There are 15 messages in this issue.

Topics in today's digest:

           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      3. Approaching Cancer with Alternatives
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      4. Say No To Diabetes Drugs 
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      5. My Cure from Stage IV Lung Cancer
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      6. Control Hyperactivity A.D.D. Naturally
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      7. MS-Multiple Sclerosis-Glenna Cox
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      8. Sedative Nutrients for Hyperactivity
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      9. Bone Manipulation Can Help AD-HD Children
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
     10. Reversing Allergies Permanently, ADHD
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
     11. ANXIETY, seizures, allergies
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
     12. ASTHMA. Enzyme therapist 
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
     13. ATHEROSCLEROSIS, CANCER, Magnet Therapy 
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
     14. Type II diabetes
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx


Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 12:19:55 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx

----Original Message Follows----


When Robert’s mother brought him to homeopath Sujata Owens, RS Hom., he had
suffered from severe constipation since birth. In fact, during his first 4
months of life, Robert had almost no bowel movements. When he saw Dr. Owens
for the first time, Robert, age 7, had a condition conventional medicine
called congenital megacolon or Hirschsprung’s disease. A portion of his
large intestine lacked the nerve endings necessary to produce peristalsis,
or muscular movements leading towards evacuation.
Robert’s symptoms included bloating, vomiting, sharp, twisting, cramping
pains in his abdomen, and frequent, painful urination. On the average, he
moved his bowels only once a week and only after great effort. He was always
exhausted; he looked sad, rarely smiled, and had little interest in
anything; he had difficulty learning, was underweight, sucked his thumb
constantly, wet his bed at night, had poor appetite, and was nervous. “He is
a quiet, shy boy with very low energy,” says Dr. Owens. He had undergone
numerous conventional medical tests and procedures, including ultrasound,
surgery, and antibiotics, and frequent short-term hospitalization for pain
attacks, but benefited very little from any of it, Robert’s mother reported.
Dr. Owens prescribed a single medium-potency dose of Plumbum Metallicum
200c, which is homeopathic lead. Two weeks later in a follow-up
consultation, Dr. Owens judged the results to be “excellent, with 80%
improvement.” Robert was a changed boy: he was talkative, energetic,
mentally alert, enjoying 1-3 bowel movements every day; he was free of
abdominal pain, vomiting, and bedwetting; his appetite was good and he
urinated without any pain.
Dr. Owens gave Robert no further remedies at all, and saw him again in 6
months. She admitted that even she was “amazed” at the changes in
personality and physical health she observed. Robert had gained weight and
grown taller; his bowel movements continued to be regular; his interest in
life was vigorous, and he appeared mature and confident, said Dr. Owens.
SOURCE Sujata Owens, LCEH (Bom), RS Hom (NA), “A Case of Severe Constipation
with Colic and Congenital Deformities,” Small Remedies & Interesting Cases
VII, Proceedings of the 1995 Professional Case Conference, Edited by Stephen
King, N.D., et al, International Foundation for Homeopathy, 2366 Eastlake
East, Suite 325, Seattle, WA 98102; tel: 206-324-8230.


Message: 2
   Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 13:08:11 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx



Table of Contents Issue 12
The soft skulls of infants can be damaged in the birthing process, leading 
to a range health problems later, but gentle osteopathic manipulation can 
correct this.
by Richard Leviton

- Issue # 12


With the alarming and continuous spread of dysfunction and illness among 
American adults in the 1990s, it’s reasonable to wonder whether some of the 
seeds of these problems might be sown in infancy—in fact, in the very 
process of birthing. According to cranial osteopath, Carlisle Holland, D.O., 
of the Santa Rosa Medical Group in Santa Rosa, California, the answer is 

Among the many infants Dr. Holland has treated, he has observed a 
relationship of prime importance; that is, between distortions in the baby’s 
skull, often produced by the birthing process itself, and later health 
problems, such as colic, seizures, eye asymmetry, even autism. This is 
alarming because the incidence of soft tissue injury to newborns during 
birth approaches epidemic scale in this country, says Dr. Holland.

Dr. Holland estimates that perhaps 80% of American newborns have a 
functional problem with the way their muscles, bones, and nervous system 
work together and that the majority of these neuromusculoskeletal 
dysfunctions happen in the birthing process. While the majority 
self-correct, about 15% require treatment. This underlines the need for 
screening because most problems are correctable by cranial osteopathy, a 
technique of gentle manipulation by the hands of muscles and bones 
(including the 33 spinal vertebrae), particularly the bones of the skull.

The newborn’s skull is soft and highly malleable, says Dr. Holland. For many 
months after birth, the 13 bones (or plates) of the infant’s skull remain 
quite flexible, more like a thick starch than solidly knit bone. The trouble 
here is that slight to serious injuries to the baby’s delicate skull during 
birth can produce distortions and deformities in the arrangement of its 

This in turn interferes with the natural flow of energy and cerebrospinal 
fluid from the base to the top of the spine. It’s what osteopaths call the 
cranial rhythmic impulse or CRI (sometimes known as the cranio-sacral pump). 
High-tech brain scans have confirmed what osteopaths have claimed for a 
century, that there are regular pulsations or physiological motions up and 
down the spine between the sacrum and cranium that are vital to the 
well-being of the body. Anything that interferes with this pulsation or CRI, 
such as a head or neck injury or skull distortion from birth, can lead to 
more serious functional problems and illness.


There are many risk factors that can lead to cranial distortions in infants, 
says Dr. Holland: the infant is the firstborn, there is a rapid or prolonged 
labor or a difficult delivery, forceps were used, Cesarean section was 
needed, the mother was ill, it was a high risk pregnancy or premature 
delivery, the birth was one of twins or triplets, the infant had an early 
childhood illness—any of these can predispose a newborn to cranial injury.

This is where osteopathy can make a significant contribution. “Our 
approaches are not only cost-effective, but offer a medically-based but 
medication-free way to interrupt functional and nervous system problems of 
small children,” Dr. Holland states. The reflexes of the autonomic nervous 
system play a central role in many problems experienced by infants. 
“Neuromuscular reflex imbalances are what cause many of the functional 
problems that pediatricians routinely medicate in children. Osteopathic 
manipulation can affect cranial nerves and rebalance autonomic reflex 
disturbances, thereby influencing the neuromusculoskeletal system without 
resorting to drugs.


The approach of conventional medicine to what they describe as lopsided 
skulls is rather severe and traumatic to infants, Dr. Holland explains. 
Since about 1992, American physicians have reported a huge increase in the 
incidence of infants born with misshapen skulls. At the same time, pediatric 
surgeons have performed an alarming number of surgeries on infant skulls for 
a condition they call cranio-synostosis. Here the skull plates have 
prematurely fused, constricting the brain and forcing it to bulge in places. 
The skull may also appear flattened in the back. Surgeons quite coldly refer 
to this operation as a “cranial vault remodel”—the cutting and reshaping of 
infant skulls. Now some doctors are worried that pediatric surgeons are 
misdiagnosing this condition and seriously overprescribing the operation. 
Some talk about an “epidemic of misdiagnosis.

As an alternative, conventional physicians favor a $2000 hard plastic 
corrective headband to restore the normal shape of the infant’s skull. This 
crude device works by applying constant hard pressure to the skull similar 
to the way dental braces squeeze crooked teeth into alignment. “Infants and 
little children hate this,” observes Dr. Holland. “Cranial osteopathy has a 
much kinder, less expensive, and more effective approach.


Dr. Holland treated an infant named Annie, 6 months old, who had severe 
colic and had never slept for more than 2 hours at a time. Annie had 
episodes of persistent crying, spitting up, and signs of abdominal distress; 
she could turn her head only one way and did not breast-feed well. 
Technically, Dr. Holland explained, she had condylar compression, referring 
to the condyles, which are the cartilage attachments whereby the neck joins 
the base of the skull.

During the infant’s passage down the mother’s birth canal, the head and neck 
can get compressed and thus distorted in shape. Annie’s preferential turning 
of her head in only one direction was a result and this produced the colic. 
“I estimate that about 10-20% of newborns have some degree of asymmetry in 
neck-turning when they are born.” In his initial session with Annie, Dr. 
Holland worked on balancing the muscle reflexes on the right side of her 
neck, which was the site of the compression.

Suddenly, Annie took a deep breath and relaxed as the entire pattern of 
musculoskeletal movement up and down her back was reset. The whole pattern 
of distortion and spasming let go.” That night, Annie slept without 
interruption for 14 hours and she showed none of the signs of colic after 
that. Dr. Holland treated her twice more to reinforce the adjustment that 
had ended the colic. As much as one-third of all colic in newborns may have 
a structural origin, Dr. Holland adds.


When her mother brought Abby to Dr. Holland, she was a year old and had 
Duane’s Syndrome. One of her eyes had retracted into its eye socket, making 
it appear smaller than the other eye. It was primarily a cosmetic problem, 
affecting her appearance, but not vision, says Dr. Holland.

Doctors had advised Abby’s mother that cosmetic skull surgery might be the 
only treatment (at a cost of $75,000-150,000), but Dr. Holland believed that 
osteopathy could produce far better results with no surgery. In fact, Dr. 
Holland’s video record of the way Abby’s retracted eye became normal again 
over a 6-month treatment period is highly impressive.

The structural problem with Abby was that the base of her cranium was 
twisted, probably due to birth, says Dr. Holland. It might even have 
developed while Abby was still in the womb. The sphenoid bone under Abby’s 
pituitary gland was bent or distorted. This distortion produced the 
disfigurement in the eye. It wasn’t that one eye was measurably smaller than 
the other but, rather, the tension placed on the structures behind the eye’s 
orbit pulled it in, making it seem smaller.

Dr. Holland used his hands to work on the sides of Abby’s head and the base 
of her neck. “Sometimes in a situation like this where the skull is twisted, 
you put one hand across the forehead and the other across the back of the 
head and apply a gentle twisting mechanical force to untwist it. Of course, 
you have to know the anatomy inside and out and how to use your hands 
exactly to make the right changes.

Dr. Holland’s remark underscores a surprising fact about the skull of an 
infant, and about the entire human body, even that of adults. The skull is 
not a rigid unmoving entity; rather, it is “viscous, fluid, elastic, 
bendable,” says Dr. Holland. The cranial osteopath’s skill is to to apply 
just the right amount of pressure to the precise skull and neck structures 
to “bend” the distortion back to normal. “I liken this to whispering a 
request to somebody rather than yelling a command. When you induce a gentle 
force, the body can accept it and restore the correct balance.” Gentle can 
mean as light as the weight of a quarter on the skin.

Dr. Holland began seeing positive changes in Abby within the first month of 
treatment. Each weekly session lasted about 20 minutes; after 3 months, Abby 
started “looking very good.” In all, it took 6 months to coax her muscles, 
tissues, and bones to reset themselves and for her retracted eye to come 
forward in alignment with the other eye.


Osteopaths who work with children are often criticized by conventional 
M.D.s. They say you cannot change the function of the brain by putting your 
hands on the outside of the head. But Dr. Holland proved them wrong quite 
convincingly in his successful treatment of a boy named Andrew, aged 14 
months, who had infantile spasms or seizures. Dr. Holland was not at all 
surprised to discover that a cranial dysfunction was the cause.

