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Wedding Diet
by annaconda

92 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 409,680 times
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  • Some great news!   by  annaconda     18 y     2,768       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Wedding Diet
    Apparently being on the last day of my period last month was not a good time to weigh in. I went back yesterday, and it's official - I'm down 5 pounds from LAST FRIDAY and 10 pounds overall.

    Inches - I've lost 1/2 inch on my hips since my last weigh in.

    I've started the cardio attack, and cut down on the lifting. I'm lifting no more than twice a week. This afternoon during lunch I did 1/2 hour of the weight circuit, and some walking lunges and pushups. Yesterday I did 15 minutes on the bike, 20 minutes elliptical, and 30 minutes on the treadmill. I definitely feel different when I add the extra cardio and take away the weights. I feel lighter the next day.

    Now for the gross (and really cool part) POOP:
    In February, a series of 3 colonics did me really well. About mid march, I started eating not so great, and I got clogged up. I was regularly using oxy powder, and it seemed to help, but I'd still feel clogged up.

    Since last Friday, when I had the horrible weigh-in and crying jag, I've been really good about eating one serving, and not eating too much at a time. Really good. And I've had much less alcohol.

    Since my weigh in last night, I've pooped a record of like 5 times, and I'm CLEANED OUT!!!! I mean, I think I can add a pound to my weight loss, because since the weigh in I've sure been going! I've never felt really regular - but I haven't taken any oxy powder at all, just a lot of cardio, and salad, and few carbs. Last night for dinner I had chicken, broccoli, and peanut sauce stirfry (yummy) but I did not have a second serving, and I ate slowly. I also drank just water.

    So I think by keeping my portions to normal human portions :) and keeping the carbs to a minimum, I might be doing my body a real favor, and it seems to be returning the favor.

    Today I missed breakfast, I usually have yogurt at work, but it's crazy getting all the radio spots ready for the end of the month, beginning of next month. So after lunch, I had a whole salad, rather than the 1/2 salad I've been having, and I had dressing. I also ate a breadstick. I'm feeling full, and I know I should have eaten this morning so as not to feel so ravenous at lunch. But I'm going straight home after work, what a great reward, and maybe I'll do some yoga.

    I've coerced the fiance into going on a run with me today too.

    Yeah, I'm happy. I'm happy that I have 86 days to go, and I feel like I know what I need to do. Alcohol is the devil. Diet pepsi is also the devil, but at one a day or less, I think I'll focus on making alcohol a treat, rather than a daily dose of empty calories. I'm happy I have worked this hard and made some progress.

    I told my sister today, I feel like if the wedding was today, I'd feel OK about wearing my dress. But the fact that I've done a lot of work and come such a long way learning some new habits empowers me to look forward to the last 2.5 months with the knowledge that I can do it, I can slim down. Size 12 goodbye! Size 8 here I come. I swear.
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    This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • im so happy for you   by  ausjulie     18 y     1,085
      great news on the weight loss but more important on how you feel. i think you really need to find what works for you and go for that. alcohol is my demon too. in that i know it is empty calories but it is a nice treat on the w'ends. i really think the oxypowder helps you get that regular thing. after i did the 7 day cleanse on it i stopped and have never being so regular. of course eating healthier food deifnately makes the difference. now i have my wedding story for you. i have been married now for nearly 14 years. my husband and i where 21 adn already had our first son. i was probably a size 8 - altohgou its funny becasue i never really even cared what size clothes where i just bought waht fit! anyway we got married for all th wrong reasons. i felt pressure from family community being unwed adn he felt like he had to do the right thing. we ahve being thru ups and downs along the way the first 4 years are a bit of a blur do to having 2 more kids movign house every 12 months and changing jobs. we nearly separated 10 years ago but we finally worked it out. we made a pact with each other to make it work and make each other happy. probably 3 years after that i felt like he was my absolute everything and dearly wanted to marry him. we often joke now and still say hey wanna marry me. the thing is i was up to a size 16 then and never happier, we were never happier. my wedding photos i have i look good , size 8 but not happy there is no sparkle in my eyes liek there is now. i wish that had of being my wedding day photo no matter what size i was. with a sparkle in my eyes happy and meatn to be there. i hope this makes some sense to you. im not saying weight is not important- obviously it is due to my recent activiteis. but having a great relationship and working on that and yourself is the most important. i hope your wedding photos are of a glowing bride. oh and i hope this hasnt come across as me complaining - i am the luckiest woman alive. i wish you and your partner all the happiness i have expereinced in my married life. the downs are bad but man it is so worth it when you come out the other side.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: im so happy for you   by  annaconda     18 y     1,375
        Yes, I definitely found the guy and I have the sparkle. I'm so excited about my man, and our relationship. We talked about running away, and skipping the wedding thing. That's kind of more our style. But we wanted to bring the families together, and we could use the gifts.

        I started working out and eating better to look good and feel good. But the thing that made me manic about slimming down is that my mom has a really crazy relationship with food, and she's super skinny and a workout a holic. I have a little bit of a complex about it, and I just can't stand the thought of standing next to my mom in these pictures, at the weight I was at.

        I had also always been an athlete, or was when I was younger, and I never felt really comfortable being heavy. Luckily for me, I have the chance now, not having any kids, to work on this. It's been an amazing thing to find this community. Many people just don't think about what they're putting in their bodies - and they can eat anything. Me, it seems like I just love food, and if I had a choice, I'd eat as much as I wanted.

        But I'm having fun slimming down - I'm hoping it all works out.

        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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