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Je Rêve de Toi
by JeSuisButterfly

63 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 368,107 times
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  • What're You Hearing?   by  JeSuisButterfly     19 y     2,550       17 Messages Shown       Blog: Je Rêve de Toi
    I don't know how to tell the difference between what my mind is telling me, and what Mother and the Spirit are.

    Or maybe, the voices in my mind ARE the Mother and the Spirit?

    I remember looking at some Chemtrail stuff today [my ultimate fear] and grieving about how there are new chemicals that were added to fight against a Chembuster when I hear a voice in my head saying 'Don't worry. They will stop soon.' I slightly froze, ... I had just asked Liora Leah what it was like to speak to Mother and her Guides and how you hear them. By the way, she has an EXCELLENT blog here ~~>

    She described them as voices. When I felt skeptical, I heard a 'No.' Then something urged me to stop looking at the information I was reading about the trails and an explaination that it wasn't good for me and would only stunt my physical and mental growth.

    Being the stubborn person I am, I kept looking, and everytime I read something awful, I'd hear the 'They will go away soon.'

    What's so odd is that I had a dream one night, my friend and I were sitting on some grass and when we saw the chemtrails, I calmly informed him, 'Don't worry, they will go away soon.'

    I think that's the problem. Like in the song 'Tiny Voices' by Boxcar Racer, people hear the voices but just ignore them, like brushing them off because they don't know what it is or the conditioning they received from this world leads them to believe they're just simple thoughts.

    I find that whenever my fear for chemtrails rises in my mind, I feel something soothing that knocks the fear down a few notches. I still feel afraid, but I also feel blanketed, comforted.

    Mother? Is that you?

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    • Voices inside my head   by  oztin     19 y     1,310

      I've often prayed that I do not hear any voices inside my head other than my own. It would be a horror to me to hear some other entity's voice inside my head before I am ready to accept such "transmission".

      I read the book "Conversations with God", and thought to myself, "God, please communicate with me in some other way. Guide me through intuition instead of 'voices inside my head'. And when I am ready, do with me as You Will."

      So far so good... No voices inside my head... living life intuitively... attracting into my life everything I need at any given moment... giving back to the world lessons learned along the way.

      Enjoy the silence.

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    • Chemtrails   by  oztin     19 y     1,341
      I've read up quite a bit on chemtrails... and sadly, have personally taken lots of pictures of them. I don't talk about them with anyone though, it's kinda like telling people the sky is falling. They'll think you're crazy without even looking up into the sky first.

      When I watch movies and there's a scene with skies, I see chemtrails there too.

      Probably an alien agenda, in conjunction with H.A.R.P. - and not the kind that angels play. I don't believe it's in the true nature of human beings to willfully, purposely, knowingly destroy their environment. Not even for all the money in the world.

      Standing on the hallowed grounds of pure logic, it doesn't make sense to end the life-form for an entire planet for a few measley billion dollars of ill-gained profits.

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      • Re: Chemtrails   by  JeSuisButterfly     19 y     1,024
        Yeah, I see them in the movies, too.. have you noticed you look at the sky on the screen first, then start paying attention to the plot?
        I'm angry because when I was naive, I used to look at the sky with such joy.

        I'm also angry because I can't just let go of it or get over it. They can only affect you if you allow them to, that goes with everything, but it's difficult to block out something that's always in your thoughts [and, unfortunately, what you're breathing in and have to experience whenever you look up]. This is a very convincing dream, and fear is the polar opposite of love. Why can't I just let go of it? Why can't I just stop caring?

        I guess it's fear that I'll never get better when there will always be toxic sky, if anything.

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        • Re: Chemtrails in movies... and more.   by  oztin     19 y     1,220
          I noticed them in the movie "Sideways", as they were driving up the 405, near Sunset Blvd. Looked up at the sky, and sure enough, chemtrails.

          I went through a similar anxiety stage when I initially lost my naivete and learned about chemtrails, and the rest of all that... Eventually, I got over it, and so will you, if you can learn to detach from it.

          Detachment is not the same as not-caring. Anyone who has studied some buddhism can explain that to you much more clearer than I can in my few words here. For me, what's help me the most is the realization of Spirit and identification to my Soul.

