Video: ABC Channel 7 News Question: Did you loose an unvaccinated loved one to Covid 19?
Video: Replies to ABC Channel 7 News Question:
"Did you loose an unvaccinated loved one to Covid 19?"
Remember when ABC Channel 7 News posted a question:
"After the vaccines were available to everyone, did you loose an unvaccinated loved one to Covid 19?"
But look how this question backfired! Hundreds of people replied and posted about loosing loved ones after vaccination!
The Original Video:
"Did you loose an unvaccinated loved one to Covid 19?"
Remember when ABC Channel 7 News posted a question:
"After the vaccines were available to everyone, did you loose an unvaccinated loved one to Covid 19?"
But look how this question backfired! Hundreds of people replied and posted about loosing loved ones after vaccination!
The Original Video:
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