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Re: ozoneman Please: ozone output regulation by ozoneman ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum

Date:   9/20/2007 2:06:07 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   5,547

Hi soil111
I will answer your questions point-for point.

-----You mention in one of your post the POG from Azco, I compared it with the Longevity EXT50, they do seem look alike. And the EXT50 use the same oxygen inflow as the way to control ozone output as the POG does. Does not Synergy can do the same by control the oxygen inflow by the regulator?----

Simple answer, yes. All oxygen-fed ozonators can be controlled by oxygen flow to determine output concentration whether they offer electronic output control or not.

------Since sell both, what your opinion about POG vs. Synergy?-----
As you've probably seen me post before, the POG is the most pure, reliable and versatile machine for the money that I have had personal experience with. The Synergy double cell is a much higher output unit and so is the Maxi, and both are very versatile for numerous uses. Although some people have used the Maxi and Synergy for blood work, I personally do not recommend either of these units for this purpose. Both the Synergy double and the Maxi can be used as a single cell unit or as a double cell unit for a greater variety of ozone concentrations dependent on oxygen flow. The Maxi and Synergy double are better for sauna applications because they have higher concentrations at higher flow rates, but this is the only application where I would say they are superior to the POG.

-------Another elementary level question if you can help me: why higher the oxygen in flow, the lower the ozone output? Some protocol like insufflations need lower flow rate, I assume it refer to the oxygen inflow? But then that mean a higher ozone output? I’m really confused.-------

You're not alone in your confusion. You see, an ozone generator has only a fixed amount of electrical energy to convert oxygen to ozone. Therefore, if the oxygen is passing slowly past the plasma or corona field, a greater number of oxygen molecules will be converted to ozone than if the oxygen is passing the field quickly. Even at 120 gamma (mcg/ml) there is less than 10% ozone in the oxygen/ozone mixture. The larger percentage is still O2. So high O2 flow rate = lower concentration of ozone in the O2/O3 mixture, and low O2 flow rate = higher concentration of ozone in the mixture.
I hope this clarifies the confusion for you.


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