          What this means is that instead of seeing the world as nothing more than pure physical materiality, I now see it as a manifestation of Spirit, specifically for me to learn my lessons for Soul growth. Seeing myself as Soul and identifying with my Higher Self, I am able to "get over it", whereas when I am ego-bound, I cannot stop worrying about everything I have no control of.

          I trust in the Universal Intelligence that IS Reality, and that no matter how unlikely it may seem, or how much I wish they were different, that everything really is as it should be at any given moment.

          What that also means is that once we accept the moment as it is, then we can have a clearer vision of the future as we desire it to be. Here's the steps:

          1. Accept Now as it is - (the hardest part of the process is always the first step)
          2. Align your desires with the Will of God (some people call it Universal Intelligence, Divine Will, etc... whatever floats your boat is good. :-)
          3. Release your intentions and sign it with your unique signature of the Love that you are.
          4. Detach from the outcome.
          5. Look for synchronicities to happen. When you get really good at steps 1-4, you'll consciously create the synchronicities! Isn't that exciting.
          6. Smile and share the Love.

          If you are successful in the above, you will automatically find yourself moving in the direction of your higher desires, your Soul's purpose for your currect incarnation. You'll begin to enjoy life more and more, until you're bursting full of Love that you just have to share it with everyone who's open to hearing it. (Warning: unless you can easily ward off negative vibes from other people, do not share with them your newfound success. They will only try to bring you back down to their level. Be on guard. Listen to your instinct and use wise discernment. That's a survival skill I had to learn first hand!)

          May you have be blessed and success come your way in all things you endeavor with all of your heart!



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    • thoughts have power to create circumstances...   by  drofinnah     19 y     1,009

      "AS A MAN THINKETH" by James Allen... 

      a very... very... cool book...

      very... informative...

      very enlightening...

      please read...

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      • As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he   by  oztin     19 y     1,447
        I agree 100% with drofinnah on this book. It is simply one of the best of it's kind, although, you really have to be of a certain level to integrate this type of material. I know if I would have read when I wasn't ready for it, I would have tossed it aside without any further thought.

        But luckily, I was ready when it came to me. I've since re-read the book at least 3 times, and I frequently open it up to a page, read a sentence or a paragraph, and use that as my thought for the day.

        Have a great day, and don't worry too much about them darned chemtrails. Remember, no matter what appearances may be telling you, there's always more good than evil in this world. Believe it and it will be your personal truth.

        Love without End.

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        • we need an understanding... lol... ;-)   by  drofinnah     19 y     980
          What people don’t understand…
          Is that they don’t understand…

          What people do not know…
          they do not know…
          Ya know…???

          Why… do people react with belligerence…
          When you tell them of their ignorance…
          Could it be… they are insecure…
          in truth… they are not sure…
          then what… pray tell…
          might be the cure…
          is it trust we lack…
          does living require a knack…
          when worried… do we seek a snack…
          does life seem to have fallen through the crack…
          well… perhaps James Allen… was right on track…
          when all along… it’s been our thinking…
          that’s been so out of whack…

          “it’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood”…
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          • Re: we need an understanding... lol... ;-)   by  oztin     19 y     1,180
            Great note! I think I understand... or at least, I understand that I'm ignorant... or at least I know I can be ignorant and egotistic at times... and that I can be insecure... or ... or... whatever! lol.

            btw, there's lots of other fantastic authors on that site you sent.

            One of my all-time favorite books that's on there is by Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich.

            I'm gonna blog my thoughts on that one soon!

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    • Hearing Voices   by  Liora Leah     19 y     1,035
      Hi, dear one. If you've got voices in your head, try not to suppress them. the first time it happened to me, I thought I was nuts. Sometimes I still doubt them, even when the messages are clear. I read somewhere that only in Western societies do people doubt the voices/visions/intuitions they receive from Spirit, and ask themselves "am I making this up?" For other cultures, experiencing voices/dreams/visions, etc. is very "normal".

      I'll wrap you in my arms and give you a hug!

      Love, Liora Leah
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      Liora Leah
    • Explain this chemtrail stuff??? What and how did or do you get into thi...   by  kerminator     19 y     1,370     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE
      • Coping with Chemtrails   by  oztin     19 y     1,330

        If you need more information on chemtrails, they're all over the Internet. Just do a google search.

