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Re: Coffee Colonic VS. Liver Flush by Somer ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   6/12/2004 1:04:01 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   2,286

Hi, I have never heard of a coffee colonic, but certainly the coffee retention enema. My understanding is that your aim is not to circulate the coffee through your colon, but rather to retain it in a lower position.

I have had lots and lots of colonics (I am 2 years along in a major colon cleansing program and currently on day 22 of the MC). My naturopath says most people do 3 in a series. I ended up doing considerably more than that due to extreme plaque problems (still passing garbage on day 22!!). colonics are a wonderful tool!

I cannot imagine coffee would be necessary after the intensive cleaning people describe with the flush, but I have used a coffee retention enema to relieve fasting crisis symptoms (toxic headache etc.). NEVER have I passed stones with coffee.

Look at the enema board this site for coffee enema info, lots there!

Good luck to you.

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