Andrew was the firstborn in the family and had arrived with a compressed 
shoulder which meant that the structural forces on his head were uneven. He 
had obvious skull distortion, the sutures between the skull plates overrode 
one another, his head bulged noticeably on one side, and he couldn’t turn 
his head, and thus nurse, in one direction.

Andrew was suffering 30-40 seizures in quick succession. Doctors at a 
childrens’ hospital told his mother that Andrew was likely to end up in a 
chronic vegetative state, his life wasted. Meanwhile, the anticonvulsant the 
doctors had him on failed to stop the seizures. The first step Dr. Holland 
took was to encourage the neurologist to prescribe a different 
anticonvulsant because the constant brain seizures kept erasing the 
corrections Dr. Holland’s osteopathic manipulations achieved. A new drug 
reduced Andrew’s spasms by about 60%, enabling Andrew’s musculoskeletal 
system to begin retaining Dr. Holland’s corrections.

Next, by studying brain-scan printouts of Andrew’s brain energy patterns, 
Dr. Holland found that the location of his brain seizures matched the site 
where his skull was distorted. Using osteopathic manipulation techniques, he 
was able to release the constrictions and distortions in this area, thus 
freeing Andrew of the seizures. “There was a huge release in Andrew’s 
musculoskeletal system. I could feel how the structural forces were 
transferring evenly through his neck, up into his skull and down the back. 
The seizures completely stopped and never returned.

This pivotal treatment occurred 4 months after Andrew first came to Dr. 
Holland. It took 3 months to find the right anticonvulsant for Andrew and to 
reduce his seizures. A month later, the osteopathic treatments completely 
eliminated them. Andrew was kept on the anticonvulsant for an additional 4 
months, as a safety measure. Dr. Holland stopped Andrew’s seizures, although 
the child would be developmentally delayed as a result of virtually missing 
9 months of his life due to recurrent seizures. But then he wouldn’t be 
spending his life as a helpless “vegetable” as his previous doctors had 


Many cases of autism also may be due to cranial distortions, says Dr. 
Holland. Of the 30 autistic children he has treated with cranial osteopathy, 
each had the same patterns of skull distortion. Specifically, this was a 
compression of the brain’s left hemisphere, a bending of the cranial base to 
the right side, and a bending downward of another bone, the spheno-basilar 

Generally, it’s birth trauma that produces this degree of skull 
disfigurement, says Dr. Holland. This left-hemisphere compression of an 
autistic child’s skull could account for the poor processing between the two 
brain hemispheres. The key to success in treating autism that is 
structurally produced is to catch it as early as possible, ideally within 
the first days or weeks after birth. “In fact, I dream of the day when all 
newborns and babies will be checked by qualified palpatory diagnosticians,” 
says Dr. Holland. “That way I hope society can minimize the number of 
children suffering from potentially reversible conditions.

Osteopathic research shows that 10-15% of newborns have functional problems 
that result from trauma, strain, injury, or distortion during birth and 
which do not self-correct. Of these, an estimated 5% develop persistent 
dysfunction in their body systems. “These figures are consistent with 
information about the incidence of chronic illness, learning disabilities, 
developmental delay, and other functional impairments of the general 
population,” Dr. Holland notes. What cranial osteopathy offers is the chance 
to avoid or reverse a great deal of misery in infancy, childhood, and 
adulthood that results from distortions in the structure and function of 
muscles and bones.

Osteopathic manipulation is becoming much more accepted as a good treatment 
strategy for a variety of conditions,” Dr. Holland says. “The importance of 
the neuromusculoskeletal system in health and disease is beginning to be 
appreciated in medical training programs.



Message: 3
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 05:46:32 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Approaching Cancer with Alternatives


Approaching Cancer with Alternatives

If you want to reverse cancer without the person getting sicker, you need to 
give the body substances that selectively kill the cancer while supporting 
the body's nutritional and immunological health, says Robert C. Atkins, 
M.D., who shows doctors how to do it.
by Nathaniel Mead

- Issue # 11


Among the more outspoken proponents of alternative cancer therapies is 
Robert C. Atkins, M.D., nationally famous for his bestselling health books, 
Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution and Dr. Atkins’ Health Revolution. Early on, 
Dr. Atkins realized that many cancer patients were malnourished and that 
conventional oncologists were entirely ignoring nutritional support. He 
reasoned that the highly toxic approach of chemotherapy, radiation, and 
surgery weakened cancer patients and compromised their self-healing 
resources. In the late 1970s, Dr. Atkins began devising his own cancer 
treatment approach.

There is no better example of the weaknesses of our dominant medicine than 
its clearly ineffective war on cancer,” says Dr. Atkins. “By the same token, 
there is no better example of the superiority of complementary, alternative 
medicine than in the management of cancer.” Cancer, says Atkins, is a 
controllable chronic illness, but you have to support the body fully, making 
it stronger so it can fight the cancer.

Atkins has supervised scores of cases in which cancer patients were getting 
worse, as indicated by blood tests, but then improved dramatically when he 
gave them nontoxic medicines now standard to his regimen.

Using nutrition and botanicals, Dr. Atkins helps to create the ideal 
environment for the body to overcome cancer. In addition, he emphasizes 
substances that selectively make the tumor die while allowing normal, 
healthy cells and tissues to live, something chemotherapy is completely 
unable to do. If cancer is a tug of war between a patient and the disease, 
says Dr. Atkins, then you need “power pullers” on your side, natural 
substances that help the body destroy the cancer, usually by strengthening 
the immune system. “The exciting concept that mainstream oncologists do not 
grasp is that these are nontoxic approaches and that the benefit-to-risk 
ratio is nearly ‘infinity,’” says Dr. Atkins. “Therefore, there is no reason 
not to combine dozens of them into a single patient program.

Dr. Atkins’ protocols contain both a vigorous injectable program and 
day-long oral administration of nutritional and herbal therapies.


UKRAIN. This substance, derived from celandine (Chelidonium majus) and 
thiophosphoric acid, is a potent anticancer agent and a safe, supportive 
alternative to chemotherapy. It kills tumor cells while fortifying the 
immune system. Given by injection, optimal dosages are 5-20 mg per daily 
injection, for about 20 days. Of the first 52 people to whom Dr. Atkins 
administered one course of Ukrain, 40 experienced benefit. The greatest 
success in using Ukrain was a 93% remission rate with patients who started 
treatment when the cancer was in its earliest stage. Dr. Atkins regards 
Ukrain as the single best anticancer agent he has used to date.

714X. This substance, developed by Canadian biologist Gaston Naessens, is 
made from nitrogen-rich camphor and appears to neutralize a factor produced 
by tumor cells that ordinarily paralyzes the immune system. Naessens has 
documented the successful use of 714X against a variety of difficult 
cancers. “The 714X compound doesn’t kill the cancer cells directly, but 
blocks their feeding mechanism,” explains Dr. Atkins. Typically, Dr. Atkins 
injects 714X once daily into the groin lymph nodes for at least 21 
consecutive days. In serious cases, he may use it without interruption until 
improvement is seen.

ISCADOR/HELIXOR. These are the European trade names for a preparation made 
from fermented mistletoe (Viscum album). It has been used effectively by 
doctors in Germany for cancer treatment since 1920. Originally conceived by 
Austrian scientist Rudolf Steiner, who worked closely with doctors, the 
therapeutic success of mistletoe as an anticancer agent has been reported in 
5000 case studies. Dr. Atkins administers mistletoe through a series of 14 
injections in increasing concentrations every other month, during the time 
in which Ukrain is not given.

CARNIVORA®. This patented remedy, derived from Venus flytrap and developed 
by Helmut Keller, M.D., is used in German cancer clinics. Like Ukrain, 
Carnivora®, delivered by injection, appears to work by lessening the 
malignant characteristic of the tumor, rather than by destroying tissue, an 
approach not considered by oncologists, says Dr. Atkins. Among 210 of Dr. 
Keller’s patients with terminal cancer, 34 went into remission and 84 showed 
a halt in disease progression after using Carnivora®. Most Atkins Center 
patients take the Venus flytrap by drinking infusions of the whole plant as 
an herb tea.

AMYGDALIN. Also known as laetrile or vitamin B17, amygdalin is extracted 
from the pits of apricots, peaches, cherries, and berries; the active agent 
is called nitriloside. One study showed a 60% reduction in the spread of 
cancer to the lungs through using amygdalin. “Amygdalin is another key 
component for keeping cancer from growing and should be considered a 
standard, entirely safe treatment for all cancer patients,” says Dr. Atkins.

OXYGENATING THERAPIES. Dr. Atkins complements his intravenous program with 
an oxygen-providing preparation called DC4 (chlorine dioxide) which, when 
administered intravenously, releases oxygen in the form of ozone into the 
blood. Ozone itself may be administered with great success. Another 
injectable oxygen therapy called Koch’s glyoxylide “provides a constant 
oxygenating source and has a remarkable track record,” says Dr. Atkins.

GLANDULAR EXTRACTS. Dr. Atkins uses a variety of animal-derived glandular 
extracts to strengthen the immune system, including thymus (thymosin), 
liver, spleen, and pineal. Giving them by injection allows them to be more 
effectively absorbed by the body.


PANCREATIC ENZYMES. Perhaps the most valuable of the oral supplements are 
pancreatic enzymes. Dr. Atkins’ patients take up to 30 capsules daily (over 
a 24-hour period) of crude pork pancreas extract. These enzymes “digest away 
the protective protein coating or shell which encases all tumors, leaving 
the cancer cells vulnerable,” explains Dr. Atkins. “Many of the successful 
cancer programs I have studied incorporate pancreatic enzymes.

ANTIOXIDANTS. Employing the full spectrum of antioxidants is part of every 
Atkins Center patient’s program, whether as treatment or prevention,” says 
Dr. Atkins. “These substances help protect cells’ genetic material and 
membranes from free radical damage, thereby preserving the cells’ normal 
functions. Antioxidants are a huge part of the body’s anticancer defenses. 
Dosages vary with individual needs, but the centerpiece is the recently 
maligned beta carotene. “The trick is to use natural beta carotene and to 
give all the supporting nutrients that allow the carotene to be converted to 
vitamin A,” Dr. Atkins says. When cancer is present, the dosage level 
approaches 100,000 I.U. daily. In addition, Dr. Atkins prescribes vitamin C 
in dosages up to about 10 g daily. Vitamin E strengthens the immune 
response; in one study, of 43 oral cancer patients who took 400 I.U. twice 
daily for 24 weeks, 46% showed strong improvement. Selenium works with 
vitamin E and may be the reason the study from Linxian, China, that used 
beta carotene showed it producing 13% fewer cancer deaths. Other 
antioxidants central to Dr. Atkins’ program are N-acetyl cysteine, 
glutathione, and lipoic acid; the latter has the effect of protecting all 
the other antioxidants. Coenzyme Q10, which has been linked to tumor 
regression at dosages of up to 390 mg daily, is included in the antioxidant 
program. Of importance, too, are the bioflavonoids, especially pycnogenol. 
Plant-based antioxidants, such as medicinal mushrooms, genistein (from 
soybeans), and green tea are on Dr. Atkin’s checklist also.

