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The hard lump is disappearing!!!!!! by shortchanged ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   7/27/2004 4:50:25 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   3,629

It's been exactly one week since my 11 year old soon to be 12 in a couple of weeks took her first flush. The oil was in her for only an hour and a half.

She had, underscore, had a hard marble sized lump on her arm for over three months. Its located on the outer side around the bicep.

Three days after the flush she pointed out that the lump was still there on her arm. I felt it. It felt the same. I felt dissappointment pass through my veins with apprehension of how hard life is for us.

I noded in affirmation. "Yes. it's still there." I told her with confidence that everyday I want her to be skin brushing and taking a one hour bath in epsons salts until the next time we Fast/ Liver Flush her.

Yesterday, she was holding onto the spot, feeling her lump and said it feels smaller. I looked at her without inspecting. She looked thinner to me.

Today, exactly 7 days after her first Liver Flush she interrupted our math lesson to blurt out with puzzlement, "Its so small, it's almost gone." Her eyes bulging out at me with certainty.

I continued the lesson in joy. I am not about to doubt or question the miracle that is taking place.

But I had to tell you... who need hope. *tears of joy* Keep hoping. Keep flushing. Someone should make a new bumper sticker. which reads: KEEP FLUSHIN


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