BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie
by Aharleygyrl
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Milk Frequently Asked Questions   17 y  
FAQs to NOTMILK.COM + 52 good reasons to abandon milk and dairy!
Browse the Frequently Asked Questions below and click the QUESTION for a ”pop up” answer window. What do you think of PETA’s ”got zits” campaign? Are vegetarians healthier than meat eaters? Does milk cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Does milk consumption cause bone disease? Does dairy consumption play a role in heart disease? Are there growth hormones in cow’s milk? Is there a milk and dairy link to diabetes? Does milk consumption cause Crohn’s disease? Is th ...   read more

Unhappy Cows Come From California   17 y  
Consumers are misled into thinking cows in the dairy industry are well treated when, in fact, most of California's dairy cows live anything but easy lives.
Cows produce milk only to feed their baby calf.  So, factory farmers (which have all but replaced the small farmer) artificially inseminate them every year which causes them to produce 100 pounds of milk a day, 10 times more than they would in nature.  Then, they take their calf from them at only a day or two old.  The female calves are slaughtered for the rennet in their stomachs (an ingredient of most commercial cheeses) or used for dairy cows.  The males are put in veal crates where they cannot turn around or see daylight for 16 weeks, until they are slaughtered.  Unnatu ...   read more

WARNING: Your Cookware Could be Making You Sick!   17 y  
Non-stick=Fluoride, Aluminum and Perfluorooctanoic Acid. Stainless steel has alloys containing nickel, chromium, molybdenum, carbon and various other metals.
Despite your best intentions to eat healthier meals, exercise regularly, drink pure water, and use key supplements, something scary could be preventing you from achieving your peak wellness. And it lurks in your kitchen cabinets ... Funny as it may sound, that scary ”something ” could be your pots and pans! Yes, the cookware you use to prepare your food might be downright dangerous to your health. This may not be a new issue for you. As I continue to discuss the dangers of some types of cookware on the site, one of the most common questions I receive is ”Wha ...   read more

Honey Is Bee Vomit   17 y  
Honey must not be used at any time internally. It is manufactured from the nectar picked up from the flowers by the bees...then predigested, vomited and stored for their own future use with a preservative added. It is deficient in calcium and has many detrimental effects for the human being.
After reading a blog on how healthy honey is a while back, I felt stupid...telling someone I did not realize honey was for bees to eat, that I thought it was made for humans.  I still thought humans were supposed to have it.  We are taught honey is so nutritious and natural.  Recently, I discovered that humans are not  supposed to be eating it at all .  And, the fact that bees throw it up, I find so disgusting, I cannot even touch another bite of it.  I stumbled across it on a master cleanse site, where it said honey is not to be used during the cleanse, and that Vegans do not believe in ...   read more

Diagnosing Breast Cancer   17 y  
Diagnosis Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer In The 21st Century: Hope On The Horizon Ultrasound is emerging as a diagnostic technique that, when used by an experienced radiologist, can pick out tumors too small to be seen on mammograms. It can also help distinguish between fluid-filled cysts and the more ominous solid mass. It is usually performed if there are suspicious findings on a mammogram, especially in women with very dense breast tissue. When used in conjunction with mammography the cancer detection rate increases from 70% to 94%. TC-99 tetrofosmin is another new diagnostic imaging te ...   read more

5 Super Foods: The Next Generation   17 y  
Top 5 Super Foods - picked by Dietitians Garlic, broccoli, soy, peanuts and salmon: These were the top five super foods a decade ago. After 10 years of new scientific discoveries, which food stays on the list and which foods are the rising stars?
By Gloria Tsang R.D. February 2007 Walnuts Walnuts are one of the best plant sources of protein. They are rich in fiber, B vitamins, magnesium and antioxidants such as Vitamin E. Nuts in general are also high in plant sterols and omega 3 fatty acids . Walnuts, in particular, have significantly higher amounts of omega 3 fatty acids as compared to other nuts. In March 2004, the FDA endorsed the health benefits of walnuts by approving its heart health claim. For more details, read Health Benefits of Walnuts Flax Seed ...   read more

Beaming Away Cancer with Simple Radio Waves   17 y  
Leukemia patient and former broadcast engineer, John Kanzius, has developed a new cancer-fighting technique that uses radio waves to destroy cancer-causing agents. He's not a doctor but scientists are thrilled with his idea and are two years away from human trials.
Radio Wave Machine Government Support?   read more

Ant-acid Myth   17 y  
How To Protect Your Stomach Against Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and Cancer
LivingTree Root #002 UpDated April 10, 2007 Discerning reader; This is the ”Antacid Myth”... It is a cold hard fact that the older we get the ~less~ stomach acid (HCL with pepsin) we produce. We know mother nature not only works this way concerning gastric acid and digestive enzymes, but, so too, with pretty much ~all~ biologically necessary substances. For example, older people produce less glucosomine and SAMe, so arthritis develops. Additionally, advanced in years, people produce less COQ-10, so heart problems become an avoidable result. A conservative ...   read more

Quackwatch: Stephen Barrett, M.D.   17 y  
Sources of income is misleading...
I was amazed at all the websites Barrett has. I thought perhaps he gets government grants for all those. I wrote and asked. He said. ”Not a penny”. It is difficult to believe it is all privately funded through pay pal and amazon.com donations. It is obvious to me from reading wikipedia (below), that Barrett has a vested interest in attacking alternative health practices while promoting mainstream medicine. His sources of income statement on his website does not mention all his sources of income that are listed in Wikipedia. I find that very deceptive. From reading about him, it is plain to ...   read more

