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Je Rêve de Toi
by JeSuisButterfly

63 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 368,097 times
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  • The Black Dog of Inlé   by  JeSuisButterfly     19 y     3,078       8 Messages Shown       Blog: Je Rêve de Toi
    I feel so awful! Last night, there was a loud [and bright] thunderstorm here in San Diego. It was so loud that my room reverberated with every roll of thunder.
    At about 12:15 a.m., I had this sudden urge to open a can of soda. Soda, at this time of morning? I don't even want it.. I thought to myself, but nevertheless I followed my intuition and popped open a can, taking a tiny sip.
    I heard the click of paws and claws and turned to my open sliding-glass door. To my surprise, I saw a medium-sized black wolf-looking dog on the patio. He began to enter my room, and, freaking out, I threw my can of Coke straight at him and slammed the door shut when he backed up.
    Though I was shaking, a wave of shame washed over me. How dare I refuse the entrance of a creature that was seeking comfort? Chastising and reprimanding myself silently, I opened the door and stepped outside to find the poor frightened animal.
    Oddly enough, the dog was nowhere to be found. How could he have gotten in? The fence is much too high to jump. Even if he had come in through the standard entrance, there was really no way he could have gotten out... I failed to see him on the patio, so I opened the gate to check the street. I walked up and down that street, and even checked the cul-de-sac - it was as if the small shadowed wolf had vanished! I heard a slight growl, but it was if that growl came out of thin air.

    I told my mother about it this morning, and she too found it to be odd, for yesterday she also had a black wolf-looking creature lying on her lawn.. but she lives in Washington!

    What makes me sad is that NO ONE believes me. It really happened! I saw its long, fluffy tail.. the thick ruff of fur around its neck.. its long muzzle.. I SAW this dog, this wolf.. I heard its nails from its paws on the stone surface..

    Oh Spirit Dog.. forgive me...

    Speaking of imagination, I'm exceptionally furious with myself for having such convincing fears.
    In a way, I wish I would have remained ignorant about so many things. About GMO foods, about the cruel intentions of the pharmaceutical companies.. the chemtrails that don't exist, just how toxic our world really is. I have no doubt that I was supposed to learn all of this. Maybe I was supposed to fall ill, so I can seek to educate myself [or, rather, uneducate?] get back to Nature.
    But what truly bothers me is that these fears are holding me back. They are literally crippling, paralyzing me. I dream about them, I think about them non-stop when I am awake, I'm even too afraid to leave my house. I used to have a desire to travel, I felt comfortable no matter where I was, completely at ease and confident with myself. That comfort and those dreams have been completely destroyed and reduced to ashes. Thoughts become reality, and my thoughts are filled with intense fear of toxins and illness. As a result, I am remaining ill, and very, very afraid.
    I have dabbled in EFT and self-hypnosis, even oral affirmations. I fear nothing will assuage me.

    The worst part is, all of this is an illusion! I'm staying ill and afraid because of things that truly don't exist! Fears manifest into reality. I know, if I want to become better, I'm going to have to change my thoughts. The problem is, we usually allow our subconscious to rule. Our conscious minds hold the power to accept or reject thoughts, negative or positive, and regulate our experiences - but our subconscious minds provide the emotion for us, and we usually surrender to that emotion and ADD to it, instead of taking the effort to change it.

    I thank Liora Leah -deeply- for speaking to her we-Guides for me, and I thank her we-Guides for speaking to mine. What they say is true, I know it's true, but why can I not convince myself?
    Regardless, I will continue to follow what they have instructed. I really respect

    I feel awful that my we-Guides have been trying to speak to me, but I cannot hear.

    I try to talk to you, Guides! Please don't think I'm ignoring you! Please don't think I don't appreciate that you try to help me! I'm really trying to hear you, I'm really trying to speak to you, I just don't know how...

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    • Hope you're feeling better...   by  oztin     19 y     1,259

      I read your blog and thought about what you must be going through. It's a ruff ruff world out here, huh? (pun/fun intended) :-)

      But I wanted to tell you to hang in there. You are soooooo way ahead of the game... 99% of the people out there, regardless of their age, are so clueless... Yeah, I know, sometimes, you probably wish you weren't so "clued in", especially the "scary" stuff. But let me ask you this: if you could, would you choose ignorance again?

      You have friends here on curezone supporting you and sending you positive energy. Whenever you are fearful and afraid, draw upon that energy and it will comfort you. Know that this "reality" is really nothing more than a "dream fabric" of God, and that when you align yourself with the Divine, you become a co-creator of reality.

      Know that "in the end", the good guys always win. It's in the script!

      Meditate on the eternal truths of life and all your fears will naturally dissolve. Have faith and by your faith, you shall be healed. And FWIW, I have faith in you!!

