There are 6 messages in this issue.

Topics in today's digest:

           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      2. Fwd: DEPRESSION
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      3. Fwd: INSOMNIA
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      4. Fwd: MIGRAINES
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      5. Fwd: ULCERS
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
      6. Fwd: HAY FEVER
           From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx


Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 09:02:33 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx

----Original Message Follows----


By the time he came to acupuncturist M. M. van Benschoten, O.M.D.,
practicing in Reseda, California, Albert, aged 37, had been beset by chronic
fatigue syndrome for 7 years. He reported headaches, chest pain, fatigue,
lymph node swelling, muscle aches, irritability, and lightheadness. Although
Albert had elevated blood levels of Epstein-Barr virus, normally associated
with chronic fatigue, Dr. van Benschoten’s analysis of Albert’s acupuncture
meridians (energy pathways through the body) showed no indication of
bacterial or viral activity capable of producing his symptoms.

Instead, he found mercury toxicity from dental amalgams to be the
fundamental underlying cause of the suppression of Albert’s immune system.

To arrive at this conclusion, Dr. van Benschoten used an energy medicine
device in an analytical approach called “acupoint biophoton diagnostics.”
Toxic metals such as mercury interfere with the normal energy patterns in
various acupuncture channels; harmful energies set up interference patterns
(“biophoton” emissions) in the meridians, in this case, the heart channel,
explains Dr. van Benschoten.

He prescribed a series of Chinese herbs, including chrysanthemum, angelica
dahurica, isatis, bupleurum, cnidium, astragalus, salvia, platycodon, siler,
taraxacum, ligustrum lucidum, and fructus lycium. After taking these herbs
for 6 weeks, Albert was headache-free and had relief from fatigue and chest
pain. The degree to which mercury toxicity was interfering with his energy
pathways also was reduced. Three months later, Albert had 14 mercury
amalgams removed.

However, on his next visit, Dr. van Benschoten found that the mercury
interference had increased. “Over-zealous removal of all amalgam fillings
can significantly increase the patient’s mercury levels if done without
adequate precautions during amalgam removal and proper mercury
detoxification therapy,” notes Dr. van Benschoten. He instructs his patients
to wear an oxygen mask during amalgam removal, in addition to having their
dentists use a rubber dam and high speed suction with water.

But Dr. van Benschoten says that Chinese herbal medicines successfully help
detoxify the patient and restore immune function after mercury amalgam
removal. He prescribed a second series of herbs, including moutan,
taraxacum, prunella, glycyrrhiza, grifola, ligustrum lucidum, and verbena to
clear the mercury from Albert’s system. After taking them for several
months, Albert reported he was still free from chronic fatigue and that he
had a stronger resistance to infection.

SOURCE M.M. van Benschoten, “Acupoint Energetics of Mercury Toxicity and
Amalgam Removal with Case Studies,” American Journal of Acupuncture, Vol.
22, No. 3, 1994, pp. 251-262. To contact Dr. van Benschoten: 19231 Victory
Blvd., Suite 151, Reseda, CA 91335.


Message: 2
   Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 09:06:25 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Fwd: DEPRESSION


Bill, aged 47, had suffered from depression for 12 years. He had no energy,
his memory was failing, he could barely work, his feet were often numb, and
he sometimes had to shuffle when he wanted to walk. Bill was on Zoloft
(sertraline hydrochloride, an oral antidepressant) and a strong
anti-insomnia medication, but all his symptoms persisted, for which his
conventional doctors had no medical explanation. It wasn't until consulting
with nutritionist Phyllis Bronson and physician Harold Whitcomb, M.D., at
the Aspen Clinic for Preventive and Environ-mental Medicine in Colorado,
that Bill learned the source of his condition.

Bronson and Whit-comb did a hair analysis on Bill and found that his system
had a dangerously high level of mercury. Depression originating in heavy
metal toxicity is fairly common, says Bronson. Bill’s family, including his
father, mother, and siblings, had similarly high levels of heavy metals and
also suffered from depression.

Electro-dermal screening revealed that mercury from his dental fillings was
not the cause; rather, it was probably contaminated fish, as Bill’s family
grew up near the sea and consumed a lot of shellfish. Bill was also
deficient in magnesium, zinc, and certain key brain chemicals such as
acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, and histadine.

His physician took Bill off his sleeping pills, then Whitcomb and Bronson
started him on a course of oral chelation to remove the heavy metals from
his body. They used a multinutrient supplement called OC 2 Pack, taken at
the rate of 2 packs a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon,
for 6 months. The purpose of OC 2 Pack (which contains 30 nutrients
including antioxidants, soluble fiber, fatty acids, garlic, alfalfa, and
parsley) is to provide essential dietary factors to promote the health of
the heart and lungs as well as metabolism of fats and cholesterol.

