It Took The Enamel Right Off My Teeth by Aharleygyrl ..... Dental Problems Support Forum
Date: 7/21/2007 5:27:43 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 13,057
I am so glad that ingredient is not used in Viadent anymore. I have been telling people since shortly after it came out, not to use it.
When Viadent came out, my cousin who owns a carpet store in Lincoln City Oregon, knew the the guy who invented it. He was given a tube with the guy's signature. The guy told him that Paul Harvey had advertised it on the radio and made him a millionaire overnight. I began using it, too, as my cousin kept talking it up and he showed me the signed box. After using it for a while, I noticed the tops of many of my teeth, the enamel was gone and I had pain. I had also been using the rinse (later) with it and it stained the tops of the teeth (where exposed dentin was) orange. I ended up having to go to the dentist and get many cavities filled at the tops of my teeth, all because of the Viadent. The Dentist didn't believe me when I told him what happened. I looked in to the ingredient and found out it was some plant extract made from leaves or something, but had not been thoroughly researched.
Needless to say, I quit using it and warned everyone. I called my cousin and he said that he was having problems with it, that when he sucked in air, his teeth hurt. He said he had to cut back to using it twice a week. I told him what it did to my teeth and he didn't seem to believe me either. You know, it's that old thing where, if it's on the market, it can't be bad.... I am glad you posted this, because I can stop telling people to not use it, as it no longer has the bad ingredient. Torrie << Return to the standard message view fetched in 0.00 sec, referred by