In The Raw
by Lapis
Page 8 of 16

Raw Carob   19 y  
Some information on carob.
More Raw Food Articles Here Whole Raw Carob Pods article courtesy of Species: Ceratonia siliqua Family: Leguminosae Common name: St. Johnís bread The Carob Tree The carob tree is a member of the legume (pea) family and it grows in Mediterranean areas. It favours arid conditions which are naturally alien to fungus and pests so little or no chemical sprays are needed in its cultivation. It is a large tree and grows to 15m in 50 years. It produces no fruit for the first 15 years of its life, but will fruit well into its old age. A large tree can produc ...   read more

Wheatgrass   19 y  
Benefits of wheatgrass
More Raw Food Articles Here Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice - - Dietary and Medicinal Benefits Body Cleanser: Wheatgrass is a powerful cleanser and may start an immediate reaction with toxins and mucus in the stomach and thus may cause nausea. Chlorophyll will bring toxins stored away in cells or fatty tissues into the bloodstream. Start with a 1-ounce serving and work up. Drink on an empty stomach. Keep refrigerated and drink the same day. Body Builder: Wheatgrass juice is very high in enzymes and chlorophyll. It contains up to 70% chlorophyll, which is an important body builder. ...   read more

Beyond RAW   19 y  
I have become aware of many things on my "Raw Path".. This article is here to share with you some of the non-food related changes I have made in my lifestyle that complement my diet related path to optimize my health, energy and well-being.
RAW Lifestyle Changes - Beyond just the food. by John Kohler (Earth Day 2001) When I first went raw, I used all the ”standard” products- i.e.: toiletries (aquafresh toothpaste, paul mitchell shampoo, ivory soap, edge shaving gel, etc.). I had no idea how bad these products were for my health! When becoming raw, and started to detox my body, I found that many of these products contain some ”nasty” ingredients, that I believe were not good for my system.. After all I was suppose to be ”de-toxifying”.. and without other lifestyle changes, I would ”re-toxify” myself.... So wh ...   read more

The Natural Way   19 y  
"By living healthfully you can take responsibility for improving your entire being which can actually improve your genetics in a process of evolution. "
More Raw Food Articles Here The Natural Way By David Klein and Roe Gallo, M.A. Do you ever stop to think that your body is a masterpiece, the product of billions of years of evolution? And that you are of the most elegant and highly evolved species on this planet Earth, with the intellectual capability to control virtually every aspect of your life? And that your environment, your lifestyle, your diet, and even your thoughts affect your well-being every day, and even affect your genetics? By living healthfully you can take responsibility for improving your entire being which ca ...   read more

*Raw Food "misconceptions"   19 y  
"..some people have misconceptions about eating this kind of diet(raw/living food), and therefore there's a bunch of misleading information floating around. I have been eating this way for over a decade, and have amassed tons of knowledge on the subject, so I'll attempt to put things in perspective."
More Raw Food Articles Here Raw Foods - What Some People Don’t Know by Don Bennett, DAS A diet containing lots of uncooked (raw/living) food (fruits, vegetables, and some nuts and seeds) goes a long way towards optimum health. But some people have misconceptions about eating this kind of diet, and therefore there’s a bunch of misleading information floating around. I have been eating this way for over a decade, and have amassed tons of knowledge on the subject, so I’ll attempt to put things in perspective. With one exception, the quotes below are from the article, ”Simply Raw” whi ...   read more

~ Raw Health Basics ~   19 y  
"After 20 years in the clinical health field including 10 years in Asian clinics, temples and dojo I have always found it intriguing and sad to think about how strong a hold media and big business sponsored fear have on peoples' misunderstandings about biology and raw foods."
MoreRaw Food Articles Here Raw Food Diet By Paul Sweeney The path to living free and joyfully After 20 years in the clinical health field including 10 years in Asian clinics, temples and dojo I have always found it intriguing and sad to think about how strong a hold media and big business sponsored fear have on peoples’ misunderstandings about biology and raw foods. Patients are always surprised when I tell them the health basics: *bacteria are largely what many human genes are made of and are nature’s greatest healers and doctors *all cooked proteins, fats and carbs p ...   read more

