Re: Is it worth it? by Grog ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 6/9/2004 11:25:41 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 2,733
Hi Terri! I guess if you weigh the two, self maintenance and surgery niether is easy but I'd rather have my gallbkadder in tact and all the functons it performs ! Cleansing may be frustrating and difficult at times but if you think surgery ends the problem I think you,ll realize quite quickly the huge mistake you've made if you fall into one of the many statristics that follow the removal of your gallbladder! Starting with infections to lifetime diarrhia and the inability to eat the foods you like and the constant return trips to the docs! The potential for obesity and rheumatoid arhtritis! The incident of disease accurs much more in those with out than with ! Also not all those who have completed these flushes succesfully are posting anymore, although I wish they would,they have completed the flushes and are now healthy and have gone on with thier lives! Grog
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