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The Problem With Root Canals by Aharleygyrl ..... Ask AHarleyGyrl: Amalgam

Date:   6/25/2007 10:02:05 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   5,547

Root canals are a part of dentistry called endodontics, which is concerned with the pathology of dental pulp and the area surrounding the root. A root canal is a procedure to allow a tooth that is painful or no longer viable because of nerve damage or death to remain in the mouth. Most dentists consider root canals an advance in dentistry--superior alternative to removal of a seriously compromised tooth. However a growing number of physicians, including dentists, believe that root canals can be the cause of, or at least contribute to, a long list of illnesses and degenerative diseases.

A "root canal" allows a patient to keep a dead tooth in his or her mouth. The fallacy with this concept is that the body doesn't like dead things in it and will try, sometimes desperately, to get rid of the dead thing. Notwithstanding, the fact that it may be "handy" to save a tooth for "dental convenience", it does not change the fact that root canal treatments can devastate the human immune system. Twenty million root canals are performed in the U.S. annually, and this number is estimated to double within the next few years.

There are many presumptions about root canal therapy which are based in myth rather than science. The philosophy underlying the teaching of dentistry limits its practice to mechanics, pain control and aesthetics. The systemic effects of dental treatment are rarely considered.

Conventional root canals have been controversial since the turn of the century, when formaldehyde was used to treat the nerve which inevitably killed it, and the bone around the tooth, as well. This treatment is still used by 20% of American dentists and is called the Sargenti method, but it is denounced by the ADA because it contains formaldehyde compounds and lead. The current formulas are said to have removed the lead, but tens of millions of root-canal treatments using the old formulas are still in people's mouths. While the normal dental profession has been striving to improve the technique, much research has shown that even modern root canals pose health hazards to the body. This is due to the delitirious effects of residual infections; from the seepage of toxic substances still used in the process; and from the interference of the flow of bioelectrical energy through acupuncture meridians associated with all the organs of the body.

All conventional root canals still do employ toxic substances to sterilize the interior of the tooth, such as eugenol (oil of clove) and formocresol (formaldehyde-creosote). Most dentists also use gutta-percha to fill the canal.

In the 1950s. Reinhold Voll, a German M.D., using an electro-acupuncture biofeedback system he had developed, discovered that each tooth in the mouth relates to a specific acupuncture meridian. He found that if a tooth became infected or diseased, the organ on the same meridian would also become unhealthy. (Conversely, he found that a diseased organ could cause a problem with its corresponding tooth.)

When you have a root canal, or even a big filling, or crown or anything that is not compatible with the body, it sets up an interference field, blocking or altering the energy meridian passing through it. It will affect different parts along that meridian, different organ systems in the body. And usually will cause it to have a problem as well.

If the tooth is removed, the energy does tend to pass through it. However, without the tooth in the bone, it is still altered. Without stimulation from a tooth, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage will be impaired, and the bone and tissue surrounding the extraction site can become diseased and die. Infections in the teeth, and toxins, have no place to go but down; down into the jaw bone and into the rest of the body, creating systemic pathologies.

Of equal interest is the relationship of root filled teeth to traditional Chinese medicine and body energies. All teeth are linked to the body via acupuncture meridians and having a root filled tooth, a large amalgam filling, a crown, or anything that is not compatible with the body, on a meridian may set up an interference field, blocking or altering the energy flow ( the chi ') passing through this meridian and cause a disease in an organ or body function remote from the tooth. For example a front upper incisor is on the Kidney/ Bladder meridians and having a root treated tooth here may cause gynecological problems, kidney problems, impotence, and sterility if you follow a Chinese medicine theme. These teeth also relate to spinal segments and joints, the front incisor relates to the coccyx and posterior knee and to L2, 3, S 3, and 6.

If the tooth is removed, the energy does tend to pass through it; however, without the tooth in the bone, it is still altered. Without stimulation from a tooth, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage will be impaired, and the bone and tissue surrounding the extraction site can become diseased (cavitations) and die. Infections in the teeth and toxins have no place to go but down; down into the jawbone and into the rest of the body, creating systemic pathologies. Some dentists are trained to look for these areas on X-rays and Cavitat procedures and when these areas are treated they can also bring considerable improvements in patients health. This energetic relationship between teeth and the rest of the body is opening whole new avenues of dental care and the chance for dentists to work with other complementary health workers.

