Ya’ think??
by kerminator
Page 5 of 16

Where did Shame go??   17 y  
what ever happened to " Shame & Modesty" or the notion that we have a Conscience; which should act as a guardrail on our pathway of life?? Are you brain dead folks??
A message for every Man, woman, and child... What ever happened to our Conscience which is suppose to act as a kind of guard rail on the Pathway of life??   Who made " Modesty " a dirty word and why does it seem that no one feels "Shame" any more??   These are just a few things we will look at today... First; Shame is a good emotional reaction to things which are not in our best interest... HUH!!  Imagine that folks; things that may not be our best interest... What a novel thought in this world of do what you want... Now there ...   read more

What in the world??   17 y  
What do Ya.. Think?? Life is about sharing and caring... HUH!!
This is a list of some of the countries who visit my web site;  http://www.simplytruth.com... in the past three months...  Not bad for a boy from Dixie... HUH!!  We try to expose the truth, but some people have thin skin or do not want to really know!!   See YA... Kermit   Country 1 5249 56.74% 2278 43.60% 40879 39.61% Network ...   read more

Hate crimes??   17 y  
Hate crimes are a farce because who perpetrates a crime against someone they like or love?? Therefore all crime is some sort of "Hate Crime"...
Some of the things certain people want...  They want their way or no way... One of these groups that has been very active the past few years is The So called Rainbow Colition...   Or what ever term they wish to go by...   The important fact is the truth, of words, opinion, and  actions...   If you are an honest seeker of the truth; you will find that the Homosexual / GAY life style is invalid ( which means that the premises do not support the conclusion or it is false!!)!!  Simply because: if it were the norm; then there ...   read more

Que Maravilla!!   17 y  
We can be as successful as we want to be and as happy as we want to be!! Believe it!!
”Que el relajo sea con oden” ;  A Cuban phrase, that means to ” Let’s make an orderly disorder!” Many times in life we continue on in disarray, with out any reguard...   The real spirit of our thinking and actions should be to try and make some sense out of the mess we are in...  HUH!!  If we can but learn to make the best of any circumstance in life; then we will come full circle to being adapt at living life to it’s fullest!!  This is the whole picture folks; learn to find to good and positive things in life...  Everything is not going to be perfect and wonderful all the time, s ...   read more

Water, water every where??   17 y  
well over 70% of the earth surface is covered by water; but less than 5% is fresh or usable for most plants & animals...
The most important item of concern behind your health and soul; is water... Now I know that some of you have already switched channels; and said this guy is off his rocker again!!  But before you go and get your pantie hose all in a wad; lets look at the facts...  No living thing can do with out water... DUH!! I worked for several years with the USGS Water Resource Division...  So I have some background and experience with this subject...  The BIG picture is that most life not in the oceans exists on less than 2% of the available fresh water... It is actually cl ...   read more

A hundred years ago...   17 y  
Some things are still important today... Read on an see what you think....
This was true in 1907 as it is today...  The year is 1907, one hundred years ago... Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907. "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, ...   read more

Dare to change your history for the better!!   17 y  
The FAIR TAX plan will make our country one of the best if not the best place to invest!! This alone could help to change how you live!! Taxes and health will either make you or break you!! Tell everyone you know about this... HUH!!
What would be better for you to have more disposable income or let others continue to spend your money for you?? This is the system most of the world is under right now!! DUH!!  But now you have an opportunity to change all that and enjoy a better life.. HUH!! The Fair Tax plan would make the United States the best place to do business; because we will cease taxing the producer, manufacturer, retail, wholesale, even the worker on what they produce...  Tax would only be collected when someone, or some business buys something!!  There is a lot of underg ...   read more

Life can lead to many adventures or not!!   18 y  
What happens in life is the direct result of your effort, desire, motivation and of course Faith!!
Every day is a new opportunity for us...  It is what we do with it that counts in the Eternity to come...  Life is an adventure to be lived and shared by others...  May we look at where we are in the grand scheme of things, and plan to follow our heart’s desires... It is always a choice for each of us!! Some of us will waste out time and talents...  While most others will come to learn when and where we should be on our pathway of life... HUH!! It is very sad that many miss or completely destroy the opportunities in their lives... BTW: T ...   read more

Something to help cut down on bites...   18 y  
Mosquitoes can be controlled, try this...
As the world turns... Scientists Confirm Folk Remedy Repels Dangerous, Annoying Mosquitoes Last month, I told you about a few high- and low-tech non-toxic solutions for eliminating the mosquitoes swarming outside your home. Because I enjoy sharing practical, simpler, safer solutions with you, I’ve found two more ways to protect your family from bugs. One way to liven up your yard and distract mosquitoes is to grow a be ...   read more

Have you ladies ever heard of the Kegel exercises??   18 y  
Some times there are simple things you can do to improve your sex life ladies... The Kegel exercise are mainly for women, but have found some for men too... This is something every young woman should learn... HUH!!
Ladies: Where and when do you really get something that you can use for free??  Not often but here is one, you may want to learn to use!! The Kegel exercise was developed by a doctor; Arnold Kegel, in the 1940’s... Though it was originally designed to control postpartum incontinence in women...  The exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the pelvic area;  including the Vagina, through improving urethral and rectal sphincter control...  This apparently can be practiced by women almost any where... You can find more information on line ...& ...   read more

