart, and soul of leadership.
I have a blog entitled Spirit of Money...my inspiration for creating this blog was the misuse of public trust of leaders for self-dealing, fraud, and corruption. This activity begged the question ”What are our cultural values, goals, and are our lives aligned with our heart and soul?” Since the creation of ”The Spirit of Money” there has been an epic cleansing of our corporate structure by Spitzer, and others who, in the process, have made a name for themselves. U.S. corporate structure continues to exibit a terrible constipation of ethics and money; while a steady march of those le ...   read more

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This blog is devoted to the structural alignment of mind body spirit and ethical/non ethical leadership. more...

Last Activity: 18 y ago
67 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
31 Comments   Last comment 18 y ago

viewed 234,087 times
Created: 19 y   Aug 04 2005


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Comments (10 of 31):
Glad to see you ba… vibr8 18 y
Thanks..I guess..I… 9thbo… 18 y
We all have the fr… kermi… 18 y
Re:Here is the sto… 9thbo… 19 y
Go Graz!!!! NoMoreDocs 19 y
Actually she has s… 9thbo… 19 y
What is Sen. Boxer… super… 19 y
$$$, Happy Thanksg… 9thbo… 19 y
Is that the most p… Squea… 19 y
Actully I misspoke… 9thbo… 19 y
All Comments (31)

Blogs by munificent (10):
Yoga Path  18 y  (396)
Cold Water Blog  18 y  (269)
Quantum Intelligensia  18 y  (267)
Spirit of Money, Financial Fl…  18 y  (249)
BaBaGee Blog  18 y  (16)
Breathwork  19 y  (16)
Desire  18 y  (5)
Sacred Sex  18 y  (4)
Apothegm  18 y  (3)
Breathwork for wholeness  19 y  (3)

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