It is assumed in dentistry that the extent of bone loss is a direct indication of the amount of infection present. This is a false assumption because the bone loss may take time to develop. The extent of the bone loss about the end of the root is also a function of the body's immune system being able to isolate the infection process. It has little to do with the degree of infection. Sometimes there is no bone loss, but instead, a condensation of bone about the end of a dead tooth. Dentists are taught that this indicates a lack of infection. The reality is that teeth showing a Condensing Osteitis are demonstrating that the body's immune system is incapable of quarantining the infection locally. These are often the teeth which cause the greatest systemic effects.

The toxins generated by the root canal can combine with the mercury leaching from the amalgams and create new chemicals of a much higher toxicity. Some combinations can be more potent than Clostridiumbotulinum (responsible for botulism). Any time you bite down, you are potentially squirting a few molecules of dental poisons into the bloodstream-and often it only takes a few molecules to create a serious problem.

"Root canals" cause:

Suppression of the immune system

The creation of an "interference field" on the meridian that the particular tooth is on (meridian - a channel of energy that flows between different tissues, organs and structures).

The production of the most toxic organic substance known to man.

Root-canal fillings can cause serious side effects. Dr. Weston price is recognized as the greatest researcher that the dental profession has ever produced. Dr. Price, after observing many patients with crippling degenerative diseases not responding to treatment, suspected infected root canal-filled teeth to be the cause. He then embarked on a 25-year-long study to see if his suspicions were correct. This study was done during the first 3 decades of the 20th century! However this information was not shared with us when we were dental students so we had a big void in our dental education where root canals are concerned.

The Procedure

After numbing the tooth, a hole is then drilled in the top of the tooth, just as if a filling were being placed. The hole is deepened until the internal canal (pulp chamber), containing the nerve, blood and lymph vessels, is reached. Then, little tiny files are used to remove the contents of the chamber (live, dead, or dying pieces of nerves and blood vessels). The dentist now has access to the whole length of the root-canal. Front teeth are supposed to have one, but may have an additional one splitting off of the main canal about one-third of the way up from the apex. These will not show up on X-ray. Multi-rooted teeth, such as some bicuspids and most molars, have two or three roots. Each root has a primary canal and may have a secondary one as well. Lower molars frequently have two canals in one root that sort of blend into each other, forming what is called a ribbon canal. Curved canals present a problem, as the files used to cut out infected dentin are straight.

Sometimes a file will penetrate the tooth at the curve, and cut its way out of the tooth, missing the curve entirely. Toward the bottom 10 millimeters of the tooth, accessory canals may exit the tooth. Removing the dead tissue and bacteria from each of the canals presents the problem of not being able to see whether all the contents are removed. It's a dark tiny hole, down a long skinny root, and bacteria and debris are smaller. Knowing when to stop at the apex is another trick. X-ray films are shadows, and show an approximation of how long the root is, but they don't provide detail about the end of the root. Filling the canal to the x-ray end would actually overfill the canal. Overfilling is a condition most often apt to create infection, thus the presence of unwanted bacteria.

The now empty canal is widened. Next, a series of treatments is begun which clean and shape the root-canal, which kills the tooth. It is then flushed, treated with chemicals to kill bacteria, and eventually filled with one of a variety of materials, the most popular (93% in U.S.), is a substance called gutta-percha. Gutta-percha is a a rubbery, wax petroleum-based latex material, to which some people are allergic. First, the wax is mixed with chloroform to make it soft. Since gutta-percha does not show up on x-rays, heavy metals, including mercury and lead, are added, to make it radiopaque--sometimes up to 20% of its content. Other chemicals it may contain include formocreasol or para­chlorophenol. These substances can cause inflammation and infection, allergic reactions, and compromise the immune system.