~ Why Raw Food ~   19 y  
Why raw, why peace, why disease free. Why love, why hope is one and the same.
More Raw Food Articles Here Why Raw Food? by Arnold (originally appeared on Arnold’sWay.Com) As part of the web site, one question asked of me was “Why Raw food?” Which to me is almost like saying, why breath, why live, why be? There is almost no choice in the matter. It does not make sense to heat food from the earth, with all its richness, and then destroy it by processing. We being man, the most so called advanced of all living creatures the ones with the largest brain, have the least sense when it comes to dietary choice. No other animal destroys their food before eating it. I ...   read more

Microwaving Hazards   19 y  
To nuke or not to nuke, that is the question. This article will attempt to acquaint you with some facts about microwaving food.
More Raw Food Articles Here The Hazards of Microwaving Your Food by Don Bennett, DAS Recent research shows that food cooked in a microwave oven suffers severe molecular damage. When eaten, it causes abnormal changes in human blood, and in the immune system. Not surprisingly, the public has seen very little information on these significant health dangers... Microwave ovens are big business. I remember when no one I knew had a microwave. And now these same people wonder how they ever got along without one. A better question is: How will you ”get along” with one? Back in May o ...   read more

Raw Veggies: Cancer   19 y  
Number one Protective food for Cancer? Read on.
More Raw Food Articles Here Raw Vegetables Protect Against Cancer A review of 206 human epidemiologic studies and 22 animal studies on the relationship between fruits and vegetables and cancer risk found that: RAW VEGETABLES ARE THE NUMBER ONE PROTECTIVE FOOD AGAINST CANCER. Steinmetz KA, Potter JD. Vegetables, fruit, and cancer prevention: a review. J Am Diet Assoc 1996 Oct;96(10):1027-39 World Cancer Research Fund, London, England.   read more

Natural Diet Primer   19 y  
A diet for healthy people.
More Raw Food Articles Here The Natural Diet Primer by Don Bennett, DAS The ”raw food diet”, sometimes referred to as a ”living foods diet”, has many proponents around the world. This way of eating appeals to those who want to be as healthy as possible. Organic, natural plant foods make up this diet. Some advocate 100 percent raw foods, others say a high percentage of raw foods in your diet, while not the optimum, is still beneficial (any cooked food that is consumed is plant-based). Cooking food does the following: • Proteins coagulate and are denatured damaging essential ...   read more

Raw Foods   19 y  
Utilizing raw foods as an important part of your health plan.
More Raw Food Articles Here Raw Foods - What Some People Don’t Know by Don Bennett, DAS A diet containing lots of uncooked (raw/living) food (fruits, vegetables, and some nuts and seeds) goes a long way towards optimum health. But some people have misconceptions about eating this kind of diet, and therefore there’s a bunch of misleading information floating around. I have been eating this way for over a decade, and have amassed tons of knowledge on the subject, so I’ll attempt to put things in perspective. With one exception, the quotes below are from the article, ”Simply Raw” whi ...   read more

Raw Thoughts   19 y  
An interesting perspective on raw food/health.
More Raw Food Articles Here Raw Thoughts Nora Lenz You may have thought that discovering raw food was the answer to all your questions about how to become truly healthy. However, if you’ve done any reading at all on the subject, you will no doubt have noticed that the raw world is filled with confusing and conflicting information. When there are so many different opinions, philosophies and approaches, it can be difficult to choose a path to follow. The extent of confusion in the general field of human health originates from the idea that no set of consistent health truths is ...   read more

Proper Food Combining   19 y  
Natural Hygiene has taught us that proper food combining is an important aspect of attaining and sustaining physical health.
More Raw Food Articles Here TROPHOLOGY - THE SCIENCE OF FOOD COMBINING Daniel Reid ”It is an established scientific fact in Western medicine that in order to initiate efficient digestion of any concentrated animal protein, the stomach must secrete pepsin. But it is also a well-known fact that pepsin can function only in a highly acidic medium, which must be maintained for several hours for complete digestion of proteins. It is an equally well established fact of science that when we chew a piece of bread or potato or any other carbohydrate/starch, ptyalin and other alkaline ju ...   read more

