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Re: Birth Control Pill, Acne and Accutane by Valerie ..... Acne Forum

Date:   2/2/2003 2:24:18 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   5,746

Molly, maybe you can help me.

I have had Acne since I was 13. Now I am almost 18 and have tried everything yet nothing has helped me. I have tried many Acne products under names such as Neutrogena, Clean and Clear, Clearasil, numerous cleansing pads, Oxy, 60 gm hc1%clind1%in moisturel from the doctor, tetracyline, tricycline, diane-35 for month, retin-A cream for tissue repair, and other products that I may have forgotten to mention.
I have large red spots all over my face, scarring, whiteheads, blackheads. Scarring is mainly at the sides, however it does cover a large portion of the bottom half of my face (cheeks and chin) and a little forehead and will not heal with anything I've tried. Therefore, I have SEVERE ACNE.
I started using Diane-35 (hormone medication for acne)on Dec. 31, 2002 and stopped Jan. 20, 2003 because it is a 21-day pack and decided that it was too expensive and wasn't healing my face. I feel i just wasted $33 on 21 pills that are not worth it.
I heard that Accutane is the strongest Acne med there is, but it is too expensive and may cause my face to breakout at first. Also, it is $140/month! I've also been taking tazorac cream (0.05%) for one month and have seen little improvement overall. I have had acne for over 5 years and have tried many different products.
How do you find out if your acne is based on your hormones or just on bacteria because i would like to find out. For internally, I am taking ACNE RELIEF (natural homeopathic medicine) that "clears and treats existing acne pimples and helps prevent new acne pimples from forming."
However, I have not seen too much improvment on my face. They are white pills that you chew and let dissolve in your mouth. Also, i am currently taking Tazorac (like Retin-A cream) 0.05% and Clearasil 3 in 1 deep cleanser.
I would like to know if Estrosense (hormone balancing pills) can heal my sever acne. How will it fight against the acne? Is it clinically proven by many other patients? I am so sick and tired of trying so many products b/c i never know what the results would be and most of the time, they do not work. Please help me. Thanks! I really appreciate it!

With gratitude, Valerie Sabau.

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