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Irony by princess farfala ..... Anorexia & Bulimia Forum

Date:   9/21/2007 9:14:54 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   2,224

Good Morning to all! This is so funny; there is this yummy cute guy who works at Starbucks. He obviously like my french accent, always giving me a friendly Bonjour, Aurevoir, Merci...Today for a laugh I ordered my coffee in french! He went blank for a second then I could see he was searching down te corridors of his brain some acceptable answer beside "Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" To my utter surprise he came up with "Voulez vous manger?"(would you like to eat!)So out of the context! I bursted out laughing! Such irony considering what's been on my mind most o the time. Now Ashley, You are obviously dancing the fasting and binging tango!...Those particular steps I dont need to rehearse anymore, I know them by heart. You see I'm never been good at making myself throw up so fasting and laxatives are my main weapons. If I could throw up everyday...ouch! I prefer not to imagine what it would be like. What you are telling me aboug going on a liquid diet sounds good and my juicer is getting lonely, poor boy! Two days ago a friend made some spinach water(just like you said) and it was great. I'm getting so nervous with everyday that passes now...I only want to drink wine! Alcohol would never sort anything but its doing a damn good job at chilling be out! It is strongly recommended not to drink during the should I splash this week-end? I am sorry to hear about your fast but...between you and me are you surprise about the outcome? Like you probably do, I keep telling myself that if anybody else can do it, so should I. When it doesnt go my way I get so frustrated at my lack of will power. Feeling like a failure destroys the self esteem... I've done some good fast in my lie but I guess It was before I got obsessed with it! Now there are so many emotions and rules involved... Always keep in mind that eating raw does wonders when it comes to detoxing, not as aggressively as going on water only but if it keep you from loosing control, it is fantastic. I remember you talking about an issue about restaurant take aways(and that famous 300$/w where you were supposively nurturing yourself!:) How is that going or you these days? Hope you are well...along with everybody else on cure zone today! Sophie*

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