You always have to ready change!!   18 y  
There are lots of good stuff out there that could make your life much better... Just check it out!!
One thing in life you can depend on is change...  The only thing that does not change is GOD and change itself!! I try to be ready for change and what it can bring in life...  Here is a new item on my plate!!  I had heard of a wonderful (new to the USA) fruit that has been a real winner for many folks...  It is Mangostino fruit!!  The juice which tastes somewhat like Kiwi, or Citrus fruit blend; some say!!  From what I have heard you may want to include it in your diet soon... Just some new changes in my life; try to make the best of the cha ...   read more

Back on track with even more truth...   18 y  
Many people say that they want to know the truth until they hear it... Sorry that the truth hurts but that is the way it is in the real world...
Well here we are again looking at some truth in the world... I have been busy, like so many of us....  But it really disturbs me that so many people are so narrow minded; as to believe all the political crap put out on the mass media today...   Most of it is just pure "who cares stuff " but there are always some who must have their thoughts and actions directed by others...   Not me Babe!! If you would like to see some of what is really going on in the Middle East; and have an inquisitive mind like me....  Then go to some s ...   read more

Once upon a time...   18 y  
Lets look at tolerance, or compromise; the who, the what and the when...
Got a ball cap with "Ya think" on it last week; and have had several people say they liked it... Something to think about...  Is Life worth living?? A Latin phrase... " Toleratio est permissio negativa mali "... " Literally it means Tolerance is a negative permission of evil;  a p atient forbearance in the face of evil, either real evil or imaginary... "       Fulton J Sheen  Tolerance is never positive; there are certain principles of tolerance to understand... ...   read more

What are you doing with your life?? Revisited... HUH!!   18 y  
The direction of your life is based on how you respond... Some sit back and do nothing, others charge ahead and live like never before...
How is you life going?? Are you just sitting around waiting for something to happen?? Get off your duff, DO SOMETHING!!     Sunrise at sea off Alaska,  Aug 2006...   Your life is about you.... DUH!!  A Ninety year old Lady once told me that the main thing she missed in life was to not have gone out and done more things...  She said if she had it to do all over; she would have gone around the world, climbed the mountains, swam the rivers, hiked the trails, and seen the sunrises along the beachs... Visited her neighbors more...  The ...   read more

DO ya think? I did once and it worked!!   18 y  
Our brain is the temporary home of our mind; which is our eternal self expression for the reasoning of our soul...
This earthly existence is more than just a few shopping trips, a concert or two and a couple of rolls in the grass...  We all have a mind with which to expand and develop our future through the use of proper thinking...  Yes it will require you to stop and think.. HUH!! It is really not that hard folks...  First you need to decide who you are...  Now I realize that for many this is a chore...  But deep down we all know who we are; and if we do let the influence of others dictate who they want us to be; we can succeed in being ourself...  So take time ...   read more

Truth as it is!!   18 y  
We all should strive to know and put forward the truth!! Even if we do not agree, the truth prevails...
We search for the Truth on this blog...  When I post something, I always try to pick only the truth...  When it is about someone else; I try to only post what they say or do...  So when you read any thing posted here know that I always try to be factual and true...   If you see anything else,  or find any information that is not true please let me know so it can be checked and / or corrected!!  Thanks for your reading these posts...    See  Ya... Kermit    read more

Some stuff you might want to read about Islam...   18 y  
Life is about many things and one of them is understanding our fellow humans...
I have written five different blogs on this web site for a while... Though not mine, this is one of those blog pieces that really catches my heart...  It is absolutely horrible that we have allowed some people to control others in the name of religion!  Even to causing personal damage & demise...  Not what God had planned, I think!!  Please read this sight often to get a clearer picture of what is happening in some parts of the world today!!  This is the truth...     Notify Blogger about objectionable content. ...   read more

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Don’t let live pass you by... Maybe you should be more attentive to what is happening... more...

Last Activity: 3 y ago
275 Messages   Last message 3 y ago
127 Comments   Last comment 9 y ago

viewed 2,016,857 times
Created: 19 y   May 02 2005


Comments (10 of 127):
Re: What has happe… kermi… 9 y
Re: Why the Islami… kermi… 10 y
Re: Ti voglio bene… kermi… 10 y
Re: Reimage yourse… kermi… 10 y
Re: Paradigm analy… kermi… 10 y
Re: Salavery is no… kermi… 11 y
Re: Salavery is no… ren 11 y
Re: Natl Health Ca… kermi… 11 y
Re: Natl Health Ca… kermi… 11 y
Re: Have you ladie… kermi… 13 y
All Comments (127)

Blogs by kerminator (6):
My Unusual Road of Life....  27 mon  (1929)
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  2 y  (310)
Absolute Truth Some Wisdom an…  3 y  (291)
Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Ma…  28 mon  (224)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  29 mon  (120)

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