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Re: Go ahead, I dare you to visit a doctor..... by hopinso ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   7/2/2007 8:31:03 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   3,291

Vulcanel wrote:
They want to hook you on their dope and make you keep coming back for more. In that regard, they are no better than the local heroin dealer. In fact, the heroin is probably safer, since it has a long history, whereas much of what comes out of the local pharmacy are new molecules which come with two paragraphs of warnings of side effects.

You know, I was thinking just a couple of days ago how Walmart is being praised so highly for their $4.00 prescription plan, where a multitude of common generic medications can be purchased for $4.00. Now, I know that even the most expensive prescription meds cost only a tiny fraction of their retail price, and Wallyworld is still making a handsome profit. With a markup of 4000% or more the pharmaceutical companies are making a killing. However, back to the cheap (affordable) drugs; doesn't it seem like this program will just create more addicts because now more people can afford to be one? We are creating a generation of willing addicts who are acting like docile, complacent sheep who are thankful for the very thing that is destroying them as individuals and as a society.


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