Colon Cancer


I found this very nice story on the web:

		God's Way to Ultimate Health

                  By Rev. George H. Malkmus

The year was 1976. I was 42 years old and I was told I had colon cancer. 

A tumor about the size of a baseball had been found underneath my left rib
cage where the transverse and
descending colon come together. I was devastated! I asked, "Why me Lord?" I
didn't understand!

It was because of this - what appeared to be a tragic event in my life, and
the research and personal
experiences that followed - that I was taught GOD'S WAY TO ULTIMATE HEALTH.

Let me elaborate a little more on how it all happened. In 1976 I was the
pastor of a Baptist Church, near
Glens Falls, New York, a church I founded in 1970. It was a very successful
ministry. Membership in this
church grew from nothing to over 600 members. In addition to the church, we
had a Christian School, grades
K through 12, along with a Bible Institute, both of which I also founded.
Five large busses brought people to
the services, while my radio broadcast, America Needs Christ, was heard on
many radio stations each
week. Over a dozen young people from our church and school were in college
preparing for full-time
ministry. Trul y, this seemed to be the high point of my ministry and God
was certainly blessing. 

Just prior to all this, I had watched my mother die of colon cancer. Mom
was a registered nurse, and she
believed her doctors when they told her that chemotherapy, radiation and
surgery were her only hope of
surviving. Mom submitted to these treatments and died a horrible death! At
the time of her death, I felt it was
the treatments she received at the hands of the medical doctors that
ultimately caused her death rather than
the cancer itself.

What was I to do? Should I submit my body to the same medical treatments
mom had? What I had seen my
mother go through was so horrible! Also, as a pastor for 20 years, I had
sat at the bed-side of so many
people and watched the devastating effects of chemotherapy, radiation and
surgery experienced by others in
the treatment of their cancers, I had also conducted the funerals for many
of them. 

Another thing that bothered me was that in so many cases prayer didn't seem
to make any difference. I had
seen some of the most dedicated Christians, even after great faith,
personal prayer as well as collective
prayer, get sicker and sicker and often die after going the medical route.
What should I do? I had a family
and a church that needed me. Many people told me I should go the medical
route and some were putting
pressure on me to do just that.

It was during this time of uncertainty that I turned to an Evangelist
friend in Texas by the name of Lestor
Roloff for help. Brother Roloff was one of those "health-nuts." We often
affectionately referred to him as
"Carrot Juice Roloff." I was really in a dilemma as to what I should do for
my cancer when I called Brother
Roloff. His advice to me sounded strange. He advised me not to go the
medical route of chemotherapy,
radiation and surgery, as mom had gone... BUT TO SIMPLY CHANGE MY DIET TO

Wow! That sounded too simplistic! But it sure sounded better than the
medical route which I had pretty well
decided not to pursue. So, overnight I changed from a meat-centered, cooked
and processed food diet with
plenty of sugar desserts, to an all-raw diet with lots of carrot juice. I
stayed on this total raw diet for
approximately one year. I didn't eat any cooked food during that year ...
just raw fruits, raw vegetables and
one to two quarts a day of freshly extracted, raw carrot juice. 

The results were spectacular! Almost immediately I started to get well! In
less than one year, my tumor
had totally disappeared. It simply got smaller and smaller until it was
gone. But that was not all. In less than
one year, every physical problem I had been experiencing also disappeared!
Such physical problems as
hemorrhoids, hypoglycemia, severe allergies and sinus problems, high blood
pressure, fatigue, pimples,
colds, flu ... even body odor and dandruff were gone! Totally healed! 

In the years that have followed - and I am over 60 years old at this
writing - I have not experienced as much
as a cold, sore throat, upset stomach, been to a doctor or taken as much as
an aspirin. It is so thrilling, at my
age, to still be able to play football, basketball and softball with the
boys, jog five miles with ease, and
have more energy, endurance and stamina than I had when I was 20 years old. 