SHARK CARTILAGE. The tough, elastic connective tissue from sharks seems to 
prevent cancer tumors from developing new blood vessels and expanding their 
blood supply. Therefore, “as long as your body receives a hefty daily dose, 
you can keep tumors from growing,” says Dr. Atkins, who recommends on 
average 3 ounces of pulverized cartilage. An interesting alternative is a 
derivative called Car-T cell; here one vial containing only 1/2 tablespoon 
of active shark cartilage extract (first frozen, then defrosted) is taken 
daily under the tongue.

ESSIAC. This is an herbal formula, given as a tea, developed by the Canadian 
nurse Renee Caisse. Essiac’s main components include slippery elm, burdock, 
Indian rhubarb, and sorrel. It is known to strengthen the immune system, 
reduce drug toxicity, enhance energy, and sedate inflammations. “Such 
benefits may be mild in advanced-stage cancer therapy, but they can 
contribute to feelings of well-being which in turn influence the patient’s 
quality of life and potential for recovery,” says Dr. Atkins.

CAT’S CLAW. Chemical components of this rain-forest plant (Uncaria 
tomentosa) have a strong antioxidant effect, says Dr. Atkins. Cat’s claw may 
have greater therapeutic value than other prominent anticancer herbs such as 
astragalus, Echinacea, and goldenseal, he adds. A typical dosage for cat’s 
claw is 3-6 g daily but, for more advanced cases, you may need up to 20 g, 
Dr. Atkins advises.

HOXSEY HERBS. Originally developed by Harry Hoxsey in the 1950s and 
administered today in Tijuana, Mexico, this herbal formula includes internal 
and external applications of substances such as bloodroot, potassium iodide, 
red clover, buckthorn bark, burdock root, Stillingia root, berberis root, 
pokeberry, licorice root, Cascara amarga, and prickly ash bark. “Decades of 
observation attest to their potential merit,” says Dr. Atkins, adding that 
of his patients who have used the Hoxsey formula, “many seem to get better.

SIBERIAN GINSENG. This form of ginseng, taken as a liquid extract, 
stimulates “natural killer cell” (NK) activity against cancer cells and may 
also help to regenerate NK cells destroyed by toxins or by toxic 
conventional treatments.

WHOLESOME DIET. Dr. Atkins recommends following a sugarless diet, due to his 
faith in the teachings of Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg, who demonstrated 
that cancer cells almost always depend upon anaerobic (without oxygen) 
nutrition, in which sugar is the primary fuel. Dr. Atkins also emphasizes 
eating vegetables, avoiding processed, refined foods, and using organically 
grown vegetables (preferably eaten raw) to maximize the absorption of their 
live enzyme content. He is reluctant to recommend a low protein diet because 
“so much of the biochemistry of the immune system is based on amino acids 
found in proteins. Illness is either worsened or bettered depending on your 
state of mind, says Dr. Atkins. All his therapies aim to enhance the 
patient’s mood, attitude, and psychological state as a means of facilitating 
the healing process and to avoid producing anxiety, depression, or despair, 
which commonly occur under conventional care. “Many of our patients come to 
us having been told they have 4 or 9 months to live. That can become a 
self-fulfilling prophecy. At the Atkins Center, the staff expect the 
patients to get well and stay well and the power of this positive 
expectation is contagious. According to Dr. Atkins, cancer survivors do not 
give in to the intimidation and mental toxicity of conventional medicine. 
The recent death of Jackie Kennedy Onassis shows how conventional medicine 
mistreats cancer. In effect, her oncologists had the attitude that “we’re 
either going to cure her or kill her,” as they poured chemotherapy into her 
early in the course of her treatment, says Dr. Atkins. When this intensely 
toxic treatment failed, Kennedy’s lymphoma sprinted away with her life. Her 
type of rapid demise is actually quite rare among patients who don’t receive 

Summarizing his system, Dr. Atkins says, “The happy irony here is that there 
are 3 or 4 new therapies in the pipeline that appear sufficiently promising 
that they may one day make the entire Atkins Center program outmoded.


Message: 4
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 06:14:41 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Say No To Diabetes Drugs

Say No To Diabetes Drugs

Did you know that the side effects of commonly prescribed diabetes 
medications can cause dizziness, hunger, and fatigue, and other symptoms of 
hypoglycemia? In a survey of 500 patients with type-2 diabetes (or 
adult-onset diabetes), only 16% realized that their oral antidiabetic drug 
had side effects although 72% of these respondents were taking sulfonylurea 
(SU), a class of conventional drugs that may induce hypoglycemia. Common 
symptoms reported by these patients included weakness, fatigue, anxiety, 
nervousness, sweating, and impaired vision. Uncontrollable hunger, another 
common side effect, was reported by 18% of SU patients while 26% felt they 
had gained weight within the first few months after starting their diabetes 

One out of five surveyed felt that their quality of life had suffered after 
beginning their SU therapies. They reported such emotional factors as a 
decreased sense of well being, feelings of hopelessness in managing their 
diabetes, and an impaired social life. Are these drugs really effective or 
do you need another drug for the drugs' side effects? Modifications in diet 
and exercise can give you the power to manage your diabetes without 
sacrificing well being. A diet high in fiber and complex carbohydrates can 
help improve a diabetics tolerance for sugar.

The herb Gymnema sylvestre has a general antidiabetic effect and 
supplementation with high doses of chromium picolinate can help reduce or 
normalize blood sugar and other factors associated with type-2 diabetes. 
Other important diabetes nutrients include the herbs bitter melon and 
fenugreek, vitamins B1, B6, B12, C, and E, the minerals copper, manganese, 
and zinc, and essential fatty acids.

For information about how to control and reverse diabetes using alternative 
medical therapies, click on the "Search Health Conditions" link on our Home 
page, and type in the keyword, "diabetes." You will find 165 items and 
articles providing information. To find alternative medicine clinics that 
specialize in treating degenerative diseases such as diabetes, click on the 
"Clinics" link on our Home Page.

Source: The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. "The 
Effect of Intensive Treatment of Diabetes on the Development and Progression 
of Long-Term Complications in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus." New 
England Journal of Medicine 1993. 329:977-986. Richard Anerson, Ph.D., 
"Beneficial Effect of Chromium for People with Type II Diabetes," Diabetes 
45:Suppl 2 (1996), 124A/454.


Message: 5
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 02:40:45 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: My Cure from Stage IV Lung Cancer


My Cure from Stage IV Lung Cancer

I am Robert (Bob) Karjala, a 55 year old male who has never smoked,
but I was exposed to low levels of iodine-125 radiation
for over 30 years as a biochemist/lab manager.
In relating my story, I want to be objective and relate the facts of my 
case, to let the reader make his or her own decisions.  I feel it is also 
important to pass along some reasons to support the alternative choices I 

Summary:  In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the lung 
with metastases to the lymph nodes and spine.  I had radiation to the spine 
to alleviate pain and simultaneously began carboplatin/taxol chemo.  After 
12 weeks of chemo there was no change in the primary tumor. I then added 
several complementary therapies and 6 weeks later my primary tumor had 
shrunk by 50%.  I continued the chemo and alternatives and on 11/3/98 my 
oncologist said I was cured.

In March of 1998, I was diagnosed with a 2.5 cm adenocarcinoma of the lung 
which had spread to nearby lymph nodes in the lung and to two spots on my 
spine and to a 3 cm mass in my liver.  I received 14 radiation treatments to 
one of the tumors on my spine.  The radiation eliminated the back pain which 
had brought me to the doctor in the first place.  I simultaneously began 
chemotherapy (carboplatin and taxol, once every three weeks).
In April of 1998, I made a decision to not use any alternatives initially, 
because I wanted to give the chemo a chance, and I wanted to evaluate its 
effectiveness.  A bone scan on 4/22/98 showed a second spine metastasis on 
the right side of my neck, but it remained asymptomatic and did not show up 
on X-rays.  When X-rays after chemo #2 and chemo #4 showed no increase of 
the lung tumor (but also no decrease), I decided to add several alternatives 
to my therapy.

In May, I began taking essiac tea (2-3 ounces per day).  Chest X-rays in the 
middle of June showed no increase in the size of the lung tumor, and a 
slight reduction in size of the lymph nodules (after 4 chemo treatments).

In June, I began taking Dr. Julian Whitaker's "Forward Plus" vitamin and 
mineral supplements and increased my essiac tea consumption to 2- 3 ounces 
each morning and evening.  I also began taking vitamin CoQ-10 at 400 mg per 
day, one capsule a day of Cat's Claw bark (Una de Gato) and one capsule a 
day of grape seed extract with methyl sulfonyl methane(MSM).

In July, (six weeks later after a total of six chemo treatments), a CT scan 
showed that my liver tumor had disappeared, my lung tumor had shrunk to 50% 
of its original size, my spine was healing with new healthy tissue, and the 
lung lymph nodes were smaller and fewer in number.  After chemo #6 I also 
began taking one astragalus root capsule per day.

I am assuming that the dramatic change in the lung tumor in the six weeks 
between chemo #4 and chemo # 6 was mainly due to the alternative therapies 
which I started in June!

September 11, 1998 x-rays show the primary lung tumor as less than 1 cm and 
the lymph nodes are almost totally clear after chemo #8.  X-rays on 10/20/98 
after the 10th and final chemo treatment show the lung as essentially 

October 27, 1998 CT scan showed no detectable tumor in the lung and the 
mediastinal lymph nodes have shrunk to less than 3 mm for the largest one.  
After this 10/27/98 CT scan, the doctors determined that, instead of an 
initially diagnosed liver tumor, I had a benign hemangioma which was 
unchanged during the therapy.  The hemangioma did not show up on the 7/28/98 
CT scan, which was done on an older slow machine.

On November 3, 1998 my oncologist said I was cured, but he did note that 
there could still be undetectable cancer cells remaining. He said that if 
there were a thousand cells left, and with a lung cancer doubling rate of 
anywhere from 45 to 90 days, it could be years before any more cancer would 
be detectable(billions of cells). Of course that assumes no further 
treatment. You know I'll be taking my vitamins, CoQ-10, and essiac as a 
preventative for the rest of my life.

I found out about Dr. Julian Whitaker M. D., who runs a clinic in Newport 
Beach, CA., from an advertising circular. I wound up subscribing to his 
monthly newsletter "Health & Healing", an offer which included one of his 
books as an incentive.  In the book, "New Cures for Chronic Diseases", Dr. 
Whitaker lists what he would take if he had cancer -- vitamins, healthy 
diet, Coenzyme Q-10, essiac tea, selenium, soy isoflavones and soy products, 
and bovine and shark cartilage.
I began Whitaker's home-delivery option for a 60 day supply of the vitamins, 
which costs me about $40.00 per month with free shipping.  The only reason I 
get the CoQ-10 from Whitaker is that I couldn't find the 200mg wafers in 
local stores.  Although he lists several brands of essiac in his book, I am 
satisfied with the more reasonably priced source I found.  I briefly tried 
shark cartilage, but it requires enormous doses which gave me gas and I saw 
some reports claiming it was ineffective, so I stopped using it.

I have no connection with or monetary incentive to promote Whitaker.  I am 
sure there are other vitamin programs that also contain high levels of 
anti-oxidants, I just happened to come across Whitaker's program and decided 
to try it.  I am now convinced that vitamins have played an important part 
in my apparent recovery and/or my tolerance of chemo with minimal 

Dr. Whitaker's website is at, while describes the Whitaker Wellness Institute. "Who is 
Dr. Whitaker?" is a page made by my host (, who concluded 
that the doctor and his recommendations are legitimate.

