Re: Anyone with luck detoxing fatty areas? by molly bloom ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 7/20/2007 12:52:33 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 5,239
I did the wraps and they caused my costochondritis to flair up big time. And I did feel like some inches came off initially but not afterwards. So I stopped at 4 wraps since my rib cage was killing me.
My boss however is on about 8 wraps. They have caused her blood pressure problem of 2 decades to fall to the level of a teenager. She's been on BP medication for years and her Dr. told her that if this keeps up he's taking her off meds.
The wrap was the only thing she did differently.
I think though, in all fairness, that the vast majority of people who don't do what we do are so deficient in so many things that the infusion of minerals and enzymes is a huge boost to their metabolism. People like us may not notice such drastic results....
Anyway my 2 cents.
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