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Image: White fork ended or v shaped end parasite

White fork ended or v shaped end parasite

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This is the stocking I wear under my wig. Took it off and ran hot water over it. This is what wormed its way thru the stocking. I don't know how to describe the head portion of it other than to call it v shaped or forked end. If you know of a better description please let me know. This is what comes out of the follicle on my scalp. Water or creams make it larger. In dried out form it is not as as fat. Wet form is moist and doughy as like in the alphabets in chicken alphabet soup. The eggs are circles then young are smaller. I have put these in a jar of alcohol and after a month they turn black in the middle which explains why some I have are black, some brown, mostly white ones. Each white parasite originated from a stiff white hair growing on my scalp.
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