With that as a little background, let me share how God used this experience
in my life to create Hallelujah
Acres Ministries and the writing of this book. You see, ever since that day
in 1976 when I was told that I
had cancer, I have been researching nutrition, healthy lifestyle and how it
all relates to the Bible. Also, I
have been experimenting on my own body to see how it reacted to various
foods. Along with all this, I have
also been watching and listening to the testimonies of thousands of others
who have made similar dietary

My conclusion after all these years of research and experience is that WE
SICK!!! Disease and sickness are self-inflicted! Almost every physical
problem, other than accidents, is
caused by improper diet and lifestyle! All we have to do to be well is eat
and live according to the way
God intended! In the almost 20 years since I recovered from colon cancer,
one of the most basic and
important things I have learned is that there is a vast difference between
God's ways and man's ways! I have
found that while most good Christians want to go God's way, and have tried
to protect themselves from the
sins of the world, they have accepted the world's teachings in almost every
area of life concerning how to
care for our physical bodies, which are the temple of God. A tragic example
of this is when you look at the
two ways to approach cancer, one of the most devastating and horrible
diseases in history. My mother went
the world's way (the orthodox medical route) in an attempt to rid herself
of her cancer. She accepted the
drugs, radiation and surgery of her doctors, and as far as I am concerned,
these treatments were what caused
her death! I rejected the world's way and went God's way. I turned to the
Bible, adopted God's original diet
as found in Genesis 1:29 and every physical problem simply went away,
including my cancer. 

And my experience was not unique! My wife Rhonda came to a Health Seminar I
was conducting in
1991. (We were married April 11, 1992.) She was wearing a size 20 dress at
that time and was almost
crippled with arthritis. Within approximately one year after changing her
diet and lifestyle, she had lost over
80 pounds, reduced her dress size to a 10, and her arthritis was totally
gone. Even a degenerated spine, the
result of a bout with spinal meningitis at age 7, had healed. Yes, X-rays
revealed her spine was totally
healed, degeneration gone in less than two years after changing her diet
and lifestyle. 

Another example is a dear friend of mine who was a diabetic when I first
met him in 1989. At that time
he was trying to control his blood sugar with pills prescribed by his
doctor. I encouraged him to change his
diet in 1989, which he did not do. Two years later the doctor told him that
the pills were not adequate any
more and that he must be admitted to a hospital to adjust and stabilize his
blood sugar and start him on two
daily shots of injection insulin. Again I told him he needed to change his
diet. And again he paid no heed. 

After another two years had elapsed, the doctor told him that he needed to
put him into the hospital and cut
off his foot, which is not an uncommon occurrence for those who go the
orthodox medical route in the
treatment of diabetes. Only this time he said "no" to his doctor. Instead
he came to one of our seminars and
immediately adopted God's Natural Diet. In less than two weeks he was off
insulin and his blood sugar
was in normal range. That was over two years ago. Today, he is still off
all medication and still has both
his feet!

We have received thousands of testimonies as dramatic as these, and some
even more so, from people
who have switched from the world's way of eating and treating physical
problems to God's way. As you
continue to read through this book you will read many of their testimonies. 

What we need here in America and around the world is a HEALTH REVOLUTION!
We must turn away
from the world's way of dealing with physical and emotional problems and
turn to God's way! The world's
way is bankrupting us, costing Americans over a trillion
($l,000,000,000,000.00) dollars a year while the
physical and emotional condition of our population -Christian and non-
Christian alike - continues to

In order to make intelligent changes, we must realize there are
alternatives to the world's approach to health
and how to deal with physical problems. We must understand both ways ...
and why one works and why the
other does not. Sadly, very few people, including most pastors, preachers
and evangelists, have been aware
of God's way, when it comes to the physical body. Thus we have been
programmed only in the world's way,
even from the pulpits in our churches. 

Because of this programming, most people, when they first hear of God's
ways, think them strange and "far
out". So in order to help understand the differences, let's look at a few
physical problems being faced by
many people today and compare the two ways of dealing with these problems. 

Take cardiovascular problems, which result in heart attacks and strokes.
Heart disease is the number one
killer (50% of all deaths) in America today. Every 34 seconds, someone in
America dies from physical
problems associated with this disease. The cost to those who go the medical
route for the treatment of heart
disease is over $110 billion per year. 