Eugenol based cements are used to cement the gutta percha cones into the enlarged canals. Eugenol has an acid pH whereas the living tissues that surround the root have an alkaline pH. To kill the bacteria, caustic solutions are flushed into them, but the surface tension of the solutions is too high to allow it into the narrow dentin tubules. Sodium hypochlorite (Clorox) and hydrogen peroxide mixtures are used to "sterilize" the inside of the main canals. Sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide both will injure tissue. These cause inflammation and infection, allergic reactions, and compromised immunity. Dr. Weston Price found that teeth retain their sterility at best for only about two days. Most lost sterility within less than twenty four hours. Studies on thousands of teeth have demonstrated the presence of bacteria in 80% to 90% of the canals after they have been "sterilized." The primary bacteria found in root canals by Dr. Price included streptococcus, staphylococcus, and spirochetes. He found 90% of the bacteria in the teeth that produced the patients' acute diseases were streptococcus and 65.5% of the time they belonged to the fecalis family. Bacteriologists today have confirmed that Price's discoveries were accurate.

Once the root-canal treatment is completed, the top of the tooth in which the hole was drilled is restored with either a filling or crown, depending upon the amount of tooth that remains. A patient is routinely told that a crown will be needed for strength because root-canal treated teeth become brittle and weak because of the inside, including the blood vessels and nerves, having been drilled out to do the treatment. It is quite possible that there will be little of the original tooth left above the gum line and that which is left will be weak. In many cases, a post is placed into the root-canal itself to hold the crown.


Conventional dental procedures do not take into account biocompatibility of the filling materials, potential injury to surrounding tissues due to the caustic nature of substances used and a high percentage of residual bacterial contamination. According to research by Dr. Boyd Haley of the University of Kentucky, at least 75% of root canal teeth have residual bacterial infections remaining in the dentinal tubules, of which there are 3-5 miles in length in each tooth. There is no drug, homeopathic remedy, vitamin or mineral that can effectively kill these tiny bacteria that live in the small tubules in the tooth. Only the use of bio-frequencies (Rife technology) has the capability of pentrating the surrounding bone and root without any damage to tissues. Even then, there is no way to stop new bacteria from entering these tubules from the oral cavity again. These lingering infections produce the most toxic substances known to biochemistry and toxicology, that enter the blood stream and can affect any part of the body.

A dentist, Weston A. Price, brought this information to light in the 1940s. Unfortunately for patients and the dental profession, his scientific documentation and views were pushed aside. To date there is no acceptable conventional therapy to resolve this issue.

Focal Site of Infection

A tooth is an organ, just as any other organ or bone in the body. An abscessed or gangrenous tooth is not only a dead tooth, it is a dead organ. The problem arises because these teeth are dead and prone to infection can threaten to infect surrounding tissue, including the jawbone, possibly triggering cavitations.

Today we know that the toxins made by the bacteria that live by the billions in root-canal teeth contain the most toxic organic substance known to manthio-ethers. Thio-ethers are 1000 times more toxic than botulism toxin, which used to be considered the most toxic organic substance.

So, from a practical standpoint, one would be well-advised to worry less about anthrax and smallpox, and instead, focus on root canals which are much more likely to cause you personal harm. In addition to thio-ethers, other severe toxins from these root-canal bacteria include thio-ethanols and mercaptans which have been found in the tumors of women who have breast cancer, draining through the lymphatic system down the cervical chain of lymph nodes and ultimately in to the breast tissue. Besides being harbored in root canals, these dangerous bacteria also take up residence in cavitations which result from most extracted teeth. Thus one can get a "double-whammy" from the root canals and the cavitations.

Dr. Weston Price

Based on a 25 year extensive study by respected researcher, Dr. Weston Price, scientific data suggests that root canal therapy is the cause of many systemic diseases and illnesses. Dr. Price devised a testing method which disclosed the presence of infection in a tooth which otherwise seemed to be healthy--that is, the implanting of the root canal filled tooth under the skin of a laboratory animal. He found that when the root-filled tooth of a patient with a degenerative disease was extracted and imbedded in an animal, that animal would develop the patient's disease. He did this in over 5000 animal studies and the results were consistent. In the beginning, Dr. Price did not know just where the infection was hiding in the tooth, only that a patient's illness was rapidly transferred from his root-filled tooth to laboratory animals in case after case.

