unknown slug and scary symptons. please help me
Found this slug while taking a bath mixed with a cap full of bleach. Ive also noticed some kernels and other odd shaped but very geometric objects in stool. Can someone help me diagnose this and point me in the right direction? Symptoms include bloating, pain and pressure in abdomen, chest cramps, fatigue, itching crawling feelings under skin and nodules that resemble a boil at the largest and other welts/boils in chest that dont produce any puss. Just a burning itch and greasy skin in associated areas. These symptoms arent constant they cycle throughout the day and occur mostly 1-2 hours after eating. Once ive eaten I have dizziness, mental numbness and decreased balance and motor skills. Stools are always mucousy and light brown with a yellowish jelly substance at the end. In that jelly substance I see a variety of small seeds that look like micro grains of rice and black pepper like specks. I dont eat corn or pepper or rice
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