The Whitaker program includes 20 to 30 times the RDA of several anti-oxidant 
vitamins and 200 micrograms per day of selenium (an anti-tumor and 
anti-cancer mineral).  The essiac tea is 70% dried Burdock root, 22% 
powdered Sheep sorrel, 5% powdered Slippery Elm bark, and 3% powdered Turkey 
rhubarb root.  The grape seed extract is from Rich Distrubiting and contains 
100 mg of grape seed extract and 400mg of MSM per capsule. Rich claims to be 
the original distributor of MSM for human consumption.

My Recommendations:

Begin the Whitaker "Forward Plus" vitamin program   (the vitamin ingredients 
and amounts are now listed in my  Letters, Part 2 )
The Whitaker "Forward Plus" vitamins are available from Healthy Directions, 
1-800-722-8008.  They come in packets of 8 capsules and you take two packets 
per day, or 60 packets per month, at the cost of $49.95/month.  10% volume 
discount, item number RP30.

Take 400 mg of CoQ-10 per day
200 mg CoQ-10 wafers are available from Healthy Directions, item CQ23.  A 
bottle of 30 wafers is $47 (or $42.84 each for 3 bottles or more).  60 
wafers are a months' supply, so the cost is about $86.00 per month.

Drink 2 or 3 ounces of essiac tea, twice a day (morning and evening)
The brewed tea is available commercially as "Flor-Essence™" by Flora Co., 
but it costs $23 or more for just one pint.  Many health food stores also 
carry "Essiac®" (a dry herb mix) but it too is very expensive, costing 
around $35 to make about 5 pints of tea (there are 2 pints to a quart, 8 
pints in a gallon).

I brew my own essiac one gallon at a time and store it in the refrigerator. 
The essiac brand I buy is a dry mix named "Native Herbal Combination" from 
Mother Earth Herbs, (530) 633-2366 (Wheatland CA). One pound of the dry mix 
costs $16.30 (plus tax & shipping) and makes about 6 gallons of tea for 
$0.34 per pint -- compare that to Flor-Essence!  These herbs last me for 
about 4 months at 6 oz tea per day. Another essiac marketer I recommend is 
Chris Corpening R.N., who offers "A Nurse's Herbal Tea" as a bottled tea or 
dry mix, 1-800-843-2181 (Tehachapi, CA). According to my host, these two marketers are both nurses, highly ethical and 
offer very reasonably priced quality products.

Take 1 Cat's Claw (500mg) capsule per day

Take 1 grape seed extract (100mg / MSM 400mg) capsule per day
Due to popular request since this page first appeared on the web, Mother 
Earth Herbs, where I get my essiac, now carries Cat's Claw bark capsules and 
the same CoQ-10 and grape seed/MSM that I used.

On chemo day or evening before, do not take vitamins, grape seed extract or 
CoQ-10. For more information about this, see this letter.
During my first round of chemo and simultaneous radiation therapy I had 
severe pain in my back and had to increase my daily dose of oxycontin 
painkiller to 120mg per day.  I think the oxycontin and possibly the 
radiation was responsible for the nausea and mild vomiting which occurred 
during the first three weeks of therapy.  On the last day of radiation and 
just prior to the second chemo, I was pretreated with steroids which must 
have reduced swelling around my spine, because the pain was totally absent 
and never returned.  About 5 days after my second chemo I had some mild 
nausea and a queasy stomach.  It was around this time that I began taking 
essiac once a day, and a few weeks later that I began the full alternative 

While on this program I have had no nausea, no vomiting, and no fatigue from 
the chemo.  I feel fine and still work full time.  I have had hair loss and 
11-12 days after each chemo my neutrophil counts are low enough that I 
require 2 days of neupogen shots to boost my white blood cell count.  A 
numbness in my toes became evident after my final chemo #10 on 10/3/98, but 
this seems to be improving as of 1/18/99 and is very mild and causes no 
problems.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

I have never taken vitamin supplements, but I read many reports showing the 
benefits of higher levels of antioxidant vitamins and minerals in reducing 
cancer risk.  I discovered the Whitaker program which contained much higher 
levels of many vitamins and minerals than an ordinary multivitamin, and 
seemed like a convenient way to avoid supplementing the various vitamins 
individually.  Assuming that the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals may 
have many beneficial effects to the immune system and other body systems, I 
began taking Whitaker's "Forward Plus" vitamins in June after chemo #4.
I also read about a patient with incurable cancer who was being treated for 
a heart problem with Coenzyme Q-10 --and his tumor disappeared!  Subsequent 
studies showed that higher doses of CoQ-10 were even more effective in 
shrinking tumors in other patients, so I began taking 400mg/day of CoQ-10 
after chemo #4.

I learned about essiac tea from a friend at work whose mother lived next to 
a cancer patient with a remarkable story.  I called him and he explained 
that he had colon cancer which had been treated with surgery and chemo, but 
had spread to his lung and liver.  When doctors at Los Angeles CA City of 
Hope hospital operated on him to implant tubes to deliver chemo directly to 
his tumors, they discovered that there were so many tumors on his liver that 
they could not proceed with the operation.  They closed him up and told him 
to get his affairs in order because he had only a few months to live...

He began taking the essiac tea and now, almost four years later, he feels 
fine and jogs every day.  He said that the tumors are still there but they 
are not growing or spreading.  President John F. Kennedy's personal 
physician Dr. Charles A. Brusch in 1990 signed a notarized statement that he 
had cured his own colon cancer, diagnosed in 1984, through the use of essiac 
tea alone.

I recently learned about the neighbor of my stepson who had undergone 5 or 6 
rounds of chemo for his lung cancer, but the chemo was not working and the 
tumor had grown to the size of a baseball and had spread to his liver and 
prostate.  He too was told he had only a few months to live.  He began 
taking the essiac tea only a few weeks after I began, and he decided that if 
2-3 ounces was the recommended dose, he would use 10-12 ounces at a time.  
Within a few weeks his tumor had shrunk to the size of a marble and my 
stepson told me in October of 1998 that his doctors now say he is in 
complete remission.  I have read about many other compelling cases which 
convinced me to add the essiac tea to my arsenal against cancer.

Similarly, I read or heard about cancer recoveries involving Cat's Claw bark 
and grape seed extract so I decided it wouldn't hurt to add them to the 

I began writing my treatment chronology because, as I began having positive 
results, more and more friends were asking me what I was doing and it became 
difficult to keep repeating the details.  Since something was working, I 
didn't want to risk changing anything.  It's possible that the chemo had a 
delayed effect and started working better after treatment #4, or that the 
combination of alternatives and chemo together was effective.

Did something in the alternatives play an important part in my recovery?  
The literature shows that patients with stage IV lung cancer undergoing 
similar chemo have only a 35 - 40% response rate and most of those responses 
are only stable disease or partial response with very few (2 - 3%) complete 
responses.  I may have been in the lucky 2 or 3%, but the correlation of my 
responses with the beginning of alternative therapy suggests that something 
in the alternatives played an important part in my recovery.

In March of 1998, my oncologist explained that at the present time stage IV 
lung cancer was an incurable disease, yet he was the same one who told me on 
November 3, 1998 that I was cured (with his qualification).  Since he 
actually used the word "cured", so I feel comfortable and justified in my 
page title and stand behind the facts of my case.  If it should ever be 
necessary, I have maintained copies of most of my radiology reports and test 
results and would gladly submit them to a qualified medical researcher for 

Since a cure of stage IV lung cancer is rare, I may have been an exceptional 
case, or as I would like to believe, I may have stumbled on a combination of 
therapies that is effective.  Without controlled studies, there is no way of 
knowing which components are or are not important.  Doing everything exactly 
as I did could be viewed as a controlled study.  In my opinion, it would be 
easy to add this non-toxic program to patients currently on 
carboplatin/taxol therapy to see if my results can be duplicated in other 
cases.  If so, then perhaps a medical professional or researcher could be 
persuaded to investigate further to determine the active components.
I am so excited about getting a second lease on life that I feel obligated 
to pass on this information so that others may benefit from the knowledge I 
have gained in the last 8 months.

I have heard of some "miracle recoveries" from people using the essiac tea. 
If you have any positive or negative results with the tea, I would like to 
hear about the details, so I can pass the information along to my doctors at 
Cedars Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center or to the alternative therapies 
section of the National Cancer Institute.

Good luck and good health!

Bob Karjala
Los Angeles, CA

Page started January 19, 1999

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Message: 6
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 03:06:27 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Control Hyperactivity A.D.D. Naturally

How to Reverse
and Get Your Child Off Ritalin

Caroline was a six-year-old girl who couldn’t sit still at school.
Caroline’s mastery of speech was delayed, she had a chronically runny nose, 
she was on Ritalin for her hyperactivity, and her doctors and teachers were 
ready to pin on her a label of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), reports 
Constantine A. Kotsanis, M.D., medical director of MindBody Health Center 
International in Grapevine, Texas. In fact, her hyperactivity was such a 
problem in the classroom that her teacher felt Caroline’s parents needed to 
find another school for her.

Dr. Kotsanis doesn’t like putting medically-convenient labels, such as
ADD, on children because it can stigmatize the child and often obscure the 
real causes of the heightened or uncontrolled activity. Many times one of 
those real causes is an undiagnosed allergy, Dr. Kotsanis says, as it turned 
out to be with Caroline. Her parents first noticed she had a problem at age 
seven months; intermittently, she had high fevers accompanied by seizures 
until she was 18 months old.

When she was four, Caroline had frequent urinary infections and was
diagnosed with hyperactivity and borderline ("high function") autism. At 
this point, she was put on Ritalin; by the time her parents discovered Dr. 
Kotsanis, they were eager to get their child off the drug.

Studying Caroline’s face, Dr. Kotsanis saw many signs, familiar to him,
of unresolved allergies. The nasal drip, for example, was indicative of mold 
and food allergies, says Dr. Kotsanis, who frequently sees children 
diagnosed with ADD bearing mild to severe (and untreated) allergies. A skin 
prick test for the IgE and IgG immunoglobulins (two of five specialized 
immune system proteins, useful for identifying immediate and delayed 
reactions, respectively) confirmed that Caroline had allergies to certain 
foods, trees, histamines, and glycerins.

Caroline’s symptoms were "a little bit of a mixed bag," says
Dr. Kotsanis. "They were a little bit autistic, a little bit ADD, and a 
little bit ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Her 
symptomatology, on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the worst, was 
about a five."

Dr. Kotsanis took Caroline off all sugar products, both natural and
synthetic (such as NutraSweet), and had her avoid all milk products, food 
dyes, white flour, gluten, and canned or processed foods. Red dye 
especially, her parents said, tended to get Caroline "climbing the walls."

Dr. Kotsanis asked Caroline’s parents to feed her exclusively at home
(restaurant food or anything prepackaged or canned had to be avoided) using 
organically-raised produce. In consultation with Jay Apte, a specialist in 
Ayurvedic nutrition on the MindBody Health Center’s staff, Dr. Kotsanis had 
Caroline avoid all cold foods and any foods that would create mucus in the 
body, such as dairy and "junk" foods.

To get a more detailed understanding of Caroline’s digestive system and
nutrient absorption, Dr. Kotsanis ordered a comprehensive stool analysis. 
This gave him the information he needed to prescribe specialized nutrients 
to correct the digestive underpinnings of Caroline’s problems. The analysis 
showed that Caroline had a malabsorption problem and a yeast overgrowth of 
Candida albicans.

