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Re: Millions of dollars!?!? by fledgling ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   7/16/2007 8:41:32 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   1,312


Change, of any kind, is stress.

The people who write such lists even chalk up 'marriage' as a 'stress', right up there with the other biggies.

Instant 'lack of motivation'! Guaranteed!

Even the air conditioning, or the season for turning on the furnace, can unsettle a person.

Wishing for and looking for help in a major project can do it to you, too. There are so few who see your vision exactly the way you do.

So, decide what you need to make you feel comfortable and well, and get it into your life, now!

Change your timing, if you need to...even wait until the necessary help shows up. Rethink your decisions. In retrospect you will always see better ways to have gone about various parts of the project, so find the ways you need, in advance. Success will be all the more delicious.

In your post, I see a need for an editor. So, hire one.

Hire someone on a piecework basis. Give them a part of the project that you have already worked out, and ask them what they would do with it...have them write it up, telling them their work will be considered for inclusion in the final choice.

Maybe let it be known that several people are at work on the same piece.

There is also the question of 'secrecy', where you don't want many people to know much about your total plan. So break it down into manageable bits.

You are the entrepreneur. Only you can direct the project. So, go slower...take smaller steps. That's what your 'inner physician' is trying to tell you.

You will wear many 'hats', building and operating this project, especially if you have partners...or if you must please someone. (And we must always please our customers.)

Structure is the most important part of every project. You need to know what you can handle...what you, personally, need.

One little trick I have read is to have an 'idea drawer'.

You jot a question on a bit of paper; quickly list a number of possible solutions (even silly ones); add a due date; and pop the chit into a top drawer where you keep the other questions that are 'stewing'.

You'll find yourself going back to that question, maybe adding to the list of possible solutions, and coming up with an appropriate choice, on time.

Another way is to put a team on the job.

Right now you probably think you need 'specialists'...that's not necessarily so. Breaking down your tasks into manageable bits means that anyone can have a good workable idea that will save the day. Most valuable of all is support...people who will hold you accountable for important baby steps.

You need to attend an interview? A support team will hold your hand all the way there, and buy you a coffee afterwards.

Why? Because you will be helping them in their projects, too.

Read the book "Wishcraft", at

And/or find yourself a registered "Success Team" leader, ...or, create an informal team of your own. ('Wishcraft' tells you how...and it's free.) You'll never look back.

You can do just need support.

Support is out there waiting for you.

You'll find it...and probably in surprising places!

Hang on...the troops are on the way.



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