Raw "online" Radio   19 y  
Several links to online raw discussions or tals in audio format.
More Raw Food Articles Here Raw Radio Online (Thursdays, at 3 pm) For your listening pleasure. Audio formats include Real, Flash, and MP3.   read more

Great Raw Healing Book   19 y  
"Ask yourself this.. "Where has conventional medicine gotten me so far?" Well, I can tell you that if you are on this web site, it hasn't gotten you far enough or you wouldn't be here. Many unfortunate souls will even find there way here because conventional medicine has not only NOT cured them, but it has made them worse!" ~~~Shelly Keck-Borsits~~
More Raw Food Articles Here Dying To Get Well is a great book for those searching for answers to difficult illnesses. Shelly has created a very good resource for people ready to create wellness in their life at a physical/dietary level. She (and so many others) have found the raw vegan aproach to be magical in its power in allowing the body to heal itself. Here is a link to the book (which she also makes available in a free pfd format for those who are not able to afford it due to financial stress. She wanted there to be no barriers to people in need to get the information for ...   read more

Raw Variety   19 y  
"It may be because I'm a bit of an epicurean myself. I love food and, since I seem to be endowed with a few culinary talents, I never get bored. I like to vary my diet and introduce new fruits, new nuts, new vegetables and new recipes. And I encourage you to do the same for two things. First being bored isn't fun. Second, it might not be healthy either."
More Raw Food Articles Here Making it Fun! Avoiding Boredom and Nutritional Deficiencies on a Raw Diet By Frederic Patenaude ”A Someone’s boring me. I think it’s me.” Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) The scene looks like this: you’re hungry, you’re alone, and you’re going to eat another meal of romaine lettuce, tomatoes and avocados. And you’re bored. And these avocados are starting to be less interesting than ever. And it’s raining outside, and cold, and damp. And you’re wondering, is the fun of eating raw gone? Will I be able to eat like that forever? Can this really be healthy? ...   read more

Journey To "RAWDOM"   19 y  
"It's been my experience that my sense of vision has increased literally and figuratively since going raw. Before raw I didn't envisage anything of any consequence regarding my health, or my relationship with food. To be honest, I didn't even know there was anything to be thought on the subject you just eat and get on with life, don't you? So I thought."
More Raw Food Articles Here The Journey to Rawdom: Vision By Karen Knowler When you first came across the concept of raw eating, do you remember what thoughts first crossed your mind or how you felt? Did you try to imagine how you would look or feel if you began it yourself? Or did your body and mind become all-consumed by your excitement as your mind filled with visions of an internal and external paradise? A life lived with excitement and enthusiasm and the energy to pull it all off? Or, perhaps, after months or years of ill health, you simply imagined getting well again, of feeli ...   read more

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Discussing the incredible health benefits of eating a Raw, vegan diet. Topics will include juicing, sprouting, cultured vegetables, organic food, life force, etc. After studying countless diets and trying many of them first hand, I believe this way of life to be ideal for optimal health, for each of us as individuals, and for the entire planet as a whole. After all, you can’t improve on the intricate ”plan” of nature. When is the last time you saw a zebra sit down to a cooked meal? .....this is truely nature’s intended diet, a way of life that creates harmony, balance and abundant health.… more...

Last Activity: 11 y ago
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100 Comments   Last comment 11 y ago

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Created: 19 y   Feb 12 2005


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Comments (10 of 100):
Re: Raw Food Cures… #1156… 11 y
Seeking a Dr. Croo… North 14 y
Hope all is well BLUEPAST… 15 y
Re: Colitis Cured:… Hobok… 17 y
secret health movi… dr en… 17 y
Meat and violence … jcmal… 17 y
It is all good as … kermi… 18 y
Before and After grzbear 18 y
" Why Suffer?" Su… kermi… 18 y
Re: food combining Lapis 18 y
All Comments (100)

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One  18 y  (384)
Collective Disease Incorporat…  18 y  (372)
Resonance: "a vibrational col…  18 y  (144)
Alternative Health (A to Z)  18 y  (46)
Pharma Watch  18 y  (38)
Energy Healing  18 y  (33)
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