To ADDress the Candida, Dr. Kotsanis started Caroline on a short-term dose 
of Nystatin, a conventional drug for fungal infections, which she took in 
capsule form two times daily for four weeks. He also gave her a series of 
four injections, at two-month intervals, containing homeopathic remedies for 
food, inhalant, mold, and dander allergies.

Typically, a patient receives 11 shots during a three-year period, then goes
on to a maintenance schedule of occasional injections. The homeopathic 
remedies (made from the allergens themselves) are low potency and 
"piggy-backed" onto shark cartilage as a carrier, says Dr. Kotsanis. "The 
contents program the immune system’s T-lymphocyte cells to fight the 
allergens," he says.

Next, he gave her Permeability Factor, 1/2 capsule, three times daily
between meals for six weeks, followed by the same dosage for one week per 
month for one year. This is a "nutritional stabilizing formula" containing 
amino acids, oils, and vitamins derived from marine sources, borage and rice 
bran oils, and lecithin. Its purpose is to regulate the lining and activity 
of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the intestines.

Dr. Kotsanis also put Caroline on Ultra Flora Plus, 1/4 teaspoon, two times
daily in four ounces of warm water for six weeks, then up to 1/2 teaspoon, 
two times daily for six weeks. The purpose of this formula is to replenish 
beneficial bacteria (such as Lactobacillus acidophilus) in the intestines 
and thereby improve the absorption of nutrients made possible by these 
bacteria, says Dr. Kotsanis.

To enhance digestion in the stomach and small intestine, Dr. Kotsanis
started Caroline on Vital Zymes, an enzyme mixture, taken once daily just 
before lunch. A nutrient formula called Super Nu-Thera®, specifically 
developed for hyperactive children and containing vitamin B6 (and other B 
vitamins), magnesium, and ADDitional key nutrients, was next on Dr. 
Kotsanis’ program for Caroline. Super Nu-Thera® #200 Nutrient Powder was 
given at the rate of 1/8 teaspoon once daily, building to twice daily, then 
to 1/2 teaspoon daily for at least six weeks.

Research conducted and/or reported by Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., of the Autism
Research Institute in San Diego, California, indicates that 30 to 40% of 
autistic children (out of a test group of 200) responded highly favorably to 
high-dose vitamin B6 in combination with magnesium. Improvements included 
better eye contact, fewer tantrums, more interest in the outer world, and 
more normal behavior in general.

Dr. Kotsanis also applied two other innovative techniques to improve
Caroline’s condition. First, he used an approach called sensory integration 
to sharpen her ability to focus and concentrate while remaining centered in 
her body. This approach involves simple but effective exercises such as 
balancing, walking in a straight line, looking at a dot, and dry skin 

Caroline was to brush her skin (torso and extremities, but not head or
genitals) in a circular fashion every two hours. When possible, Caroline was 
to do the brushing while walking and balancing. During the daytime, she was 
also to be wrapped tightly in a bedsheet—"like an Egyptian mummy," says Dr. 
Kotsanis—for ten minutes every two hours. "This stops the hyperactivity, 
literally. As she lies there on the floor facing up, she plays visual 
tic-tac-toe with a ball hanging over her eyes. This helps to calm the child 
and integrate the activities of both eyes."

Secondly, Dr. Kotsanis used an audio enhancement training method developed
by the French physician Guy Berard, M.D., and involves music. Dr. Kotsanis 
uses a special device that filters out certain frequencies to which the 
patient is hypersensitive. After a while, the patient’s hearing normalizes 
on these frequencies. "Patients like Caroline are usually hypersensitive to 
loud noises; this technique helps to retrain them to listen more 
selectively, and it teaches their auditory system to communicate with the 
environment." Dr. Kotsanis has used this technique to transform nonverbal 
children into speaking ones; often, they emerge with better socialization 
skills and eating and sleeping patterns, he ADDs.

A third technique, not used in Caroline’s case, involves special prism
lenses to correct visual problems associated with (and possibly partly 
causing) behavioral and learning disabilities. The therapeutic use of prism 
lenses—they look and are worn like glasses—is part of a field called 
functional or behavioral optometry. "Prism lenses are the correct treatment 
for dyslexia and can reverse dyslexia quickly," says Dr. Kotsanis.

Dr. Kotsanis’ multifaceted program for Caroline yielded successful
results. By the time of her second allergy shot (about one month after 
beginning treatment), she was stable and calm enough to be taken off the 
Ritalin (which she had been receiving at 10 mg daily).

Caroline’s school behavior, which formerly her teachers had rated as 
now quickly improved to "good" and her teachers began remarking "how well 
she was doing," says Dr. Kotsanis. In ADDition to the special homeopathic 
allergy shots, "the key to stopping the Ritalin was the elimination of all 
sugar products, both natural and artificial."

Caroline’s mother reported that her daughter’s speech abilities
grew quickly, expanding from one or two words at a time to full sentences, 
after about five months on the program. Caroline was also able to sit still 
for up to 21/2 hours of special education classes whereas formerly the most 
she could manage before fidgeting was ten minutes. She sleeps much better at 
night and can fall asleep now without the presence of a parent. Caroline no 
longer needs diapers and is able to play with other children, where before 
she could not, says Dr. Kotsanis.


Issue 29 - May 1999
Book Reports

Control Hyperactivity A.D.D. Naturally

By Billie Jay Sahley, Ph.D. Pain & Stress Publications San Antonio, 1998

Like its companion volume, The Anxiety Epidemic, also by Dr. Billie Jay 
Sahley, this book supports the orthomolecular approach to treat children 
with Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity 
Disorder. What is orthomolecular therapy? It means supplying your children’s 
cells with the right mixture of nutrients. Simply put: Adjusting the diet, 
eliminating junk food and ingesting the proper doses of essential vitamins, 
minerals and amino acids can correct your child’s chemical imbalances and as 
a result, his short and long-term behavior.

A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. present a major problem facing parents today. While many 
decide to put their children on Ritalin to treat A.D.D., Sahley successfully 
treats her young patients at The Pain & Stress Center in San Antonio, Texas 
in quite a different manner.

Each child receives a complete evaluation which includes food sensitivity 
screening and an amino-acid profile from blood work, revealing the offending 
foods and specific amino-acid deficiencies. Most people think of 
hyperactivity as some type of behavioral problem — a child who is impatient, 
impulsive and constantly moving, but others can be passive, withdrawn and 
find it hard to communicate their feelings. Most of these children 
demonstrate the inability of the central nervous system to effectively 
modulate motor activity.

A long chapter on the effectiveness of amino acids outlines the various 
possibilities of treatment. Other chapters touch on special circumstances 
such as Children and Grief and Sleep/Nighttime difficulties, and the 
connection between hyperactivity and allergies.


amino acids: are the basic building blocks of the 40,000 different proteins 
in the body, including enzymes, hormones, and the key brain chemical 
messenger molecules called neurotransmitters. About 20 amino acids cannot be 
made by the body and must be obtained through the diet; others are produced 
in the body but not always in sufficient amounts. The body's "amino acid 
pool" consists of: alanine, arginine, aspargine, aspartic acid, carnitine, 
citrulline, cysteine, cystine, GABA, glutamic acid, glutamine, glutathione 
peroxidase, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, 
ornithine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, taurine, threonine, trytophan, 
tyrosine, and valine.

blood: is classified into 4 blood types or groups according to the presence 
of type A and type B antigens on the surface of red blood cells. These 
antigens are also called agglutinogens and pertain to the blood cells' 
ability to agglutinate, or clump together. Type O blood (containing neither 
type) is found in 47% of the Caucasian population; type A, 41%; type B, 9%; 
type AB, 3%. Another form of blood grouping is according to Rh-positive and 
Rh-negative types, based on the distribution of 6 different Rh antigens.



Message: 7
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 03:15:17 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: MS-Multiple Sclerosis-Glenna Cox

Glenna Cox

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in May 1997, at the age of 38, 
though I had mild symptoms since the mid 1980s (my mid twenties). In 1993 I 
had my first bout with Optic Neuritis in my right eye, which caused a 
blurring of vision and pain, which remitted and then happened in the left 
eye and remitted. I also had numbness in my torso. After a few of these 
episodes, I knew that I probably had MS, but didn't want to be diagnosed. 
Unfortunately, by spring 1997, my symptoms had gotten much worse, including 
a reoccurrence of my eye problems, nystagmus in my right eye, a staggering 
gait, dizziness and balance problems, numbness in my face and arms, extreme 
fatigue and some cognitive problems. These problems, unlike previous 
problems, didn't remit. I knew that I needed to get help. I was motivated to 
do some of my own "research" to find the treatment approach I wanted to 
follow. Because the accepted practices of most neurologists didn't seem to 
have much scientific support, I kept searching - and then found the Swank 
clinic. Dr. Swank's long term experience treating the disease and theories 
made a lot of sense. His studies of patients following his program for more 
than 30 years backed up his theories and gave me encouragement that I could 
improve. Through MRI, evoked potentials and other tests, Dr. Swank confirmed 
that I did have Multiple Sclerosis.

After being diagnosed, I immediately started the Swank diet/stress reduction 
and rest program. I make sure I don't exceed the allowable amounts of fat 
and make sure I have a daily mid-day rest. I've found the mid-day rest to be 
a very important part of the Swank treatment program and a great stress 
reduction technique. I work full time, but now avoid work-related stress as 
much as possible. Within a month, I experienced a lessening of symptoms, 
although Dr. Swank and his staff have informed me that it usually takes 
patients 3-5 years to see improvement.

With the encouraging results of the Swank program, I decided to investigate 
and pursue other natural approaches, as long as they didn't interfere with 
the principles of the Swank program. I identified by pulse test many foods 
to which I'm sensitive. I began avoiding them. I found that many MS patients 
have B12 deficiencies. I had my B12 level tested and found that it is low. I 
am now supplementing it with weekly intramuscular B12 injections. I had 
blood nutrient levels tested, and am addressing nutritional deficiencies 
that were found by taking nutritional supplements (cod liver oil, evening 
primrose oil, flax seed oil, antioxidants and vitamins). After one year, 
many of my symptoms had disappeared. Some of them disappeared soon after I 
started the Swank low saturated fat diet, avoiding foods to which I'm 
sensitive and other measures. I no longer had a staggering gait. My 
dizziness and balance problems were much improved. The numbness in my face 
and arms was gone. My fatigue was much better. My eye problems have remained 
with me, as have (to a lesser degree than before) some of my cognitive 
problems. I haven't had any new symptoms since I started the Swank diet (and 
I used to have 1-2 new episodes every 6 months). I had my digestive 
functions tested and found that I have intestinal dysbiosis and a permeable 
intestine. Upon further investigation, I found that many MS patients can't 
digest some complex carbohydrates, such as grains. I began to avoid grains 
and other carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. I also make sure that 
I drink 8 glasses of pure water every day.

Although I still have some problems, I've improved a tremendous amount since 
I first saw Dr. Swank in 1997 and am sure that I have followed the correct 
treatment approach. When I first went to the Swank clinic, I was sure that 
my disease would soon lead me to a wheelchair. Now I run, lift weights and 
look forward to a bright future.

