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Image: Parasite? Worm? Fungus? Cause lesions and much more.. I would really appreciate any help or advice you may have

Parasite? Worm? Fungus? Cause lesions and much more.. I would really appreciate any help or advice you may have

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Hi guys, my partner and I both have these. No help from gp, hospital or dermatologist. Told I was delusional.. I'm completely exhausted and just want this to be diagnosed, so we can treat it properly and get on with normality. They are ruining our skin, causing fatigue and IBS-like symptoms.

We're just at a complete loss of what to do from here.

From the bottom of my heart, please, if anyone knows what these are, or have had this, would you mind sharing any info or advice you may have.

Started getting many tiny bumps which dispersed (actually moved) across our skin and extremely painful blister/pimple-like spots appear instantaneously. The blisters appear in pairs before bursting opening up into lesions.

Fine, fair, prickly hairs seem to cover the surrounding area where the lesions appear . Sharp stinging sensations begin to occur every now and then. Black spots appear around each lesion (between 1-5). Tiny coloured (red, blue, black, green, white, orange, pink, purple, brown) wiry hairs(?) and black and white grains come out of pores surrounding the sores. Inside the lesion/sores are many (6-15) white dots (look like tiny white heads/ eggs/rasps (to be honest, I have no idea what they are). A painful raised edge appears around the lesion, almost like something wraps around it causing the skin to toughen and get really tender.

If you try squeeze, tweeze you just end up in pain and make an awful mess, however sometimes (nearly) transparent super super fine (almost like a cobweb) hair comes out of the blister/lesions. (Please don't think I'm crazy.... I know how how this must read.. But I don't want to leave anything out. It may just be the one characteristic that properly served in identifying this)

The lesions stay for days-weeks-months, it just depend. Slightly sunken, really faint tracks (0.5- 3cm wide) x (10cm - <100cm) that move across the skin. If you pierce your skin anywhere, these track flock to the opening. (Extremely quickly)

The skin surrounding the lesions seems darker, thicker, dryer, older.. Almost like its spongey and full of granules.

The lesions heal.... eventually, leaving sunken circular pits 0.5-1cm in diameter. They go white with 6 (or so) dark, pronounced pores within them. I have used tea tree oil, rubbing alcohol, eucalyptus oil, peroxide and vinegar on these "scars" resulting in some scars completely smoothing out. The pain is nearly unbearable. The fine prickly hairs become really pronounced, read squiggly puffy inflamed lines appear, black grains come out of the pores, and excruciating prickly burning pain spreads out beneath the skin.

I don't like to pick or tweeze these so I purchased little silicone suction cups (tiny Chinese cupping concept) to place it on the lesion in attempt to extract whatever may be cause the painful lumps that were beneath the lesions.

The cupping works really well. (Image)
Jelly masses(?) Worms(?) Fungi(?) they all consist of a tiny, fair, hair-like cord/spine/centre? With a bulb "head" with a sucker (many have two predominant bright white fang/rasps) thin,string/hairlike neck, and bodies that appears to consist of jelly like masses. When left in water, the red blood colour goes and they are completely transparent.

The lunar cycle seems to affect these. I thought it may be related to the female cycle until I realised my parters also significantly worsen on the same days as mine. Half moon is unbearable. The blisters become large in numbers, size and really painful. Full moon, is also bad, your skin itches burns, prickles and stings , grains pop out of your pores, and tiny bumps spread across your skin (more so than usual). It becomes so active and uncomfortable.

Please if you can help us, leave me a comment. I know I probably sound silly and perhaps it might even sound like I must be making this up... I promise, this is exactly what I'm experiencing. Its really traumatic and Its left me pretty sensitive and fragile so if you do think Im
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