They further prescribed Osatate (a calcium source from bone) and Vasotate
(magnesium L-aspartate), both of which would facilitate fuller absorption of
each mineral. Bill took Sedaphan Plus, which includes amino acids (taurine,
glycine, glutamine), vitamins (B2, B6, B3), herbs (valerian, passiflora,
chamomile), and glandulars (brain, pituitary) to help restore his depleted
nervous system.

Whitcomb and Bronson gave Bill Chromease (which combines chromium with zinc,
manganese, magnesium, vitamin B1, and whole pancreas glandular extract) to
subdue his acute sugar cravings (200 mg twice a day); vitamin B12 (1500 mg 3
times a week) to help his anemia; and Zinotate (containing zinc picolinate)
to facilitate the smooth functioning of about 70 enzymatic reactions
throughout the body.

Within 4 months, there was marked improvement in Bill’s depression. For the
first time in years, he had enough energy to work and to be an active
father. With his physician’s permission, he reduced his Zoloft from once
every day to taking it occasionally, as needed, with ever longer gaps in
between, provided he maintained his supplement intake. “That was 3 years ago
and he’s still doing fine,” says Bronson.

SOURCE Patient records of Phyllis Bronson and Harold Whitcomb, M.D. Contact:
Aspen Clinic for Preventive and Environmental Medicine at Internal Medicine
Associates, 100 E. Main St., Aspen, CO 81611; tel: 970-920-2523 or
970-925-5440; fax: 970-920-2282.


Message: 3
   Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 09:15:48 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Fwd: INSOMNIA

----Original Message Follows----


Ellen, aged 39, had endured intermittent insomnia for 3 years, accompanied
by indigestion and temporomandibular joint dysfunction when she came to the
medical offices of Denise McKee, M.D., at the University of Nevada School of
Medicine in Reno. Ellen preferred a treatment approach that did not use
drugs, so Dr. McKee prescribed cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), a
safe, nonaddictive use of microelectric impulses.

CES stimulates the production of endorphins (pleasure-inducing molecules) in
the brain by delivering 100 pulses per second of alternating current
electricity from a cigarette-pack size model (weighing 8 ounces) with
ear-clip electrodes that apply the current across the patient’s brain stem.
CES is commonly used for treatment of insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic
pain, gastritis, substance abuse, migraines, and other conditions, reports
Dr. McKee.

She instructed Ellen to use the CES unit for 40 minutes each night before
attempting to sleep. During the first 2 weeks, Ellen’s dreams became quite
vivid and colorful, then after another 2 weeks, Ellen reported she was able
to sleep through the night. In addition, her indigestion and jaw problems
showed improvement. “CES is a forgotten, safe therapeutic modality that
should be brought to the primary care physician’s awareness as an adjunctive
treatment,” says Dr. McKee.

SOURCE Denise McKee, M.D., “Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation: Case Report
and Review,” Alternative & Complementary Therapies, Vol. 1, No. 6,
November/December 1995, pp. 393-395. Available from: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,
2 Madison Ave., Larchmont, NY 10538; tel: 914-834-3100; 6 issues/$79.


Message: 4
   Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 09:19:25 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Fwd: MIGRAINES

----Original Message Follows----


Cheryl, aged 39, had suffered from chronic severe migraine headaches during
the 3 weeks before menstruation ever since her periods started at age 11.
For some time, she had been using birth control pills to regulate her period
and Imitrex (a conventional drug) to subdue her migraines. However, this
drug left her constantly fatigued and did not quell all the migraine
symptoms, Cheryl told Ellen W. Cutler, D.C., chiropractor, nutritionist, and
director of the Tamalpais Pain Clinic in Corte Madera, California. Cheryl’s
skin color was poor and looked devitalized, Dr. Cutler noted.

Dr. Cutler used muscle response testing (also called applied kinesiology)
and a 24-hour urine analysis to test Cheryl for imbalances in her digestion
and nutrient assimilation as well as for shortages in key enzymes. When she
discovered that Cheryl’s system was intolerant to sugars, Dr. Cutler
prescribed an enzyme mixture to rebalance this. In addition, the muscle
response testing revealed that Cheryl was allergic to a long list of foods,
including salt, vinegar, ascorbic acid, lactose, and certain fruits. She was
also allergic to alcohol, the hormones progesterone and adrenalin, thyroid
extract, and radiation.

