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couldn't stop sugar--to goingnatural by audrey ..... Acne Forum

Date:   10/3/2003 1:16:09 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   18,358

Well, I just couldn't do it. I have taken the easy (or uneasy) route. I am on my third month of Loestrin birth control, take 100 mg a day of Spironolactone, alternate use of retinoin and Plexion (sulfur based prescription topical), have had a light chemical peel (Sensi Peel) at the dermatologist, and I must say that my skin hasn't looked this good in a long time. Not completely breakout free, but definately not the 4 or 5 or 6 deep, cystic, painful eruptions I would get around my jawline and cheeks monthly prior to these treatments. They just seemed to sit there and in the meantime I'd get new ones. The stress of having skin like that was enough to break me out!
As far as any side effects of Spiro, I got thirstier. It is a mild diuretic. I also had to have a blood test to determine if I had excess potassium, as it also prevents the body from eliminating potassium at the same time it is flushing water and salt from your system. I have to drink more water. Long term effects? As with many drugs the FDA approves, we don't know what long term effects there are, but with what I could find now, there aren't any.
I also discontinued using Proactiv and Dermalogica's Anti Bac Skin Wash, and now use Cetaphil's bar soap for senstive, dry skin, even though I don't have dry skin, along with an oil-free moisturizer with SPF 15 (from Proactiv). Much easier routine and much easier on my skin!
Also, I try to take zinc supplements (50mgs) every day.
I know it's not exactly the natural route, but it has worked. Good Luck finding your solution...I hope I have helped. Everyone can find their way if they keep looking. But patience is golden, as many treatments take time, especially homeopathic remedies... something I just didn't have patience for.

Here's a good site about Spironolactone (Aldactone):


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