There is 1 message in this issue. Topics in today's digest: 1. Nancy Jones: fibromyalgia, allergies,... From: dusan@xxxxxx.xx _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 00:23:21 +0100 From: dusan@xxxxxx.xx Subject: Nancy Jones: fibromyalgia, allergies,... From Message: 4 Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 13:58:39 -0500 From: "Nancy Jones" <> Subject: Re: MLM and Mannatech Gosh, Jose, I don't know what it would take for you to not be skeptical. I know for a fact that I am alive now and three years ago I was planning my own funeral until I found Ambrotose. I know for a fact that my daughter has severe fibromyalgia and is symptom free after two years with Ambrotose. I know for a fact that I have had severe allergies all my life and now I can finally be out doors in the summer for the first time in 55 years, and I bought outdoor patio furniture and put in a pool. I know for a fact that I have not been in the hospital for 3 years and I was there every 4 to 6 months. My insurance records can support that. I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT BECAUSE OF PREDNISONE DAMAGE, MY SKELETAL SYSTEM WAS AT SEVERE RISK OF OSTEOPOROSIS 3 YEARS AGO. RECENT DEXA BONE SCANS SHOW MY CURRENT BONE DENSITY THAT OF A 30 YEAR OLD PERSON. Let's see about the research. Two independent studies were done by Dr. Kathryn Dykmann, M.D, on Fibromyalgia, the first published in the Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science journal, January-March, 1998, Volume 33, Number 1 ISSN 1053-881X. This study was reviewed with an abstract ONLINe by MEDLINE, the major medical study and information resource available to all health professionals. But I am sure that those people would accept bogus studies and review them! Nothing gets published in these mainstream journals that has not been peer reviewed first. That means other scientists and doctors evaluate the research and verify that it is plausible. Often they try to replicate it to see if it is true. Dr. Dykman has also done studies on these glyco nutrients and ADD-ADHD with children on Ritalin. Fisher Institute in Dallas just issued the 4th volume of Proceedings that published studies on ear infections, done by Emil Mendoa, MD, who is a pediatrition and neonatal physician in the New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania area. One on Hepatitis C was done by Dr. Brian Sweeney,M>D> a gastroenterologist from San Diego. Dr. Ken Ganapini a a Diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management, and Associate Clinical Professor in Family Practice at Michigan State University College of Ostepathic Medicine, published findings on clinical trials on Myofascial pain. Susan Nisinzweig, CSW published results of clinical trials on Glyconutrients in Autistic children. She is a state certified social worker who works with autistic children. These are only some. There are dozens more. They can't all be faked. These doctors are not employed by Mannatech. They are all at reputable institutions, many are instructors and are credible in their field of scientific research. As for the cost--I have taken antibiotics that cost $15 a pill. My insurance paid for it--so I could be sick for free. I save enough on lost time in productivity, having to hire all my housework done because I was too sick to do it myself, eating out all the time because I was too sick to cook. My supplements average about $90 a month because I get them wholesale and order them on an auto order where I save an additional 10% off wholesale. My weight management supplements don't cost me anything because I pay for them with the money I would have spent eating foods I shouldn't eat and didn't need. I have my health back--what is that worth? I have shared this with so many others who also are pursuing the optimal health plan and have their lives back. Or I could just be miserable and sick for free. Drugs are not, nor have ever been the answer to autoimmune disease. Within a short time, there will be a website <> up and running which will list all the studies which are being done on glyco science worldwide--studies Mannatech has nothing to do with. The latest issue of ACTA-Anatomica, an international publication of world health was recently released, and the study confirms that glyco science does indeed exist and the glyco nutrients are essential for cell to cell communication. They stated that glyconutrients have infinite encoding possibilities and do indeed form the alphabet for cellular communication. This book costs $100 a copy, and I have ordered one, because it is such a reputable worldwide publication, most doctors know about it. What is essential to know is they are just now discovering what Dr. McAnally knew 3 years ago, and he has already patented the technology. Think about the possibilities there. Check out the 1996 version of Harper's Biochemistry--a medical school textbook which also talks about this. I met the author, Dr. Ron Murray at this conference, he knows this science is real. This textbook is one of the foremost texts used in most medical schools. Mannatech didn't publish it, nor did they even know Dr. Murray when he published it. This emerging science will revolutionize nutrition and health care as we know it in the next decade. I just love being alive to see it happen, and be able to benefit from sharing with others who are at as hopleless a state as I have been. You are wise to be skeptical--but don't be blind to reality when you see it. I wish everyone would take the time to educate themselves before believing everything they hear--but when the evidence is so overwhelming, don't let you doubt prevent you from getting as much information as you need to make a truly informed decision. As for the research Nancy Jones _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________