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      • Ozzie! You always make me feel better!   by  JeSuisButterfly     19 y     1,035
        After the family heard the dog story, they said 'Out out out!'
        I know it's said it's best to have fresh air all the time, so I sleep with the sliding glass door open.. but there's no screen - the family was always so nervous to have the doors open, I think this was the last straw, lol.
        They're giving me a little less than a month, but I'm not worried. My mother seems happy to have me come back.. the only reason why I wouldn't want to go are the "chemtrails." But you are right, this is just a Dream, isn't it?

        Some things, I would like to forget, or at least learn to accept. Others, you're right, it is MUCH better that we are aware.

        What do you meditate on? How do you meditate? Were you afraid of this stuff, too? Can you please tell me how you learned to rule through the Self, and not allow fear to rule you?

        [sorry if this is so jumbled, I know what I want to ask but just not how to put it into words!!]

        All in all, what I really want to say is.. thank you for talking to me. You are a blessing! I feel like we could be the good friends that hang out on Friday nights and just talk and LAUGH! LOL [I'm sorry, I'm such a teenager]!!
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        • Re: Ozzie! You always make me feel better!   by  oztin     19 y     1,230

          When I was in Hawaii and stayed at a hotel with my sister and her husband, I slept outside on the patio while they slept in their air-conditioned room.  They thought I was nuts, but I was just so in love with the fresh outdoor air that it didn't matter.  It's great that you sleep with good air circulation...  and S.D. has such wonderful weather for that!!!

          I always sleep with the windows wide open too, with no screen either and bugs and all.  In fact, there's this one little mosquito that keeps me half awake all night long, buzzing 'round my ears.  I think it's the same mosquito every night...  that blood suc*** knows where the highest quality blood is to be found.  :-)

          Yes, this really just a dream... and here's what I meditate on to keep me sane in such an insane world:

          Row, row, row your boat
          Gently down the stream.
          Merrily, merrily merrily merrily
          Life is but a dream.

          You can row only your boat, not someone else's.  Change can only come from within.  We can't change the world, only ourselves.

          Gently down the stream...  No use in stressing over life. 

          Merrily merrily merrily merrily ...   At any given moment, we have the ability to choose to be happy and joyful.  It's a lot  easier to do when you realize that...

          Life is but a dream.   If this is true, then Being a Lucid Dreamer totally Rockzzz!

          It's a gentle reminder to not take it all too seriously, and that I am a thought of God, and that this reality I am experiencing is a dream fabric of God that vanishes every night when I close my eyes and drift off back to the Bliss from whence I sprung.

          But seriously...  there is a larger "game" that is afoot than meets the eye.  We are the Cosmic Dreamers, the Reality Makers, the Game Players.  Life is the playing field, and like the game "Simms", there are game "cheats".  It's up to us to find them to better enjoy this game of Life. 

          One "cheat" I use that you already know about is the "Unstoppable Immune System" cheat.  I'm around people who get sick, but I don't (Praise the Lord!).  I almost feel that it's unfair...  but, hey, I've earned it.   How cool is that to have an Unstoppable Immune System that can react faster than any pathogen can mutate?  To never fall ill again?  Rock on!

          I'm working on more "cheats" to make life a little bit easier and more fun.      But whooaaa....  I started off talking about open windows and here's where I am...  I guess you're not the only one that can ramble on...

          It's funny you mention about being such a teen-ager...  It's great to always be young at heart, no matter how many times you've circled the sun.  It would be a a lot of fun to hang out and relax and talk and laugh and share the joy of life together.  When I was in my early twenties, most of my friends were people in their 30's.  I still have those friends, but now that I'm in my 30's, most of my new friends that I really enjoy being with are people in their early 20's or younger.  What comes around goes around!

          Good night, Papi.  I enjoy reading your blog.  You have such honesty and sweetness that's very refreshing. 


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    • Dog-Wolf-Coyote   by  Liora Leah     19 y     983
      Papillon: I think it's significant that both you and your mom had dog interactions at the same time!

      "The Dog

      Throughout history dogs have been known as protectors and guardians. Their acute hearing and keen sight forewarned their masters of impending danger. Dogs are known as mans best friend. They serve selflessly never asking for their service to be prasied. They hold the energies of unconditional love and teach us its true meaning.

      The domesticated dog is a faithful companion to humans and has a strong willingness to serve. Their sense of spirit and the ability to love even when abused is incredible. The dog teaches those with this totem how to give and receive love unconditionally. It also carries the energy of forgiveness. People with dog medicine would do well in service oriented jobs.

      Dogs are intelligent and sensitive. They are able to sniff out dangerous situations accurately and guide us into safety. Psychic gifts have long been are associated with the dog because of their ability to detect subtle energy frequencies often unknown to mankind. If dog suddenly appears in your life pay attention to your immediate surroundings and let the dog guide your footsteps.

      Certain breeds of dog were designed for specific functions. The study of the breed and its purpose can help you define the energy associated with it. Since wolves and coyotes are its descendants these should be studied as well.

