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One Flu Shot Changed His Life Forever - RFK Jr’s Voice Was Permanently Damaged From The Flu Vaccine

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One Flu Shot Changed His Life Forever - RFK Jr's Voice Was Permanently Damaged From The Flu Vaccine

The Neurological Disease Of Spasmodic Dysphonia Is A Top Injury Listed In The Manufacturer's Insert.

He Has Been Battling This Medical Condition Since 1996.

Neurological damage occurs because the vaccine ingredients cross the blood brain barrier causing inflammation & mitochondrial cell death.

Some of the well documented vaccine injuries affecting every bodily system:

Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)
Myocarditis & Pericarditis
Bell's Palsy
Epileptic Seizures
Spasmodic Dysphonia
Multiple Sclerosis
Demyelinating Disease
Autism & ADHD
Central Nervous System Disorders
Increased Incidence of Covid
Chronic Influenza Infection
Blood Disorders
Lymphatic Disorders

Flu Vaccine Ingredients: If you wouldn't eat or drink it, you wouldn't want to inject it either.

MDCK: Madin Darby Canine Cocker Spaniel Kidney DNA cell line

Formaldehyde: A known carcinogen, also used to preserve deceased bodies & organs

M59 Adjuvant Squalene Oil: GMO Microbial caused 95% Gulf War Syndrome to soldiers

MSG: Neurotoxin, reproductive & developmental harm

Thimerosal Mercury: One of the most poisonous substances known. Even minute amounts cause damage

Aluminum: Cause of brain damage, dementia, seizures, coma & autism

Baculovirus Cell DNA: Virus insect pathogens

Neomycin Sulfate: Antibiotic that blocks B6 absorption causing uptake error epilepsy & antibiotic resistance

Polysorbate 80: Carcinogen that crosses the blood brain barrier

Phosphates: Toxic to bones & organs

Here’s the concern: When you ingest harmful substances through food or drink, your body has natural defenses—like the liver, kidneys & digestive system—that work to filter & remove them.

However, injecting these chemicals bypasses those filters entirely, making it harder for your body to eliminate them. This leads to accumulation in tissues, disruption of cellular functions & crossing the blood brain barrier, causing long term damage.

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