Sitting on the fence with the open eyes by stoneface ..... Liver Flush Debate Forum
Date: 9/11/2007 1:22:08 AM ( 18 y ago)
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To support a Liver Flush or to be against it is not the reason why I write this message here.
Here are some of the facts that I observed along the way:
Fact one:
I had a existing condition mainly caused by wrong medication and attempts to solve the problems that were bothering me.
Condition was simply chronic constipation which lasted that stage already about two years, on and off. Medical profession suggested me to take some laxatives. Those laxatives helped while used, but as soon as I discontinued the use, the constipation returned.
It is a known fact, that they are only a temporary solution. Not a permanent fix.
Fact two:
Being a sceptical of unproven methods, namely Dr Clark's flush, it took me over a week to accept, that procedure will not harm me, as all the ingredients have been consumed before by humans.
Fact three:
First two flushes did produce well known results, but no significant improvements in my well being.
Fact four:
This #3 flush produced out some very bad smelling content and the stones were visibly old looking and when broken, the inside appeared kind of sandy.
The colour of them was this time more brown than green.
Fact five:
Unlike previous two flushes, this flush made me feel considerably better in coming days.
Especially after the very first flush I was feeling sick for three days, but understanding reasons, I did not give up.
Fact six:
My chronic constipation started disappearing from third flush onwards and after #6 it was thing in the past. This is over two years later now and my constipation never came back.
We can try to look for an alternative reasons, why my constipation disappeared. I would not be telling this, if there were smallest bit of doubt in my mind, that it happened for some other reasons rather than the flushes.
I was already convinced that I will be dying with that condition. All known remedies were already tested. There were only unconventional methods to try.
Many people here do not understand what happens in our bodies during a liver flush.
I do not think I understand!
I doubt if anybody really understand the whole procedure fully.
To me what matters is: it helped me to get rid of chronic constipation, perhaps few other ailments along the way.
I have done about twenty Liver Flushes by now.
However it should be highlighted that it is most likely dangerous to do them in less than two week intervals.
Debate about Liver Flush will continue and that is good.
Some day we may know more about it !
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