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WTH?! Increase blinking today on diet...... by angelofeventide ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   7/2/2007 3:11:44 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   1,737

I’ve been on the candida diet (haven’t started anti-fungals yet) for 6 days. I had some medium weight die-off over the weekend and today I am still feeling tired. Because my candida is systemic, I do know that it has permeated my brain, as I often have neurological effects from it, including eye problems. Today, I started noticing increased blinking and almost feel like I'm having jerky or twitching movements not just in my eyes, but all over. I’ve never had this before. Could this be some weird form of die-off, as the yeast is coming out in my brain as well? It’s sort of freaking me out. Thanks.


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