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MH Please Read by Harry55 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   5/27/2005 9:26:37 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   3,799

I did not follow it exactly. I skipped the 3 days of epsom salts because I figured they weren't necessary because I had just previously done a few Liver Flushes, which were pretty weak, only one had stones. I did not take LBB, I used the enemas instead. Other then that, I followed it you think this would ruin the effects? I honestly did not feel much change in myself the entire time...would the 3 days of epsom salts really have fixed this?

What I did each day from day one was just juice and strain 8 oranges, dilute 50-50 with distilled water and drink it throughout the day, finish it before the sun goes down. Then, most nights, I would do an enema. That's about it.

If you think the epsom salts and LBB will make the 14 day fast cure me then I'd be glad to do it just seemed like you were saying liver problems were not going to be fixed. If you could explain exactly what the 3 days of epsom salts does for the fast that'd be great. I'm looking forward to your response (and hoping you can enlighten me).

[I really think that my skin conditions would clear up with proper flushing, don't you?]


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