Hyperbaric oxygen does not stop cancer


From: "Saul Pressman" 
To: list@oxytherapy.com
Subject: Re: Oxylist oxygen and cancer
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 14:20:17 PST

Dear Bob,

The answer to why hyperbaric oxygen does not stop cancer and ozone and
H2O2 do stop it, is related to the nature of the cancer cell.

Cancer cells are fermenting their sugar anerobically. This is a wasteful
and energy poor process, producing only 150 kjoules of energy. Aerobic
oxidation of that same sugar would produce 2870 kjoules of energy for a
good cell to use. So cancer cells are perpetually underpowered. This
lack of energy means that, among other things, they cannot form the
protective enzymes of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione
peroxidase. Without this protection, the cancer cell is susceptible to
cell lysis (hole in the membrane) which destroys it.

Oxygen on its own, even pressurized, has too little oxidizing power to
perform this cell lysis. Hydrogen peroxide has more power and can do the
job. Ozone has even more oxidizing power and thus can do it even better.
Hydroxyl, OH, is an even more reactive species, with even more oxidative
power, which can do an even better job. But it is so powerful, that it
causes damage to good cells too, so it is safer to stick with ozone,
which is perfectly safe for internal use up to the concentration level
of 60 ug/ml.

I hope this has helped you understand why HBOT is not useful in cancer
therapy, while ozone is.

Best of Health!