        "What and how did or do you get into this event in your life?? " I'm not sure how to respond, as I'm not clear on your question.


        I had a long response that I had prepared for you just now, but decided to hold off on sending it. I gotta run for now, but I promise to post it later on my blog, with pictures if you like.

        As you know, Sungazing is a pillar for me. And chemtrails goes directly against Sungazing... literally! So, it's a very heavy topic for me, and my comments about how I "got over it", although I admit is rather flippant, it is a coping mechanism. I never wanted to bring up the topic of chemtrails, but I just couldn't just ignore it when ms. butterfly mentioned it.

        I no longer fear chemtrails. The purportrators of this global agenda also have to answer to a Higher Source. We are all spiritual beings acting out God's play.

        Life is a drama, don't get so caught up in it that you forget you are only an actor in the Great Play.

        Love is the power supreme, (as the Silver Surfer would say) and Love is the only power that can transform a seemingly hopeless situtation and come out triumphant.

        Don't fear the Reaper.

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      • I know! LOL, it's difficult, but...   by  JeSuisButterfly     19 y     1,027
        When I was really ill and I first found CureZone, I requested MH's 108 pages and when I found the paragraph on chemtrails, I googled it. I read everything, I was sick. I stepped out the next morning after a whole night of shivering over it, and when I looked up, I saw them making the chemtrails in the distance [wow, thoughts DO create reactions!] The sky became covered, I saw that rainbow ring, it smelled like pesticide. Everyone was ill, and not only was I physically struck, but mentally, I was a trainwreck. I couldn't stop shaking for days. I had no desire to eat. I couldn't wait to leave my mothers.

        When I came back to SD, I was alright for awhile. Then, I saw them again, and the fear returned completely. Since, I've found myself paralyzed with the fear. They've taken away my desire to live. I think about them all the time, I'm afraid to even go outside or look into the sky, though my eyes are always searching for them. When I'm watching something on TV, I watch the sky on the screen for them. I think, the fear that I really have about them is, you're right, no control. Like, getting sick is inevitable because I don't have access to fresh air. I remember the intense pain I once had, and I think about the illness I'm fighting with now, and I have a fear that it'll never go away or be improved because of this toxic air reinforcing it. I'm afraid to not have a life because of illness. I can control distilling fresh water and buying organic food, but the air around me is being filled with metals and viruses. My fear is so great, I think that they'd follow me to heaven.

        The fear is irrational, but still I cannot shake it.
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        • Have Faith, and By Your Faith, You Shall Be Healed!   by  oztin     19 y     1,359
          "Fear is irrational." You said it best above.

          When we are in touch with our true selves, there is no fear. But getting in touch can be only a fleeting moment, and staying in touch takes consistent effort, and in the beginning, a lot of work. Are you up for it?

          Chemtrails can be truly scary stuff, especially when you think about what the agenda is and who is behind it. I know it's all conspiracy theory type of stuff, but it's all right there before our very eyes, how much more evidence do people want?

          I pray for forgiveness for the ones responsible for them, and that they repent their wicked ways. But if God hardens their hearts... who am I to go against Divine Will?

          Either way, the Law of Karma dictates that there is a perfect balance in the universal accounting system. They will get what's coming to them, just as we all will.

          So have faith, and by your faith, you will be healed. But just in case, I'm sending you my Love for an extra immunity booster!

          There.... feel better yet? :-)


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        • Re: I know! LOL, it's difficult, but...   by  Kerminator     19 y     994

          OK, I had thought it was something like that, both of you have put me back on track here, thanks...   I have not studied chemtrails extensively, but this is not my first rodeo either...

          My dear, Heaven is in a different realm, or dimension of time and space...  So you need not worry,  be a sured that worry is only for your destruction....  So do not worry, only seek the truth and help your fellow man....

          Thanks for your feed back, will be following your posts...  refer to some of my past blog entries on both "Brain Boot Camp" & " Absolute Truth, Some Wisdom and Intercourse"  for some better views and explanations on fear / worry,  positive thinking, and how to  train your brain(mind)...   see ya...K 

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