Re: Veterans get screwed again by molly bloom ..... Ask Dr. Sutter
Date: 9/15/2007 6:07:04 PM ( 18 y ago)
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I guess you needed to watch more than 10 minutes to understand. You seem to have suffered a bad experience at Honda, and it seems you made a very quick judgement about this guy on the video. Should you have continued watching you would have heard that he is not the only vet that discovered this. And it isn't just JOBS it benefits and it's insurance. It's paid benefits for psychological problems and a number of other disabilities. It's not just the medical care, it's money paid to them to live with these disabilities.
Don't be so quick to judge unless you have all the facts. The vets have, and continue to be labeled without their knowledge. It's like they committed a Federal crime that they are not even aware of. They have served their country, and for that they have been screwed. Not even in corporate america is a former employer allowed to give an opinion of your work habits without your approval. But should a corporate HR company tell a prospective employer that the employee did drugs, was mentally unstable, doesn't happen because there are laws, and there are lawsuits.
I worked for the Japanese for 5 years. They were very respectful and kind. I worked for the largest real estate company in Japan, Mitsui. Please don't lump all the Japanese together. That shows extreme biogotry, and the kind of attitude that caused the internment camps during the war. I'm sure there are unprofessional Japanese, just as I'm sure there are as many if not more ugly americans.
I remember when Reagan cut funding for vet services in the late 80's. I was living near the beach in San Francisco, at the bottom of the hill from the Vet Hospital. Within one week of the cuts, the whole beach and that part of Golden Gate Park was full of vets that had just been shoved out the door. They were not prepared, they were shoved out and told to leave. So they just basically headed down the hill. There were so many that the ocean side of the park looked like a camp ground. They were lined up for the pay phone at the local supermarket begging for help. Begging their relatives for help. Begging. It took all our resistance not to round them up and bring them to our one bedroom flat. Going shopping meant bringing a handful of dollars to hand out. I'll never forget the look of desperation in their eyes. F_ck Ronald Reagan.
I disagree with your post on many levels. Your post shows a lack of knowledge and sophistication, and a basic knee jerk reaction to some bad experiences you had in the past. You are definitely bitter. I guess if you were never put in the position of fear of death on a daily basis you can't possibly understand what these people went through. And the sad part is that often, these wars are political or based in greed, or someone's ideology and has nothing to do with any real present enemy.
Perhaps not all the vets got unlucky enough to get these SPN numbers, but if it happened to even one it's a crime. Especially if they had told him in Federal Court that it was reversed, and then was subsequently disallowed to take a civil service test in 2002 because it was on a federal computer database. No, it's not this guy not wanting to work, it's this guy being told he can't even take a civil service test.
See the whole video and then make up your mind. Joe Biden and Sen. McCain have their hands totally in the pot. It will be interesting to see how this plays out politically because the power of the interernet is a very useful tool indeed.
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