--no stiffness and pain!-- by LD Di ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance
Date: 7/25/2007 2:28:21 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 3,657
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=926518
Hi, all!
Have noticed that even if my pH drops lower than ideal overnite, maybe 6.2-6.6, that walking briskly for about 1 hour shorly after breakfast will bring it up to 9.8-7.4. Same meal and baths, detox drink without the workout don't do as well for as long. This kind of surprised me, since I thought exercise produced acid waste in the muscles.
Is this due to the benefits of oxygen intake during the workout, or could something else be going on?
One of the delights of using the ML protocol for me is being able to be more physically active. I spent 20 years vascillating between experiencing extereme stiffness, pain and fatigue after any significant amount of activity or bedridden. Now I feel energised after activity and have no stiffness and pain! Each week I can see some increase in strength and flexibility.
So much for "fibromyalgia" of unknown cause! Ha!!! All I ever needed was to eat the best foods available to me and alkalise! Mgy heart aches for those still suffering!
Thanks to all here who are contributing to my recovery!
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