Re: My thoughts on enemas and colonics by sans sucre ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 9/13/2007 2:33:55 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 45,329
Hi Michelle,
Great article. Thanks for posting it. Ya know, I think that your last paragraph sums up a lot - that timing of treatment modalities can make all the difference to their success or failure. The down side is of course that we all want to get better fast and sometimes we can read something that seems like "it", but it turns out to be ineffective for us at the time or makes things worse. Maybe the reason nothing works for everyone is partly due to not being at the same place in the healing process as other people, and if we wait and try again at another point, it could be helpful. But, when one has been at this for some time, it tends to get easier to decide what has potential for us. If this resonates with you, which it sounds like it does big time, then I bet you it will help.
I did about 10 colonics over a period of a year, but I was very ill when I did them, and my body may not have been quite ready for them. I sure did get a lot of gunk out, but obvioulsy it did not cure my candida. Now that I am soooooo much healthier, after reading this I am intrigued to try again. I have no patience for enemas, but do like colonics.
I agree with Stannarad in that I did wipe out good flora with my colonics. But, I had also stopped taking probiotics at that time as well, as I was trying to give my liver a break from supps, and only later realized this was not one I should have stopped, so I went back on them and it seemed to not take too very long to get my flora back up to at least a respectable count. But, later in the year, I decided it would be even better to get good flora re-implanted right after my colonic by the colon hydrotherapist, and did so, but oddly experienced bloat and rumblings after doing that. Have you ever had re-implantation?
Another point Stanna makes is also well-taken: You need to have good terrian to keep candida away, and that the kill is not the ultimate goal, but rather the balance. However, you seem to have that area covered.
Let us know how it goes?
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