Using an innovative approach called the Nambudripad Allergy Elimination
Technique (N.A.E.T.), Dr. Cutler desensitized Cheryl’s nervous system so
that it would not stage an allergic reaction to these substances, which had
been producing her migraines. It took about 3 months, after which Cheryl had
complete relief from her symptoms.

Dr. Cutler also put Cheryl on a Systemic Formula called Ga Adrenal
containing adrenal and spleen glandular factors, Echinacea, selenium, zinc,
inositol, vitamin C and vitamin B complex, to be taken at the dosage of 2-6
pills in the morning. She had Cheryl apply a progesterone cream to her
temples and the back of her head, knowing that her allergy to progesterone
actually indicated a deficiency of it in her system. In addition, Cheryl
took both vitamin C (3000 mg daily) and evening primrose oil, on the days
between ovulation and the start of her period.

Once taking these, Cheryl had no further migraines and was able to
discontinue the Imitrex. “The last time Cheryl came to see us, she wore
bright colors and looked vibrant and happy,” says Dr. Cutler. “For the first
time in years, she didn’t have a PMS headache.”

SOURCE Patient records of Ellen W. Cutler, D.C., Tamalpais Pain Clinic, 770
Tamalpais Drive, Suite 203, Corte Madera, CA 94925; tel: 415-924-2273; fax:


Message: 5
   Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 09:28:09 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Fwd: ULCERS

----Original Message Follows----


Thomas, aged 40, suffered from stomach ulcer. When he came to Steven
Margolis, M.D., director of Complete Family Care in Sterling Heights,
Michigan, Thomas was a stressed-out executive who was dependent on
conventional medications such as Tums, Rolaids, Pepsid AC, and Tagamet for
temporary relief. Dr. Margolis put Thomas on an herbal preparation called
de-glycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) at a dosage level of 1 tablet (380 mg) 20
minutes before each meal. Dr. Margolis took Thomas off all his other

Thomas reported some relief within 48 hours and considerable relief from his
ulcer pain within 2 weeks. Thomas remained on the licorice preparation for 6
weeks, sufficient to enable the stomach lining to heal. Dr. Margolis also
prescribed aloe vera juice (4 ounces daily), taken before meals with the
DGL, to help the stomach lining heal and become more resistant to its own

Other supplements Dr. Margolis often uses with DGL are fresh cabbage juice
or olive oil (1 teaspoon before meals). In a recent clinical study involving
874 ulcer patients, 77% were healed with DGL versus 65% with Tagamet,
reports Dr. Margolis. In his practice, the success rate is roughly 80-85%,
and at far less cost. Typically, a one month’s supply of DGL costs about $15
retail compared to up to $100 a month for conventional drugs. q

SOURCE Patient records of Steven Margolis, M.D., Complete Family Care, 35429
Schoenherr, Sterling Heights, MI 48312; tel: 810-979-0022.


Message: 6
   Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 09:09:48 GMT
   From: "Hippocrates Health" <hypocrates___@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Fwd: HAY FEVER

----Original Message Follows----


German physicians W. Frase, M.D., and Michael Weiser, Dr.rer.nat, conducted
a study involving 126 doctors and 1090 hay fever patients. The patients were
predominantly aged 21-24 and about 58% were allergic to grass, herb, and
tree pollen. The patients took Luffa compositum Heel nasal spray 3-5 times
daily and Luffa compositum Heel tablets 3 times daily. Both contain 4
homeopathic remedies.

They continued this program for 2-6 weeks after which 72% reported either
“very good” or “good” results; the patients’ tolerance for the remedies was
also rated “very good.” Only 10% found the therapy unsuccessful. In a second
study by Karl Heinz Ricken, M.D., involving 50 hay fever patients (with
allergies to blooming plants or grasses), 34 patients finished the treatment
with both remedies (lasting 2-6 weeks) completely free of symptoms; 13
patients had a distinct improvement, and 3 patients had a slight benefit. In
this study, 68% rated the results as “very good” and 26% as “good.”

SOURCES Antihomotoxic Treatment of Hay Fever,” W. Frase, M.D., and M. Weiser
(Dr.rer.nat.), Biological Therapy, Vol. XIII, No. 3, June 1995, pp. 91-96;
“Treatment of Hay Fever with a Homeopathic Combination,” K. H. Ricken, M.D.,
Biological Therapy, Vol. XIII, No. 4, October 1995, pp. 125-127. Available
from: Menaco Publishing Co., P.O. Box 11280, Albuquerque, NM 87192; $10/4
