In case you somehow miss or ignore this while hyperventilating and spewing forth more of your slurs and personal attacks like the ones in the above posts (the untypical spelling and grammar errors are good clues):
The false gods of scientific medicine revealed: It's a cult, not a science
Some passages that I think you should ponder on a personal level:
"what passes for "science" today is a collection of health myths, half-truths, intellectual dishonesty, self delusion, fraudulent reporting and wishful thinking."
"The word "science" is simply used as a cover story for what's really going on behind the scenes"
"Conventional medicine is almost entirely justified by truly bad science. And yet so-called skeptics, who are supposed to exercise clear thinking about all subjects, never seem to question the fraudulent science behind prescription drugs. The mass drugging of children for fictitious diseases, for example, seems to be okay with such skeptics, who are too busy bashing homeopathy and acupuncture to take an honest, critical look at the junk science behind prescription drugs, it seems."
"Ultimately, these so-called quack-busting skeptics only question certain selected topics. All drugs get an automatic thumbs up, no matter how ludicrous the underlying science, while all natural therapies are automatically and routinely criticized by skeptics who equate their own lack of understanding with proof that something mysterious can't possibly work. They say homeopathy can't work, for example, simply because they can't find any mechanism to explain how it could work. That's tantamount to saying that nothing new will ever be discovered because skeptics already know everything there is to know about the way the universe works."
"Let's face it: Neither conventional medicine, nor its promoters, has attained any real membership in the club of genuine scientists. Real scientists are people like Richard Feynman, a legendary author, lecturer and infinitely curious individual who never allowed his own ego to cloud his open mind about the laws of the universe."
"While defenders of conventional medicine don't have membership in the club of genuine science, they are card-carrying members of another organization: The Church of Medical Truth (similar to the Ministry of Truth from 1984). In this Church, the beliefs of members (doctors, FDA bureaucrats, media reporters, etc.) are handed down from the high priests, and those beliefs -- that all drugs are good, all vitamins are bad, etc. -- are blindly followed by the faithful, who dare not question those beliefs on any genuine scientific basis."
P.S, Since you seem to delight in inferring characteristics of the name of my CureZone ID apply to me personally, I took a look at the roots of your own ID. My own real identity and experience are an open book here, unlike yours. Since you imply that moniker choices are revelatory, I offer the following :
Corinth: "Corinth was famous for its intellectual and material prosperity and was honored with being the capitol of Achaia. It also became famous for its corruption. As Guthrie says, "Its name became a byword for profligacy."
(Guthrie, Donald, New Testament Introduction, Rev. ed. (Downers Grove, Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1990)
"Profligacy: "The quality of state of being profligate; a profligate or very vicious course of life; a state of being abandoned in moral principle and in vice; dissoluteness."