dwell 310 !!<-MACHINEPREFS->!! #################################################################################### # Title: Parasites_leishmania + donovani + braziliense + tropica + mexicana # Description: Destroying the Mitochondrial of each stage, single frq hits all Leishmania # Life cycle: Promastigotes (adult) -> Amastigotes (inside Cells) can mulitpy by simple division -> Proboscis -> Cyst or Promastigotes #################################################################################### label 0 converge .012 .006 # Needed for tissue density distortion, might need increasing for other devices 20000.34 # Breaks Mitochondrial of Proboscis 20001.01 # Breaks Mitochondrial of Promastigotes *** in Chemtrails 5000.15 # Breaks Mitochondrial of Amastigotes label Immune.Reaction # May.cause.inflamatory.response, use Bromelain 21100.01 # Proboscis cyst, dead end in humans, wait for mosquito to activate but will cause swelling in Lymph converge 0 0