I'm very glad that I have followed a "natural" approach - it has worked well 
for me. From my experience, I can recommend a low saturated fat diet, mid 
day rest and avoiding stress, eight glasses of pure water per day, avoiding 
foods to which I'm sensitive and foods that are difficult to digest and 
taking supplements as necessary - especially B12 if required (most MS 
patients have low B12 levels).

* Disclaimer: I am not a medical Dr. or other professional. The above 
represents my experience and should not be taken as advice, etc. Review any 
program you desire to pursue with medical Drs.


My MS Treatment "Program"

Click here for detail

Extremely low saturated fat diet (ala Swank)

Avoid sugar, most grains, most dairy, eat VERY LITTLE and ONLY ORGANIC meat 
and avoid any foods to which you're sensitive

Make/drink FRESH organic veggie juice and eat lots of organic raw 

Drink 8 glasses of water/day (I distill my own with a steam distiller)

I take great comfort from my belief in God.
Mid-day rest (at least 1/2 hour rest lying down)
Get *plenty* of sleep

Avoid stress. At the recommendation of my Dr., I checked out the "Freeze 
Frame" stress reduction technique and found it helpful. I also try to reduce 
the "non-essential" stress I used to impose upon myself.

I try to strengthen my body as much as possible. I lift weights and run 
several times per week. I do small amounts of exercise at a time, so I don't 
fatigue myself too much.

I try to spend 30 minutes every sunny day (15 minutes per "side", not much 
more or much less) in the sun - without sunscreen. But, since it's hard to 
find sun in the Pacific Northwest, I'm not able to do it every day. The sun 
helps your body create vitamin D which is very helpful to MS. Also, since I 
live in a dreary climate, the exposure to sun whenever I can do it helps 
lift my spirits.

I am currently considering replacing my mercury amalgams. Obviously, mercury 
is a toxic substance that doesn't belong in your body, which is a good 
reason for removing the amalgams. In addition, I recently read an 
interesting paper that looks at the issue that mercury such as is in amalgam 
fillings can interfere with normal metabolism of B12, which can contribute 
to diseases such as MS. I already know that I have intestinal problems that 
interfere with my absorption of B12 - perhaps my amalgams also interfere 
with B12 metabolism.

Click here for detail

I have weekly intramuscular B12 injections (I, like most MS patients am low 
in B12 which itself can cause MS-like symptoms and fatigue)
Make sure that I have Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils (essential fatty acids (I 
take flax oil, salmon oil, evening primrose oil and cod liver oil 

I also take supplements to strengthen my blood/brain barrier like 
proanthodyn and bilberry
I take some general supplements - magnesium, selenium, vitamin E
I take coenzyme Q-10

Books: (click on book image to go to a site to order it)
The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book, Roy Laver Swank, M.D., Ph.D. & Barbara 
Brewer Dugan

Hundreds of new recipes for dishes that taste terrific but stick to the diet 
rules so important for controlling M.S.--now completely revised to conform 
to the latest medical research.

Multiple Sclerosis A Self-Help Guide to its Management, Judy Graham

This comprehensive guide to alternative and self-help care is directed to 
those who have MS, and to their families, friends, and helpers. Judy 
Graham's personal experiences with MS prompted her to explore various 
natural methods of treatment, leading to dramatic and lasting improvement in 
her own health. In her book, she has combined this first-hand knowledge with 
extensive, ongoing research.

God's Way to Ultimate Health, George Malkmus

Everything you need to know about how to return to God's original plan for 
nourishing the human body. Read what the Bible says about diet and how this 
biblical wisdom is supported by modern science and hundreds of real-life 
testimonials. Many people say this book has saved their lives. There has 
never been a book like this put into print.

The Complete MS Body Manual, Susie Cornell

An MS sufferer herself for more than 20 years, Susie holds the ITEC 
qualifications in physical therapy, massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and 
operates her own training courses in natural therapy.

'We usually get a manual when we buy a car, but we didn't get one when we 
were born. I have spent half my lifetime finding ways of helping my body 
return to a state of balance and ease. The book is my manual for the state 
of imbalance or "disease-ease" known as multiple sclerosis.' This book has 
many ideas for massage techniques that can help MS patients.

  MS : Something Can Be Done and You Can Do It : A New Approach to 
Understanding and Managing Multiple Sclerosis, Robert W. Soll

A great book that examines the contribution of food sensitivities to MS and 
suggests methods for detecting food sensitivities (such as the "pulse test")
Optimal Wellness, Ralph Golan, M.D.

A general book about "Where Mainstream and Alternative Medicine Meet". Has 
information about a number of conditions:
The "Ten Common Denominators" of Illness
Alternative Treatment Options for Major Health Problems
A-to-Z Self-Care for More Than 100 Common Ailments


Sites to check out:
Alternative Medicine Drs:
Searchable list of doctors (by city and state) that are into alternative 
medicine. I found my Dr. and some others that are supposed to be good from 
this area, so it seems to be useful.

Swank Diet:
A low saturated fat diet developed by Dr. Roy Swank who has for more than 30 
years advocated a low saturated fat diet and stress reduction. The Swank 
program has a 95% reduction in relapse rates (on p. 68 of The MS Diet Book 
by Swank and Dugan).

A Neurologist located in Naples, Florida who is very knowledgeable about MS 
and its treatment.

Hallelujah Diet:
A diet based on God's foods that we were originally intended to eat (fruits 
and vegetables). The Hallelujah Diet was developed by George Markmus. Using 
the diet, he cured himself of a softball-sized tumor in his colon. People 
with other conditions (such as MS) have also benefited from this diet.

Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD):
A diet developed by Elaine Gotschall, which she used to cure her daughter of 
colitis. It is developed with the idea that sometimes the intestines are 
diseased so that they can't process certain carbohydrates (they can only 
process "specific carbohydrates") and eating the wrong carbohydrates can 
worsen your intestinal troubles. Eating the correct carbohydrates can allow 
the intestines to heal themselves. Since MS seems to be linked to intestinal 
problems (at least in my case and that of several others), this seems like a 
reasonable avenue to pursue.

Ashton Embry:
A theory about MS and a treatment regime developed by Aston Embry when his 
son "got" MS.

Freeze Frame stress reduction technique:
A stress reduction technique that is widely advocated. Since stress seems to 
play a large part in MS, stress reduction is very useful. There are many 
good stress reduction techniques. I've found this one to be useful.

Return to God web site:
A site that my husband and I developed that contains some interesting 
information about God.

* Disclaimer: I am not a medical Dr. or other professional. The above 
represents my experience and should not be taken as advice, etc. Review any 
program you desire to pursue with medical Drs.


Glenna Cox


Message: 8
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 03:42:47 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Sedative Nutrients for Hyperactivity

Issue 18 - May/June 1997
Sedative Nutrients for Hyperactivity

Prescribing—for Yourself

As the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is 
increasingly applied to children whose behavior seems out of control, and as 
drugs like Ritalin, Dexedrine, and Cylert are increasingly prescribed to 
control the hyperactivity, alternative-minded physicians are looking for 
more holistic approaches.

According to Robert C. Atkins, M.D., who practices in New York City and 
edits the monthly newsletter, Health Revelations, in many cases a blood 
sugar disorder underlies the hyperactivity. Based on his successful outcomes 
in treating over 200 ADHD patients, Dr. Atkins states that eliminating 
sugars (fruits, juices, milk products, and refined, simple carbohydrates) 
from the children’s diet can correct most ADHD. He also reports that by 
eliminating foods and contact with certain substances (dry-cleaning 
chemicals, food additives, and plastics, among others) that trigger 
allergies, and then treating the allergies with desensitization shots, 
children’s hyperactivity tends to fade away.

Dr. Atkins also outlines a specific program of “hypernutrition” as a way of 
naturally sedating hyperactive children. His plan calls for the following, 
given in divided doses during the day: 5-hydroxy-tryptophan (2-3 mg per 
pound of body weight); gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA; 6-8 mg/lb); inositol 
(20 mg/lb); and taurine (10 mg/lb). With the exception of the amino acid 
tryptophan, which generally requires a prescription (not for any good 
therapeutic reason, but because of FDA interference), the other nutrients 
are easily obtained in natural foods stores. Tryptophan is the precursor for 
a brain chemical called serotonin known to have a sedating influence.

For individuals who may not be hyperactive but feel they have a tendency to 
inattentiveness, Dr. Atkins offers this recommendation, to be taken in 
divided doses during the day: the amino acids L-phenylalanine (10 mg/lb) and 
acetyl-tyrosine (6-8 mg/lb); octacosanol (from wheat germ oil, associated 
with vitamin E: 100 mcg/lb); and phosphatidylserine (from lecithin; 2-3 

Finally, as a way of controlling sugar cravings or conditions of low blood 
sugar, prevalent among people with ADHD, Dr. Atkins suggests a daily dose of 
the amino acid L-glutamine (10 mg/lb) and chromium polynicotinate (4 

SOURCE—Robert C. Atkins, M.D., “Hyperactivity’s True Tragedy,” Dr. Robert 
Atkins’ Health Revelations 4:9 (September 1996), 3-6. Available for 12 
issues/$80 from: Agora Health Publishing, 105 West Monument Street, 
Baltimore, MD 21201; tel: 410-223-2611; fax: 410-223-2619.

HYPERACTIVITY. According to Patricia Meyer, B.F.A.,
and Andrea Schor, M.Ed., flower remedy therapy is effective in treating 
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in teenagers. Meyer and 
Schor, who are certified flower essence practitioners, worked with 2 male 
twins, aged 14. Both boys had severe behavioral problems: they fought 
constantly, acted aggressively, violently, and impulsively; and they were on 
Dexedrine, the conventional drug for ADHD.


See Alternative Medicine, the Definitive Guide: "Children's Health," pp. 
610-615; "Flower Remedies," pp. 232-243.


Each boy started taking a set of flower
essences including Five-Flower Formula, Self-Heal, and Holly, plus 5-8 
additional remedies specific to their individual personalities. They took 
the essences daily for several months; soon, parents and practitioners noted 
dramatic changes for the better in their temperament. Both boys were more 
relaxed, less combative, and did better in school. Ten months after 
beginning treatment, they were taken off Dexedrine and were judged to be 
free of ADHD symptoms.

SOURCE: Flower Essence Society Newsletter, Patricia Meyer and Andrea Schor, 
"Helping Children with Attention Deficit Disorder Through Flower Essence 
Therapy," Vol. 5, Nos. 1 & 2, Summer 1995. pp. 1-6. Available from: Earth 
Spirit, Inc., Flower Essence Society, P.O. Box 459, Nevada City, CA 95959; 
tel: 800-548-0075; fax: 916-265-6467



Message: 9
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 04:01:37 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Bone Manipulation Can Help AD-HD Children

Issue 24
Children's Health

Chiropractic Can Help Your Child Read Better

If your child has difficulty in reading, comprehension, and recall, it may 
be due to a misalignment of the bones of the skull, says chiropractor 
Charles A. Simkovich, D.C., who practices in Wexford, Pennsylvania. Since 
1984, Dr. Simkovich has treated over 1,000 children for a variety of 
learning disabilities.

From this work, he’s discerned a consistent pattern. There are typically one 
of three factors that produce learning disabilities in children, he says. 
First, there is the aftermath of a physical blow to the head, some kind of 
physical trauma that has misaligned the cranial bones.

