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Image: Liver Stones 5871 01 May 26 2013 - Elf Hardtoil

Liver Stones 5871 01 May 26 2013 - Elf Hardtoil

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So called "liver stones" from the liver flush I did last night after five days of prepping w/ a Dr. Schulze type liver cleanse, colon cleanse IF#1 & 2, lots of organic apple juice, NO Epsom salts, etc. These are representative specimens, from the largest to medium. Of course, there were many, much smaller ones and if you look closely, you'll see that they appear to be made up from a cluster of small notes that may have been compressed together. I saw the term "mulberry" used somewhere. They are softish -- you can see where I smushed the central "stone," to see what was inside. Interesting, what?
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