The first approach usually taken by medical doctors in an effort to control
this problem is to prescribe
drugs. It is not uncommon for a person with high blood pressure to be given
as many as three or four drugs.
One of these drugs will chemically force the blood vessels to dilate (get
bigger), thus lowering blood
pressure. But this drug causes the heart to speed up. In an effort to
control the speeding up of the heart
caused by the first drug, the doctor usually prescribes a second drug to
slow it down. Each of these drugs is
capable of causing the body to retain fluid. Thus the doctor often
prescribes a third drug, a diuretic, which is
designed to chemically force the body to release the extra fluid being
retained in an effort to try and keep all
these drugs (poisons) from doing more harm.

Almost all of these drugs can cause impotence in males. The diuretics can
cause dizziness, headaches and
even depression ... while at the same time raising cholesterol levels! Then
there are the "beta blockers" that
can cause not only depression, but insomnia, as well as liver and kidney
damage. The world's approach of
using drugs just causes more and more problems within the body while never
dealing with the cause. To top
it all off, there is the devastating financial costs of going this medical
route. In an effort to reduce
cholesterol, doctors prescribe over two billion dollars ($2,000,000,000.00)
worth of drugs a year, and
frankly, they don't do the job. Yet the side effects from these drugs can
cause liver damage, headaches,
diarrhea or constipation and are now being linked to depression, violence
and even suicide.

Angioplasties (balloon therapy) is another way the world tries to deal with
clogged arteries. The
average cost of this procedure is $ 15,000, not counting the drugs and
follow-up. And yet a study in the
Journal of the American Medical Association in 1992 showed that half of the
angioplasties in the United
States were probably unnecessary. Studies also show that for those who
underwent this procedure, 57
percent have their arteries clog back up.

Then there is by-pass surgery. The average cost of this operation is
$45,000. It is a very dangerous
operation, that finds most patients back on the operating table within
three to five years (because their
arteries have clogged back up again), if they are not dead. About 5 percent
of by-pass surgery patients die
on the operating table.

One of the latest of the new technologies for cleaning out the arteries is
called atherectomy. This procedure
is something like a Roto-Rooter, They take a tiny, high-speed rotating
knife, insert it in the arteries and ream
out the cholesterol. This also is a very risky surgery.

Now compare all the above efforts by medical doctors (the world's way) of
treating cardiovascular
problems with God's way. Here at Hallelujah Acres, we have testimony after
testimony from people who
had experienced high blood pressure, high cholesterol and clogged arteries
who were able to totally reverse
these problems, usually in a very short time, by something as simple as
changing their diet and lifestyle.
How can this be? 

Well, it all goes back to our failure to eat and live the way God intended.
The world's diet is full of fat, salt
and other contaminates that clog up our arteries and produce all sorts of
physical problems. Yet, in most
instances, all people have to do to correct a physical problem is change
their diet and lifestyle! When they
do this, the body will usually cleanse the arteries by itself and the
problem will usually simply disappear in
a very short time. And furthermore, studies show that if a person stops
consuming animal products, they will
reduce their chances of ever having a heart attack or stroke by over 96

What is the cost of going God's way? Probably a reduced grocery bill and a
long healthy life. While the
cost of going the world's way can be continued physical problems and
thousands and thousands of dollars in
medical bills for treatments that never get to the root cause - namely diet
and lifestyle. I have found that the
world's way (accepted medical procedures) for dealing with physical
problems is almost always wrong!
Take diabetes as another example. Compare the world's way of treating
adult-onset diabetes with God's
way in the case of the friend we just read about. Going the doctor/drug
route, my friend had continued to
deteriorate for years as his doctor increased his insulin while using
antibiotics and other drugs to treat
infections in his feet, which the doctor told him were being caused by his

By the time the doctor told him that he needed to amputate his foot, my
friend had already spent over
$40,000 treating his diabetes! But he refused to let the doctor cut off his
foot. He simply changed his diet
and lifestyle, and in less than two weeks he was off insulin and his blood
sugar level was in normal range.