Dr. Price was able to culture the bacteria in root-filled teeth and trap their toxins, reproducing a disease in a rabbit by implanting the extracted root-filled teeth and injecting the cultured material into the animal. Dr. Price discovered a wide variety of degenerative diseases to be transferable to rabbits.This involved diseases or conditions such as endocarditis and other heart diseases, kidney and bladder diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, mental diseases, lung problems, stomach ulcers, ovarian diseases, phlebitis, osteomyelitis, and pregnancy complications. Those infections proved so devastating that most animals died with 3-12 days. When these same teeth were sterilized with steam heat and embedded in animals, no adverse health effects were experienced. Furthermore, a large percentage of people recovered from their illnesses after extraction of the root canal filled teeth used in the experiments. When sound, uninfected natural teeth were implanted in animals, no adverse health effects were experienced. This vitally important research was forced underground, and has remained virtually unknown since its 1923 publication.

Although root canal therapy is usually successful in eliminating pain and swelling associated with dead teeth, and in allowing those dead teeth to remain in the mouth to function, the side effects can be hazardous to overall health. It is estimated that only about 30% of the population has a healthy enough immune system to ward off the side effects. The problem is that root canal therapy cannot sterilize the inside of the tooth. As a result, the trapped bacteria mutate and migrate to infect the heart, kidneys, eyes, stomach, and countless other body tissues. This theory, called the focal infection theory, states that a person can have an infection someplace and that the bacteria involved can be transferred by way of the bloodstream to another gland or tissue and therein start a whole new infection. Modern experiences also support this theory. Dr. Issels, a German physician, recommends extraction of root canal teeth as part of his protocol for terminal cancer patients.

Over the last 40 years with 16,000 patients, he has observed a 24% total remission rate. Some transplant surgeons require root canal filled teeth be extracted before performing transplant surgery, because of the risk of focal infection to the new organ from the teeth. If a person has chronic health problems, existing root canal filled teeth or dead teeth should be suspected as a possible cause or influence. Estimates for 1996 ran as high as thirty-five million recipients of root canal therapy; however, most cannot describe the procedure beyond the basics. Root canal or endodontic therapy is performed primarily because of bacterial infection. Frequently pain is the motivating factor. Bacteria infiltrating through the dentin tubules under decay can set up housekeeping in the pulp chamber. This is an ideal environment, being warm, with a constant supply of nutrients, and a waste removal system. Bacteria can wiggle into the dentin tubules (miles-long passageways that traverse the dentin of each tooth) and multiply in accordance with the available oxygen supply.

Since there are varying degrees of oxygen deprivation, each level of oxygen stimulates the bacteria to mutate into a slightly different bacterium; a whole plethora of critters can develop from just one bacterium. Over 150 different bacterial strains have been identified at the apex or within the pulp chamber of dead or dying teeth. All but five are classified as anaerobic, or those that thrive in the absence of oxygen. These bacteria produce toxic waste products. The toxins can either be picked up by the drainage system at the apex of the tooth, or flow down the dentin tubules into the periodontal ligament. At the ligament, they can slip into the fluids around the tooth and flow into the bloodstream. They may also be forced up the ligament space into the mouth when the person bites down or chews. Regardless of which direction the toxins go, they will be introduced to the innermost parts of the body.

The root canal treated tooth is a tooth that is typically still being used in normal chewing. While much of the nerve and blood supply has been removed or damaged by the procedure itself, the tooth still has its original attachment to the jawbone. The high pressures generated in chewing can be expected to physically push toxins out of the socket where they can eventually be picked up by the blood circulation.


Dentinal Tubules
A tooth is basically comprised of 3 layers. The enamel (what we see when we look at another person's teeth, the hard, white attractive outer layer of the tooth), the pulp (a tiny island of soft tissue at the center of the tooth - the same place in a tooth that a core would be in an apple - the so-called "nerve"), and the dentin. Dentin accounts for about 90% of the tooth. When looked at under a microscope, dentin has a very specific structure. It is made up of "millions" of incredibly tiny tubules that radiate outward from the pulp to the outer edge of the tooth.

If one could some how take each of one of these "millions" of tubules in a front tooth and lay them end to end, they would stretch for 3 miles. Although microscopic in size, these tubules are adequate to house billions of bacteria and even yeast and fungi. The tubules are wide enough to occomodate eight streptococci abreast. These dentinal tubules are like tiny pipes that radiate outward from the pulp to the outer surface of the tooth--kind of like spokes of a wheel (if you think of a cross-section of a tooth). The centers of these tubules are filled with living protoplasm. The protoplasm in these tubules has no blood supply so it depends on the blood vessels in the pulp for it's nourishment or sustenance.

Dentin tubules within the root of the tooth can harbor millions of bacteria. These tubules extend from the pulp chamber to the outer bounds of the tooth called the cementum. The periodontal ligament and the apex of the tooth still contain bacteria from the original infection. It is impossible to sterilize the tubules, the ligament, or the apex. Since 93% of root canal treated teeth in the U.S. are filled with gutta percha, and the purpose of filling the canal is to seal the canal from access by bacteria, several basic principles must be ignored to pronounce the canal "sealed." First, the wax is mixed with chloroform to make it soft. The chloroform evaporates, creating 6.6% space that was occupied by the chloroform. Instruments used to condense the gutta percha are heated in order to soften the wax. When heated wax cools, it shrinks--up to 30% in the first week after placement. This allows a half-micron-sized bacterium to easily make it through the apex, up the root, and into the dentin tubules.

The relatively huge white blood cells cannot get into a dentin tubule. Antibiotics can't gain access either. And the periodontal ligament access is difficult if not impossible. Debris from filling the canal spills out the end of the root, forming a good culture medium for bacteria, while providing a barrier for entrance into the canal. Anaerobic bacteria (those living without oxygen), can inhibit phagocytosis of the white blood cells. Root canal bacterial waste products are the real problem. No white blood cell or antibiotic can destroy the chemicals that are produced by bacteria around the root canal treated tooth.

These chemicals kill the most important enzymes in our bodies at lower concentrations than the most toxic of known organic poisons. Disease can result when these are present at little more than the molecular level of concentration. Mercury at 1 to 5 micromolar concentrations will totally abolish the activity of tubulin without any noticeable effect on other brain proteins. Even one-half part per billion can destroy the most resistant enzymes. Inactivating these essential enzymes can lead to many hormonal neurological, autoimmune, and emotional diseases.

In the presence of these root canal poisons, tubulin and creatine kinase, two critical proteins involved in brain function, are inactivated within a few minutes. In a healthy person, the immune system will form pus, soreness, tenderness, and pain--to tell us dead teeth do not belong there. The dentist, anxious to protect his investment in the root canal, will usually prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics in an effort to calm the situation. Antibiotics will eventually halt the inflammatory process around the root canal tooth, and the pain will subside, but there is no repair.

The doctor and patient are now lulled into the illusion that the root canal is successful, but the body undergoes further protective activities; if it cannot loosen up the tooth and exfoliate it, the body builds a wall around it and set up a quarantine, a dense layer of calcium, called condensing osteitis is laid down around the root, giving the x-ray appearance of healed bone. The bacteria cannot invade the body, nor can the white cells invade the tooth. Even though cells cannot cross the calcium barrier, nutrients can get through to nourish the isolated bacteria, and the toxins can flow into the body unimpeded, to set up disease. There is intense resistance from the dental profession to admit to the potential of root canal teeth being a primary source of "incurable" diseases today. The legal profession and insurance carriers aren't anxious to confront these problems. The root canal tooth can then start the usually silent process of ischemic osteonecrosis (cavitations) in the bone marrow, that can then spread and destroy the blood vessels and nerves supplying adjacent teeth.

Millions of people are ill, suffering from degenerative diseases for which the medical profession is at a loss regarding cause and treatment; the degenerative disease problem continues to bankrupt our people and country. Once a "root-canal" is done to a tooth, the pulp is gone (sacrificed) - which makes a root canal tooth a dead tooth--an expensive, dead tooth. Now the protoplasm in these miles and miles of dentinal tubules dies, and these tubules become a "dandy" place for bacteria to hang out. They have "free eats" on the dead, decaying protoplasm in the tubules.

These tubules are 1 to 1.3 microns in diameter--big enough to accommodate bacteria, but too small to allow entry of white blood cells (which are the body's principal way of controlling excessive bacterial populations). Now your root-canal tooth becomes a bacteria factory. The bacteria now are cloistered away from the body's defenses and thus have free reign to proliferate. Existing inside the tooth, these bacteria have no access to air so they mutate into the anaerobic form--the kind that can live in the absence of air. When the bacteria mutate, their metabolism changes so that they give off waste products that are incredibly toxic. These toxins include thio-ethers, thio-ethanols, and mercaptans (see "Cavitations").


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