Dr. Simkovich calls this the cranial injury complex, and it may have come 
from the birthing process or falling as a toddler. Accidents to the skull 
that occur on the sides of the head, rather than the front or back, are most 
likely to produce this complex, he notes. Every child Dr. Simkovich has 
treated has had this problem to some extent.

The second factor is a chemical trauma that manifests as multiple allergies 
to foods, substances, and inhalants. The allergic trauma compromises the 
child’s mental abilities. Often if the mother took powerful drugs before her 
pregnancy (birth control pills), while pregnant (antibiotics), or during 
delivery (Pitocin), the effects of these drugs are registered on the fetus. 
Children who come out of this background are prone to hyperactivity or 
attention deficit disorder, Dr. Simkovich maintains. The third factor 
contributing to learning difficulties is heredity, he says.

Untilting the Sphenoid Bone

The way physical traumas to the head can produce learning disabilities is 
clearly shown in the case of Margueritte. A first-grader (age 7), 
Margueritte had trouble reading. Her eyes wouldn’t track the words on the 
pages, and she couldn’t remember much of what she did manage to read.

During group reading sessions, when her class would sit in a circle, taking 
turns reading out loud, Margueritte’s teacher would humiliate her by sending 
her back to her chair. Her classmates ridiculed her and Margueritte often 
cried at her desk over her reading failure.

During his examination of Margueritte, Dr. Simkovich determined that she had 
several cranial injuries. The sphenoid, a wedge-shaped bone at the base of 
the skull, was tilted on the left side; it’s supposed to be level.

This meant that the left side of Margueritte’s brain, which pertains to 
analytical, logical word processing and comprehension functions, was being 
“squeezed” and therefore unable to work optimally, explains Dr. Simkovich. 
He contends that the tilted sphenoid is actually a major influence in 
learning disabilities, displacing brain function, which should involve both 
brain hemispheres, to predominantly one side.

In addition, in Margueritte’s case, the meninges, the membranes covering the 
brain and spinal cord, were twisted to one side in her skull. Further, the 
dura mater, the outermost of the three layers of the meninges, was “loose,” 
a condition which also contributed to the unequal pressure being applied to 
her brain.

To understand how these factors are a problem you need to add one more 
element to the explanation, says Dr. Simkovich. The cranial bones move 
slightly each time you inhale and exhale, he explains. If these bones are 
misaligned or tilted, parts of the brain are subject to unequal pressure 
with every respiration. Bear in mind that the average person, resting, 
breathes in and out about 720 times every hour. Dr. Simkovich’s research 
indicates that “the vast majority of [learning disabilities] are caused by 
physical problems, largely the abnormal movement of the cranial bones during 
normal respiration.”

These three physical factors were the primary reason for Margueritte’s 
reading problems, says Dr. Simkovich. There was nothing in Margueritte’s 
medical history that could account for the cranial injuries, so Dr. 
Simkovich put it down to heredity.

To make the corrections, he relied on a chiropractic strategy called neural 
organization technique, developed by New York chiropractor Carl A. Ferreri, 
D.C., in 1982. This technique focuses on reorganizing the nervous system as 
it relates to the brain and spinal cord for the purposes of reversing 
dyslexia and learning disabilities.

One of the unusual aspects of this approach is that often the chiropractor 
makes adjustments inside the patient’s mouth. That’s because the tips (or 
wings) of the sphenoid bone, and their connecting muscles, lie just under 
the roof of the mouth, so the mouth is the easiest place to get at the 
sphenoid, explains Dr. Simkovich.

He gave Margueritte three chiropractic treatments in the first week, then a 
few more two weeks later. Dr. Simkovich worked primarily on the cranial 
bones, the neck, and inside her mouth. “With Margueritte, it took relatively 
few treatments to get good results,” comments Dr. Simkovich.

Margueritte’s mother reported that within the few days following the first 
treatment, Margueritte was reading fluently and was happy, no longer crying 
at her school desk. Dr. Simkovich relates that during that first session, 
Margueritte was initially resistant to treatment and wouldn’t look at him. 
After a few treatments, this all changed. “She became bubbly, talked my ear 
off, and would give me a big hug when she came in the office,” he reflects. 
This was over ten years ago.

Today, Margueritte is an honors student in high school. Her friends don’t 
believe her when she tells them she once had a learning disability, says Dr. 

Getting a Teenager Off Ritalin

The case of Ramsey, 13, illustrates the role of chemical trauma in the 
development of learning disabilities, says Dr. Simkovich. When he came to 
Dr. Simkovich, Ramsey was on a high dose of Ritalin, the conventional drug 
commonly prescribed for a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity 
disorder (ADHD).

Ramsey had visual tracking problems and difficulties with short-term memory, 
coordination, and controlling his “high impulsivity.” He would often yell 
out suddenly and exhibit other forms of inappropriate, disruptive behavior. 
Ramsey also suffered from chronic sinus congestion, suggestive of allergies.

During his examination of Ramsey, Dr. Simkovich found several indications of 
cranial injury complex. As with Margueritte, Ramsey’s meninges were twisted 
and his dura mater misaligned. The unequal pressure on Ramsey’s brain was 
producing a suppression of the left side of his brain (the logical side) and 
an overstimulation of the right hemisphere (which pertains more to emotions 
and artistic and intuitive expression).

Dr. Simkovich believed that Ramsey’s chronic allergies were related to the 
fact that, during her labor, his mother had been given Pitocin to speed up 
the delivery. Chemical traces of this powerful drug were passed on to 
Ramsey, eventually leading to allergies, says Dr. Simkovich. As a result of 
these factors, Ramsey was “neurologically disorganized.”

Dr. Simkovich treated Ramsey four times during the first week. Over the 
course of the next year, Dr. Simkovich worked closely with Ramsey’s parents 
and pediatrician to gradually reduce the Ritalin dosage.

Given the high dose and the fact that Ramsey had been on the strong drug for 
a few years, this dose reduction had to be done carefully and in stages. 
With each new reduction, new chiropractic adjustments were needed to realign 
Ramsey’s body at a new level of competence, Dr. Simkovich says.

It took about a year of twice-weekly treatments to get Ramsey completely off 
the Ritalin and “functioning regularly.” To reduce the allergies, Dr. 
Simkovich advised Ramsey to avoid all food additives, food dyes, and simple 
sugars; he also gave Ramsey an herbal tincture of echinacea to help his 
immune system eliminate the allergens.

The patience of everyone involved was rewarded. After that year of 
treatment, Ramsey’s grades improved, his attention and concentration were 
much better, his outbursts of inappropriate behavior were much reduced, and 
aside from an occasional flare-up, his allergies were gone, as evidenced by 
no more sinus congestion. Ramsey’s mother told Dr. Simkovich that friends of 
hers who hadn’t seen her son for some months “were amazed at the changes in 


Message: 10
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 04:17:07 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Reversing Allergies Permanently, ADHD

Issue 27 - January 1999
Reversing Allergies Permanently

Undoing Environmental Overload

As in Blenda’s case, the fact that all of Disa’s symptoms were greatly 
improved by this program of nutritional support and deep-working immune 
system retraining through EPD illustrates how profoundly allergies can upset 
the body and generate a web of symptoms.

The cases also highlight how by directing the therapeutic response to the 
level of the immune system, rather than providing symptomatic relief or 
relieving the secondary complications (such as yeast infections or 
intestinal imbalance), you get a stronger, longer-lasting response.

“EPD appears to cause a cloning of certain T cells in the immune system so 
that they become resistant cells,” Dr. Edelson explains. “Then they start 
protecting you against the production of T4 cells which are the ones that 
lead to the allergy symptoms. EPD builds resistance slowly, in steps, but it 
does cure food allergies. You can eventually eat those once allergenic foods 
again and not have the allergic symptoms you previously had. Whatever the 
symptoms, within time, they will be gone. After a while, you will no longer 
need even to take the yearly boosters.”

Part of Dr. Edelson’s satisfaction with EPD is that it is an excellent tool 
in the practice of environmental medicine, his speciality. Formerly known as 
clinical ecology, the principles of environmental medicine were first 
formulated in the 1950s based on the concept of chemical sensitivity and 
food allergies, and have been elaborated ever since.

“Environmental medicine is the study of the effects of our environment 
(water, food, inhalants, biologicals, chemicals, metals, physical 
substances) on the health of a person,” explains Dr. Edelson. Certain 
individuals—a number that is burgeoning—are “environmentally sensitive” even 
at low exposures and are subject to acute or chronically recurring allergy 
attacks at first, and then long-term illnesses, as a result.

An increasing number of people are environmentally sensitive because we are 
not adapting well to our chemicalized environment and devitalized food 
sources and because the immune system cannot keep pace with the toxic 
substances around us and in our foods, Dr. Edelson notes. As a result, our 
biological systems slowly deteriorate, and we get chronic illness, including 
allergy-based problems. “We become aware of an illness and think it is acute 
but, the fact is, it only came about because of an eventual collapse of our 
body’s immune and detoxification systems.”

This kind of immune overload is now happening to North Americans at 
alarmingly early ages. Fortunately, Dr. Edelson has found that EPD works 
reliably and effectively in reversing allergy-based problems in children.

Valentinov, 8, had allergies to multiple substances, including many foods, 
trees, dyes, dust, and dust mites. He exhibited the symptoms typical of 
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for which he was on Ritalin, 
in addition to food cravings, excessive sweating, mood swings, and acute 
sensitivity to sounds. Valentinov’s mother wanted another approach; she’d 
had it with conventional medicine.

Dr. Edelson gave Valentinov EPD injections every second month and put him on 
a daily oral nutritional support formula (Chemo-Basic M) containing 
vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. “After six months of therapy, 
or three EPD injections, Valentinov was 75% improved and off Ritalin,” says 
Dr. Edelson. The boy tended to have a slight recurrence of his hyperactivity 
around the time the EPD injection wore off, but this would disappear as soon 
as he was injected, and was expected to disappear permanently in a few more 
months, Dr. Edelson adds.

Hermann, 4, was brought to Dr. Edelson with a history of chronic ear 
infections, hyperactivity, urine retention, intestinal incontinence, mood 
disturbances, and a tendency to act aggressively and with hostility. Allergy 
testing indicated Hermann was sensitive to numerous foods, grasses, molds, 
dyes, chloride, and cats. His stools demonstrated Candida overgrowth and a 
deficiency in probiotics; a hair analysis indicated elevated levels of lead, 
cadmium, and aluminum.

Dr. Edelson gave Hermann the amino acid glutamine (8 g daily), to help heal 
his gastrointestinal tract, and Chemo-Basic M. In addition, Hermann was to 
avoid all foods (especially sugar, which feeds Candida) known to provoke 
allergies in him; he was given probiotics to rebalance his intestines, 
nystatin (a conventional antifungal), Tanalbit (a form of tannic acid) to 
subdue and eradicate his yeast infection, and EPD injections. After eight 
months on this approach, Hermann was 90% improved, says Dr. Edelson.

This is how the allergic response takes place: Allergens, or foreign 
substances judged by the body to be harmful, enter the body, through 
breathing, the skin, through eating or drinking foods, or by injection, such 
as insect bites or vaccinations. Because the body judges the allergens to be 
dangerous to its health, the immune system identifies them as antigens.