Mercury In Birth Control Products   17 y  
Lubricated condoms and birth control creams or gels have mercury as the primary spermicide
That mercury can affect fertility is well known since mercury has been commonly used as a spermicide in birth control products. http://www.floridalcv.org/FLCVEdFund/press_release_2001_mercury.htm Chronic inhalation of mercury vapor from amalgam fillings for twenty years or more can result in accumulation of pathologic quantities of mercury in the brain and other critical organs and tissues. Human autopsy studies of accident victims have shown a positive correlation between the numbers of mercury amalgam dental fillings and the concentration of mercury in the brain. The onset of cli ...   read more

Why We Need Sports   17 y  
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack...
By AHarleyGyrl Sports encompasses many meanings for people, but all Sports do share a common denominator. You have heard the saying, man cannot live by bread alone and things like that..well, for the same reasons that City Planning Commissions enact Beautification Ordinances to make us feel good when we view their aesthetics, humans use Sports. Humans were set up with emotions and one of them is happiness, which we express through laughter and smiling, cheering and such. So, we must have an outlet to express all our emotions. Humans are social and form collective groups especia ...   read more

Plastic Planet   17 y  
Excerpt: That’s not good enough anymore, says biologist Pete Myers, PhD, publisher of EnvironmentalHealthNews.org and coauthor of Our Stolen Future (Plume, 1997). “For decades the study of toxicology followed the paradigm that the dose makes the poison: High levels are bad, and low levels have no effect.” But, he says, traditional studies miss a whole class of very low-level effects that can upset the hormonal system’s natural balance.
Plastic Planet February, 2005 Food containers … water bottles … cling wrap … toys. We’re surrounded by plastics because they’re inexpensive and handy. But some scientists question their safety. Find out how plastics may affect you, the environment, and world communities. By Julie Rothschild Levi Peek inside any American household, and you’ll find it brimming with plastics. From food containers, cling wraps, and water jugs to baby bottles and toys, plastics are ubiquitous because they’re inexpensive, handy, and durable. Y ...   read more

Safe Plastic Containers   17 y  
The Solutions
What to look for Safer plastics--#2HDPE, #4LDPE, and #5PP When choosing plastic containers, even those you’ll use over and over again, choose those that are accepted for recycling in your area. Although #1 PETE is one of the most commonly recycled types, there are no containers designed for re-use made from it, and one should never re-use single-use #1 plastic bottles because their design doesn’t lend itself to proper cleaning and the bottles can harbor bacterial growth. There are, however, a number of reusable containers made from another commonly recycled plastic, #2 HDPE. ...   read more

Plastic Containers   17 y  
The Problems
Personal Health Dioxins Substantial threats to health arise during plastic manufacturing, both from ethylene monomers, the basic building block for plastic, and from the problem chemicals added to give plastic products their desirable performance properties. Dioxins, which are highly toxic even at low doses, are produced when plastics are manufactured and incinerated. While dioxin levels in the U.S. environment have been declining for the last 30 years, they break down so slowly that some of the dioxins from past releases will still be in the environment many years hence. In ...   read more

The Sinister Side of Soda   17 y  
The unvarnished truth about how soda consumption affects your family’s health, the environment, and communities around the world
Coop America’s Real Money January/February 2007 By Tracy Fernandez Rysavy When it comes to the health effects of drinking soda, it’s hard to separate fact from scary urban legend. Do sodas cause esophageal cancer? Can you get brain tumors from drinking too many diet sodas? Are there really 19 teaspoons of teeth-rotting sugar in each can? And just how much extra weight could you lose by kicking the can-a-day habit? Real Money dug deep to find the facts about soda consumption and how it affects your family’s health, the environment, and communities around the world. ...   read more

Is Your Boss A Psychopath? Take The Quiz   17 y  
Odds are you've run across one of these characters in your career. They're glib, charming, manipulative, deceitful, ruthless -- and very, very destructive. And there may be lots of them in America's corner offices.
From: Issue 96 | July 2005 | Page 44 | By: Alan Deutschman | Illustrations by: Christian Northeast One of the most provocative ideas about business in this decade so far surfaced in a most unlikely place. The forum wasn’t the Harvard Business School or one of those $4,000-a-head conferences where Silicon Valley’s venture capitalists search for the next big thing. It was a convention of Canadian cops in the far-flung province of Newfoundland. The speaker, a 71-year-old professor emeritus from the University of British Columbia, remains virtually unknown in the business realm. But h ...   read more

Profits Before Health   17 y  
How Capitalists look out for their bottom line instead of your health...
By AHarleyGyrl There are very few things I listen to when it comes to the American Cancer Society (or any other government agency, for that matter).  One thing, they say (and have for many many years), that pickled cured and smoked foods can increase cancer risk.  When i was a kid, I had a list of their things to avoid.  I think there were 5.  Anyway, I believe them on that one.  My question is...if these things are associated with cancer, why are they sold to us?  Could it be because of Capitalism and that means everyone has an equal opportunity (and I use the term loosely) to poison ...   read more

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Created: 17 y   Jun 01 2007


Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Regenerate your digestive system and organs. Speed up your metabolism...

Black Walnut Tincture
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End Constipation Now
Let oxygen remove old, impacted fecal matter as it detoxifies and...

Comments (10 of 609):
Re: One Additional… ren 15 y
Re: One Additional… kermi… 15 y
One Additional Note Free2… 15 y
Re: PiNkNBLuE 15 y
Re: Cure Tooth Dec… AHarl… 17 y
Re: Cure Tooth Dec… kermi… 17 y
Re: Dear Webmaster #27054 17 y
Re: Good Thinking vairagi 17 y
very enlightening,… speed… 17 y
Re: *AMAZING* SIX-… #2705… 17 y
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