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Re: Could it be all in my mouth???? by cannedheat ..... Interstitial Cystitis Forum

Date:   8/22/2007 4:14:05 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   6,393

I am soo glad that you are feeling better. IC is a horrible disease. I was just wondering when you posted:

"I was diagnoised with my first "bladder infection." (NOT) The bladder symptoms kept getting worse as you all know. Three weeks ago I had the cystoscopy that left me in more pain than ever."

Was your first bladder infection a true infection (cultured)? If so, did you cont to have symptoms and a second culture came back negative for bacteria??

Also, what did they find on your cystoscopy? What were the findings?

I am not saying at all that you did not have IC, but many things mimic IC. I believe that many of us have IC for many different reasons. Mine started w/ a very, very bad bladder infection that still showed infection after 2 rounds on Antibiotics . When they cultured it a third time, I still had the same horrible symptoms but my urine culture this time was negative.

I have never had any problems w/ my mouth, only one cavity, no mercury ever in my mouth. So everyone is different.

I do believe though that allergies play a big part in IC. Your allergy sounds like it was nickel, for which I am so glad you discovered this and are feeling 98% better. Unfortunately, I think we are all allergic to so many different things, which is why some of us can eat certain foods while others if flares their bladders badly. It is just finding what one is allergic too, and that can be tedious and very difficult to do, plus, overtime, I think we just keep adding to our allergies because of the initial allergic response screwing up our system.

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