Re: I beg your pardon! I disagree!!!!!!! by #42412 ..... Relationship Support Forum
Date: 9/17/2007 11:41:16 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 6,536
Well, I may be the only one here who thinks WhiteShark is right. By being a complete idiot he has proven a pretty good point. You hate the guy. How can you love someone who treats you that way? We're raised with this fairy-tale idea of love and that "love conquers all" and that may be true, if it's mutual. This man doesn't love you and the way he treats you is draining your love for him too or you wouldn't be posting here. There is no question because you've answered all your own questions. He won't stop what he's doing, he'll just get better at hiding it fromm you. The truth is you can fall in and out of love so many times in your life that wasting time with someone who doesn't love you back is just that, a waste of time. I think that the love you describe is co-dependence, and don't take that harshly because all relationships are codependent in some way, we need to depend on someone - but don't depend on someone for the wrong reasons. You are in an abusive relationship and at this point maybe you can't see the forest for the trees. Leave him, stand on your own and learn your own self-worth. A woman's self-worth is the sexiest thing about her. When you know what you deserve and won't settle for less, you will find someone who will give it to you and love you for it. I have spent many years in and out of similar relationships and it's taken me a long time to realize that you are the one that allows people to treat you that way. Only you can control how other people treat you by what you will and won't accept from someone else - take it from a fellow "doormat" - it feels good to demand better.
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