Eat Right For Your Type helped me by Connie ..... Blood Type O Diet Forum
Date: 3/1/2002 8:21:06 PM ( 23 y ago)
Hits: 3,826
From: Connie Cloward
Date: Fri Mar 1, 2002 6:59 pm
Subject: Re: [cancercured] Eat Right For Your Type helped me
The EatRight4YourType book has helped some people such
as myself figure out why just following the below
listed plan of eating whole organic perishable foods
doesn't work and still makes us sick. 3/4 of the
foods below make me very ill, even though they make
other people healthy. I, for one, am glad the book is
available. I really wish I could eat like the list
below, as it sounds great, but it is frustrating when
it doesn't work and a few of us have bodies that can't
handle certain food categories. The author's "leutin"
principles about some foods are quite interesting and
could be a viable reason about the disparity in
people's ability to handle foods.
C. Cloward
--- Neil Jensen
I have
heard about that book and remain a sceptic,
> as i do with all fad diets. One thing is sure
> though, it has certainly been good for the author --
> NYT Best Seller list, Book of the Month Club
> selection, et al. It has also led to two follow up
> books "Cook Right For Your Type" and "Live Right For
> Your Type" The author is also selling blood test
> kits which, i'm sure, sweeten the pot.
> I attribute my apparent success to my friend Vincent
> Gammill, his associates, and to following the
> nutritional guidelines set out by the Weston A.
> Price Foundation roughly as follows:
> 1. Eat whole, natural foods.
> 2. Eat only foods that will spoil, but eat them
> before they do.
> 3. Eat naturally-raised meat including fish,
> seafood, poultry, beef, lamb,
> game, organ meats and eggs.
> 4. Eat whole, naturally-produced milk products from
> pasture-fed cows, preferably
> raw and/or fermented, such as whole yogurt,
> cultured butter, whole cheeses
> and fresh and sour cream.
> 5. Use only traditional fats and oils including
> butter and other animal fats,
> extra virgin olive oil, expeller expressed
> sesame and flax oil and the
> tropical oils-coconut and palm.
> 6. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably
> organic, in salads and soups, or
> lightly steamed.
> 7. Use whole grains and nuts that have been
> prepared by soaking, sprouting or
> sour leavening to neutralize phytic acid and
> other anti-nutrients.
> 8. Include enzyme-enhanced lacto-fermented
> vegetables, fruits, beverages and
> condiments in your diet on a regular basis.
> 9. Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of
> chicken, beef, lamb or fish
> and use liberally in soups and sauces.
> 10. Use herb teas and coffee substitutes in
> moderation.
> 11. Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.
> 12. Use unrefined Celtic Seasalt and a variety of
> herbs and spices for food
> interest and appetite stimulation.
> 13. Make your own salad dressing using raw vinegar,
> extra virgin olive oil and
> expeller expressed flax oil.
> 14. Use natural sweeteners in moderation, such as
> raw honey, maple syrup,
> dehydrated cane juice and stevia powder.
> 15. Use only unpasteurized wine or beer in strict
> moderation with meals.
> 16. Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass
> or good quality enamel.
> 17. Use only natural supplements.
> 18. Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light.
> 19. Think positive thoughts and minimize stress.
> 20. Practice forgiveness.
> That last one, so far, has been the hardest for me
> to follow, but i am trying.
> >I have a logic problem with this "Eat for blood
> type". It would seem if this were valid that they
> would have also taken into account the RH factor or
> lack of RH in some people. I have not read the book
> but only some sites that have data on it. So if I am
> mistaken and they do cover the RH factor then I am
> just confused.
> >
> >E
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> > From: mrguru22001
> > To:
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 8:27 AM
> > Subject: [cancercured] Eat Right For Your Type
> >
> >
> > I just bought from the local book store, an
> important book
> > for improving your health. It is called "Ear
> Right For Your Type-
> > Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia" (ISBN
> 1-57322-920-2) by Dr. Peter
> > J. D'Adamo. This is not the same book as his
> first book, "Eat Right
> > For Your Type." In this book he breaks down foods
> that are beneficial
> > or to avoid by disease. He also has different
> protocols, like cancer
> > protocols, by blood type. Different herbs that
> are beneficial or to
> > avoid are listed by blood types.
> > This information explains why some
> protocols work for some
> > people and not for others. If you are doing some
> cancer protocol,
> > like eating alfalfa sprouts (beneficial for blood
> types A and AB, to
> > be avoided by Blood type O), or eating Shitake
> Mushrooms (beneficial
> > for blood type B, to be avoided by blood types A,
> AB, and O), this
> > book will show you which foods to avoid to
> prevent allergic reactions
> > or foods that release lectins, cancer
> stimulators. Some cancer
> > protocols will need to be modified to allow for
> your blood type
> > sensitivities.
> > MrGuru2@Aol.Com
> >
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