      The behavior of a dog often reflects the personality of its owner. Through its observation and constant interaction with you it anticipates your next move, and serves as a mirror image of who you truly are. The dog is a great teacher for those who are willing to be loyal students. The choice is yours." Cycle of Power Animal Totems

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      Liora Leah
      • Re: Dog-Wolf-Coyote   by  Liora Leah     19 y     1,043
        The Wolf

        When a lone wolf is spotted in the wilderness it embodies the energy of freedom. When seen in a pack it embodies a sense of community. If wolf appears to you alone or in a pack it is asking you to acquire the same within your own life. In spite of their negative press wolves are actually friendly, social and highly intelligent.

        The wolf's senses are highly developed. Their intelligence is marked with excellent hearing, sense of smell and strong feeling. They are determined as well as cunning and use these skills for the benefit of the pack. The howl of the wolf is primal and penetrating. They howl to find other pack members or to let wolves from outside of the pack know their territory boundaries. If you hear a wolf howl it might be telling you to stand your ground and defend your boundaries.

        Wolf teaches you to have a balance between the needs your family has of you and the needs you have for yourself. They are totally loyal to the pack but do not give up their identity to the pack. If wolf appears in your life you are being asked to look at where you are being too dependent and where you may be too independent. In both family and community there needs to be a balance.

        Wolves convey much with their bodies. If they are angry, they may stick their ears straight up and bare their teeth. A wolf who is suspicious pulls its ears back and squints. Fear is often shown by flattening the ears against the head. A wolf who wants to play dances and bows playfully. Their body language is symbolic for those with this medicine. Man also uses body language to convey messages. The study of this art can increase perception in those with this totem.

        Wolves hunt in packs, relying on endurance to run down weak and older animals. They have been known to run 35 miles a day in pursuit. They are the epitome of stamina and strength. With an extremely well developed societal organization, they act together to hunt and raise their young. They do not fight unnecessarily and often go out of their way to avoid fighting. Sometimes a growl, a glance, a posture is all that is necessary to determine dominance. Wolf teaches those with this medicine to know who you are and to develop strength and confidence in what you do.

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        Liora Leah
        • Re: Dog-Wolf-Coyote   by  Liora Leah     19 y     946
          The Coyote

          For a long time humans have been attempting to shoot, poison and trap coyote into non-exsistence. Instead, birds like the Condor have been nearly wiped out with poisoned meat, and the clever coyote may be more numerous today than ever. Despite humanities encroachment and aggression, coyote has found a way to walk its walk and survive.

          Coyotes usually mate for life. They live in the sides of hills or in underground dens where the family unit is well protected. They prefer open grassland and thinly wooded brush, but can adapt to almost any environment. Because of this they have been able to survive and grow in numbers.

          I once heard a story about a female Coyote who got caught in a trap and gnawed off her own paw---twice. At last report she was doing fine, hobbling around on her two front stumps, and she had borne a healthy litter. Coyotes hunt small game not with speed, but by pouncing and snapping with their jaws. She was able to do this quite well and was fulfilling her role as a mother. Those with this medicine will go to extreme measures to protect and nurture family members. Words that rip and tear another to shreds should be avoided. Sporadic bursts of energy are common and balanced action is required for ones overall well being. Excellent caretakers coyote medicine people put other peoples needs before their own. Care is advised however to give to yourself equally.

          In some native tribes the coyote is referred to as the trickster. I prefer to see the coyote as cunning and clever. There are many stories about the coyote. He is known as the great one and the foolish one. Coyote does not consciously try to trick us, he mirrors our own human capacity for displaying cleverness and stupidity.

          Like the coyote we can work with others to get what we want in life, or we can dive into a lake to catch a reflection. We can send troubles away or invite them carelessly. When coyote wanders into your life you are being asked to look at something you have been avoiding. Coyote is our mirror for the lessons we need to learn in order to walk a good sacred road. It will hold up the mirror relentlessly until we finally get the picture.

          Call on coyote as an ally for negotiating a difficult situation. Or thank him for coming and showing you a trap that you are caught in, or a way that you are fooling yourself. Coyote is an especially powerful teacher with regard to relationships because it is when we are in a relationship that we can fool ourselves the most. Coyote is not out there to get us, but to teach us, whether we want to learn or not.

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          Liora Leah
          • Liora Leah, Merci Beaucoup!   by  JeSuisButterfly     19 y     984
            Wow.. the resemblance with the Wolf and my heavy dependency is amazing.. thank you. Maybe that's why he went to my mother's in WA, too.. as you said. :) I looked up the owl at the totem website [I've been seeing a lot lately] and that rang true, as well!
            Thank you also for sending me Dr. Emoto's website. I agree with him! We should thank the water. Whenever it rains, you'll find me sitting outside getting soaked. I love rain. I love water. I sit by the plants and we enjoy the water together - I feel so tranquil in those times.

            Merci, Miss Liora Leah! I really appreciate all of this!
            You have a family, correct..? A mother of two..? May I ask, how is your family doing?
            Best wishes to you and yours,
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