Re: getting off milk and dairy by tinabanana ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 7/31/2007 1:08:07 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 1,833
i think i will take your suggestion and make my smoothies with kefir. i have never tried it before but mixed in with all the fruits i probably wont see a difference.
how is the stuff that you buy in the stores? acceptable?
my smoothies are usually, 1 banana, 4-6 big straberries, 1/4 cup bluberries, 3-4 tablespoon yogourt, 1-2 tsp coconut oil. so i will probably stick to the same recipe but replace with kefir.
i have no idea how much fiber is in fruits. how much would you say would be in that smoothy i have described above? what are the higher in fiber fruits?
edit: i just did a quick search and im getting about 6.5 grams of fiber out of that smoothy, so that is exactly the same amount i get out of my cereal (without counting the kefir that wasnt in their list). so thats great. here is a calorie/protein/fat/carb/fiber/sodium calculator that works really well:
i already drink half my weight in water, or get very close and i dont drink soda anymore.
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