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Re: Please does anyone know? by FULLOFJOY ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   9/4/2007 5:01:33 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   5,370

I had the breathing problems big time, panic attacks and crying jags. I was also super fatigued and allergic to everything. But I started treating heavy metal poisoning that some believe is the cause of Candida. (Please see other posts from FULLOFJOY.) Now I have no panic attacks, my allergies are gone (seriously) no crying jags, only slight breathing problems around that time of month, but not every month. I still have some fatigue but I feel that the candida is nonexistent. Once I started addressing the heavy metal toxicity from silver mercury Amalgam fillings, and a nickel bridge that I had from my dentist, I started getting better.

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