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sleep problems by #61961 ..... Sleep Disorders Forum

Date:   7/6/2007 11:45:24 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   2,179

I'm having a hard time waking up every morning and it might be attributed to poor quality sleeping.

I always thought I sleep fine but I'm begining to think it might be more than lucid dreaming.

While I'm asleep, I'm aware of everything around me. Sometimes it scares. I can see people walking into my room, talking to each other, I can recall their dialogs next day. Sometimes I unconsciously talk to them! When its dark, I can see them (not clear but more of white light frames) moving around. Please understand this happens while I'm alseep, not during the REM mode.

I also toss around and wake up at least once to visit the bathroom. Sometimes I have difficulty going back to sleep again.
In the morning, waking up is very difficult, I feel confused as soon as I'm awake, my muscles itch, my nasal areas hurts and my head feels so heavy every single day.

I wanna cure myself by myself, I don't believe in doctors anymore.

Does this sound normal to anyone?


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