Antigens trigger an allergic inflammatory response. The immune system then 
releases specific forms of protein called antibodies to deactivate the 
allergenic antigens, setting in motion a complex series of events involving 
up to the release of 12 different biochemicals. These chemicals then produce 
the inflammation or other typical symptoms of an allergy response.

An antibody known as IgE is most commonly involved in the allergic response 
to pollens and foods. IgE is one of five immunoglobulins (IgA, IgD, IgG, 
IgM), or antibodies, involved with allergic responses.

Mast cells, which produce the allergic response and are found throughout the 
body’s tissues, next come into play; they tend to be concentrated in the 
skin, nasal and lung linings, gastrointestinal tract, and reproductive 
organs. A single mast cell has on its surface between 100,000 and one 
million receptor sites for the IgE antibody; it also houses about 1,000 
granules containing a substance called histamine.

When the IgE antibody senses an allergen (a foreign substance or protein), 
it triggers the mast cells to release histamine and 28 other chemicals and 
the allergic response flares. The IgE molecules also insert themselves, like 
a key fitting a lock into the allergens.

Histamine is the substance that gives us runny noses, red, itchy eyes, hot, 
tender, or swollen body parts, flushing, and the other symptoms associated 
with allergic reactions. Although it may not seem that way to the sufferer, 
the allergic response, in the form of inflammation, swelling, heat, redness, 
or tenderness, is the body’s attempt to heal itself from the effect of the 


antibody: is a molecule of amino acids made by cells in the lymph tissue and 
set in motion by the immune system against a specific antigen. An antibody 
is classified as an immunoglobulin and may be found in the blood, lymph, 
colostrum, saliva, and gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, usually within 3 
days after the first encounter with an antigen. At this point, the antibody 
binds tightly with the antigen as a preliminary for removing it from the 


Message: 11
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 04:31:27 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: ANXIETY, seizures, allergies


Sometimes the underlying factor in a complicated case of severe low blood 
sugar, depression, chronic allergies, grand mal seizures, and heart 
palpitations is a mental symptom such as anxiety, according to naturopaths 
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, N.D., and Robert Ullman, N.D. They treated a man, 
aged 40, who had these symptoms and who had been on Dilantin for 2 years to 
control his seizures. They prescribed homeopathic Argentum nitricum (silver 
nitrate, 6C, three times daily).

month later he was feeling much improved, with an easing-up of many 

After 6 months, having taken a stronger potency of Argentum
nitricum (30C) but less frequently, he cut back his Dilantin regimen from 
300 mg daily to 100 mg every 4 days. Two years after beginning treatment, 
"he feels really well," states Dr. Reichenberg-Ullman. "He can no longer 
remember most of what bothered him before."

SOURCE: "Healing with Homeopathy: A Man with Anxiety, Depression, Seizures 
&AMO; Severe Hypoglycemia," Townsend Letter for Doctors, November 1994, pp. 
1176, 1188. Available from: 911 Tyler Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368; tel: 
360-385-6021; fax: 360-385-0699; $42/10 issues.


Message: 12
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 04:31:52 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: ASTHMA. Enzyme therapist 

ASTHMA. Enzyme therapist

Lita Lee, Ph.D. successfully worked with a man, aged 75, who, in effect, had 
been unable to breathe easily for six decades, since he first came down with 
asthma at age 14. He had to use an inhaler 4-6 times daily; in addition, he 
had arthritis, herpes on his legs, arms, and neck, and sugar intolerance.

For his asthma, Dr. Lee suggested an herbal formula including
Oregon grape root, safflower petals, red clover tops, coleus forskohlii, and 
digestive enzymes. For his arthritis, she gave him a formula containing 
yucca, alfalfa juice concentrate, safflower petals, oat straw, and 
glucosamine sulfate; for the herpes, Dr. Lee gave him the food enzymes 
lipase and amylase plus fatty acids; and for the sugar intolerance, Dr. Lee 
gave him a digestive formula containing the enzymes protease, amylase, 
lipase, cellulase, sucrase, lactase, and maltase.

"Reach for these formulas
instead of your inhaler the next time you feel an asthma attack coming on," 
Dr. Lee advised him. She expected it would take many weeks before he had 
good results. However, two days after starting this enzyme program, he told 
Dr. Lee he was no longer using the inhaler. After 3 weeks, his arthritis and 
herpes symptoms were much improved and his need even for the enzymes was 

SOURCE: Patient case study published in Earthletter, Winter 1994, Vol. 4, 
No. 4, p. 12, by Lita Lee, Ph.D., 2852 Willamette Street, No. 397, Eugene, 
OR 97405; tel: 503-746-7621; fax: 503-741-0354.


Message: 13
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 04:39:11 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: ATHEROSCLEROSIS, CANCER, Magnet Therapy 


William H. Philpott, M.D.,
reports excellent results from using magnet therapy for atherosclerosis 
resulting from diabetes. A man, aged 70, with atherosclerotic heart disease, 
underwent a multiple bypass operation. Two years later his heart pain 
returned, leaving him unsteady on his feet and subject to disorientation in 
familiar surroundings; his speech grew thick and he became chronically 

Dr. Philpott had him sleep
with the negative pole of several magnets (ferrous ceramic, 2000-4000 gauss 
in strength) placed at the crown of his head. The man also wore a magnet 
strapped to his skin over his heart during the day. Within a week, his 
symptoms improved and after one month of this treatment, he had no heart 
pain, his balance returned, his speech became distinct, and his depression 
was gone. Through this method, "the mental confusion, disorientation, and 
depression of cerebral atherosclerosis is remarkably reduced or even 
completely relieved," reports Dr. Philpott.

SOURCE: Diabetes Mellitus: A Reversible Disease, a monograph by William H. 
Philpott, M.D., P.O. Box 50655, Midwest City, OK 73140; tel: 405-390-1444.


See Alternative Medicine, the Definitive Guide: "Magnetic Field Therapy," 
pp. 330-338; "Heart Disease," pp. 711-724; "Diabetes," pp. 647-656.


Vegetarians live longer than meat eaters, concludes the British Medical 
Association. Vegetarians have a 28% lower risk of dying from heart disease 
and a 39% reduced chance of dying from cancer, according to a 12-year 
research program involving 5000 British meat eaters and 6100 vegetarians.


CANCER. Magnet therapy can produce dramatic
turnarounds in certain kinds of cancer, states William H. Philpott, M.D. Dr. 
Philpott treated a woman, aged 71, who had a basal cell carcinoma on her 
forehead as a result of intense sunburn. Every night, Dr. Philpott had the 
woman sleep with a 12,300-gauss magnet placed, negative side down, directly 
on the cancerous area. In 6 weeks, this pathological spot had dried up and 
peeled off without a scar, reports Dr. Philpott. Five years later there was 
still no reappearance of the cancer.


Dr. Philpott treated another woman, aged 75, who had a melanoma
tumor on her forehead. Dr. Philpott had the woman wear a 3950-gauss magnet 
over the cancerous growth for 24 hours a day for 3 months. After one month 
of this treatment, the tumor stopped growing and its soreness eased up; then 
the tumor started to recede and dry up; after 10 weeks, it literally fell 
off her forehead.

According to Dr. Philpott, magnet therapy achieves
these results because it applies a negative pole magnetic field to the 
cancer. This changes the pH of the cells, which are too acidic, making them 
more alkaline, which is favorable to healing. In addition, the negative 
magnetic field releases oxygen bound up in the acids of the unhealthy cells. 
The oxygen then diffuses throughout the cells, restoring health and 

SOURCE: Cancer-The Magnetic/Oxygen Answer for Infection Toxicity, William H. 
Philpott, M.D., 1994, P.O. Box 50655, Midwest City, OK 73140; tel: 
405-390-1444; fax: 405-390-2968.


"Our current estimate is that about 75% of the current annual incidence of 
breast cancer in the U.S. is being caused by earlier ionizing radiation, 
primarily from medical sources."

"Mammography - radiation induced breast cancer."

-SOURCE: Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story of a Major, Proven, Preventable 
Cause of This Disease, (1995), John W. Goffman, M.D., Ph.D., Committee for 
Nuclear Responsibility, P.O. Box 421993, San Francisco, CA 94142.


Message: 14
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 04:50:38 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Type II diabetes


A woman, aged 39, with Type II diabetes and exceedingly high
blood sugar, was taken off insulin only two days after being on a special 
diet and supplement program, reports Robert C. Atkins, M.D.

She was
constantly hungry, always exhausted, craved sweets, and weighed 335 pounds. 
A previous doctor had put her on 100 units of daily insulin and a low-fat, 
high-carbohydrate diet, but this worsened her condition. Then Dr. Atkins put 
her on a special low-sugar, low-carbohydrate diet, emphasizing animal 
protein and green salads.

He prescribed the following daily supplements to
help stabilize her metabolism: vitamin B6 (150-300 mg); another vitamin B6 
compound called pyridoxine alpha-ketoglutarate (1500-3000 mg); niacinamide 
(750 mg); vitamin C (2000-4000 mg); vitamin E (400-800 IU); vitamin B12 
(500-1000 mcg); cozenzyme Q10 (90-150 mg); borage oil (900-1500 mg); 
chromium picolinate (400-800 mcg); magnesium (taurate or aspartate, 400-600 
mg); vanadyl sulfate (15-30 mg); zinc (orotate or chelate, 100-150 mg); 
manganese (20-30 mg); copper (3 mg); selenium (200 mcg); plus dosages of 
aloe vera, fenugreek, bitter melon, and Gymnema sylvestre herbs. Dr. Atkins 
often adds biotin (9 mg) to the nutrient list for lowering blood sugar.

After one day on this treatment, the woman no longer required insulin shots
and her blood sugar level dropped from 700 to 110. Her energy picked up, her 
sugar cravings went away, and she lost 22 pounds in the next 7 weeks. In 
effect, she no longer had diabetes.

SOURCE: Dr. Atkins' Health Revelations, Vol. III, No. 8, August 1995, pp. 
4-6; available from: Agora, Inc., 105 West Monument Street, Baltimore, MD 
21202; tel: 410-223-2611; $69/12 issues.


Message: 15
   Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 05:58:48 PET
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx


A woman named Elizabeth, aged 40, had suffered with
multiple sclerosis (MS) for 19 years, reports Effie Poy Yew Chow, Ph.D., 
R.N., a certified acupuncturist practicing at East West Academy of Healing 
Arts in San Francisco, California. Elizabeth was legally blind, had no 
sensation or movement in her legs and only little in her arms, and had no 
muscle tone at all. She was restricted to a wheelchair and couldn't turn 
herself in bed or feed herself; her speech was slurred and stuttering and 
she was deeply depressed.

Dr. Chow treated her one hour a day for 2 days a
month for 6 months using Qigong, acupuncture, acupressure, physical 
exercise, herbs, and visualization. After the first day's treatment, 
Elizabeth was able to turn over in bed 6 times by herself and in later weeks 
she was able to turn herself 100 times as an exercise.

Her arm tremors decreased substantially as did her muscle spasms; she gained 
sensation in her legs, became able to feed herself and to speak more clearly 
without stuttering; and she felt positive and happy.

Four years after treatment began, Elizabeth continues to progress without 
setback, says Dr. Chow.

SOURCE: Patient records of Dr. Chow, East West Academy of Healing Arts, 450 
Sutter Street, Suite 2104, San Francisco, CA 94108; tel: 415-788-2227.