As I write this, it has now been two years since my friend changed his diet
and lifestyle from the world's
way to God's way. He has taken zero drugs during these two years and he
still has both feet. He also had
heart problems which have totally disappeared.

Take arthritis as another example. The medical profession still says that
the cause of arthritis is not
known. The only thing they tell their patients is that they can expect it
to get worse and worse and that there
is no way to reverse it. They also treat arthritis with drugs and surgery
while the patient's physical condition
usually continues to decline. Cortisone and similar drugs are often
administered to try and help relieve the
pain, but it doesn't last long and when the pain returns, it is usually
worse than ever. The side-effects from
these drugs can include high blood pressure, diabetes, cataracts, bone loss
(osteoporosis), ulcers and more.

Now compare the orthodox medical approach to the testimony of my wife
Rhonda with her arthritis and
what happened when she changed from the world's way to God's way. She was
crippled up with arthritis for
over 10 years, unable to walk a block without extreme pain. She took pain
pills by the handfuls. Within one
year after changing her diet, she went from not being able to walk a block
without severe pain and
exhaustion to speed-walking four miles in less than an hour! Her arthritis
was totally gone and she has not
had a pain pill since. Not even an aspirin. What did she do to bring about
this total elimination of arthritis
from her body? She simply changed from the world's diet and lifestyle to
God's diet and lifestyle, and all
her physical problems simply and quite quickly disappeared.

Compare my mom's experience with mine in the treatment of cancer. Mom went
the world's way and
accepted the doctors' chemotherapy, radiation and surgery ... treatments
that I felt ultimately caused her
death. I refused the world's treatments, adopted God's diet as He gave it
in Genesis 1:29, and my cancer
simply disappeared. I have been totally free of all physical problems since

On God's Ultimate Diet, almost every physical problem usually disappears in
a comparatively short
period of time! Weight normalizes. Emotional problems disappear. Life takes
on a whole new glow and
becomes exciting. Until someone personally experiences it, they cannot
fully comprehend the total scope of
the benefits of living and eating God's way. It improves the physical, as
well as the emotional and
psychological well-being of a person. People become happier, depressions go
away, problems don't seem
so monumental. Our whole outlook on life improves. Even the spiritual part
of us becomes more attuned.

Most doctors mean well, but all of their training is in the world's way. In
fact, the average doctor knows
practically nothing about nutrition because the typical doctor has received
less than three hours of nutritional
training in his or her entire preparation to become a doctor. And the
nutritional training they do receive is
the world's way, not God's way, so what they have learned about diet is not
able to help our bodies to
strengthen their immune system and heal disease by creating healthy new
living cells.

Sadly, most doctors are just as sick as their patients! If doctors cannot
keep their own bodies well and
functioning properly, how in the world can they help anyone else? However,
we are thrilled to find that
more and more doctors are starting to question their indoctrination in
medical school as they see the
devastating consequences of their drugging, burning and cutting patient
after patient. Many are allowing their
eyes to be opened and are moving in God's direction. Pray for them. The
peer pressure and controls on them
by their union, the American Medical Association, is very powerful. In many
states, a doctor can lose his
license if he recommends or treats his patients' physical problems with
anything other than drugs, radiation
and surgery.

The key to preventing heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and a host
of other physical problems is
in our own hands. We can literally control whether we are going to be sick
or not and how long we are
going to live by simply choosing how we live our lives ... the world's way
or God's way! God's way leads
to a long, happy, pain-free, sickness-free life! While the world's way
usually leads to a short, unhappy,
sickness-filled life with lots of pain and suffering, to say nothing of the
financial costs. This book sets
before you two very different paths, one a broad road (the world's way)
that leads to destruction and the
other a narrow road (God's way) that leads to life! I trust that you will
very carefully consider both roads as
you continue to read through this book and that you will choose "GOD'S WAY

"...I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore
choose life, that both you and your
seed may live:" (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Read the rest here:
