Re: Hulda Clark Cures Cancer except when She doesn't by farmgirl ..... Quackery Debate Forum
Date: 6/24/2007 8:53:56 AM ( 18 y ago)
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"I must tell that she was single, and her pets were her whole life and heart. She had a limited circle of friends, whom all have dogs, cats and other animals. She therefore could not visit them, nor ask them to visit her, because she was afraid of being re-infected! "
Hi Pia,
First of all Hanne was lucky to have a good friend like you who really cared for her. What a terrible and frustrating story. I know of two elderly women who refused medical treatment for their cancer, preferring "alternative medicine". One of them, an otherwise healthy, vital woman is now dead. What she believed was a bedbug bite on her breast turned out to be a Breast Cancer lesion. She suffered for several weeks feeling progressively worse until she collapsed and went to the hospital where she died within a day of admission from this too far advanced cancer.
Another woman, who "didn't want all that toxic chemo" in her body was nursing a tumor on her liver so large one side of her body was distended and it was pressing on her lung. She too is now dead.
MInd you there are a lot of natural remedies that really help people get better - but sometimes modern medicine needs to be used.
My mother came down with acute myelogenous leukemia at age 59. Her doctor misdiagnosed it as anemia and by the time she collapsed and was admitted to the hospital one Easter her red blood cells were so depleted she was given a 50/50 chance of actually making it.
She endured weeks of rigorous chemotherapy - but she also researched visualization techniques developed by a Dr. Simington (not sure about the spelling). She followed the medical protocol, mind you, went back for all her chemo treatments but religiously listened to hypnosis tapes where she visualized the cancer leaving her body. She was also a very positive person who really believed she could fight and win. The leukemia did not recur but a few years later a malignant lump was found in her breast. She underwent a lumpectomy and more chemo with regular check-ups. She continued to use the visualation tapes religiously.
What happened? She went into a COMPLETE REMISSION. The cancer NEVER came back! I am convinced this was partly due to the nature of the cancer (it did not involve a major organ, did not go into the bones, etc), the medical treatment she received - yes folks - radiation therapy and chemo - and her own will to live. I do believe the visualization tapes helped her.
She finally passed away many years later from an illness completely unrelated to her cancer.
I do believe alternative cures can help and in some cases prevent diseases. I find the Liver Flushes and coffee enemas very beneficial and am following these protocols to alleviate my own NASH (non-alcoholic fatty liver). Sometimes, however, there is no choice but to go with standard treatments, even if they "sound bad". Sometimes they really work, sometimes nothing works - a hard thing for people to accept.
Bilking a sick woman for money with quack treatments and forcing her to give up her pets is inexcusable behavior. If nothing else the pets would have made her happy and made her feel less alone. Was that really necessary?
Thank you for telling this story, Pia. It took a lot of courage to post that here but people need to hear it.
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