These little mishaps are to be expected during this mercury retro phase.
Sure, Go on, laugh and of course you could be right, but dear friends i must mention that we have noticed over the years that communications can run amuck during this celestial occurrence. LoL, Fiasco's staring the new Iodine forum?? Nooo!!
Below find a little synopsis of potentials.
PS:You will be pleased to know the "direct" motion starts again the middle of july.
While Mercury is retrograde, familiar channels of communications become tangled and confused. Expect delays and changes in plans. Use this time for researching and problem-solving. This is a great time to rewrite and edit, rework an old project or successfully repeat a task. Reevaluate and reconsider, but hold final decisions and approvals until Mercury goes direct.
The tendency is to initialize or finalize projects prematurely. The contents of verbal or written contracts and plans made now may later seem inadequate or unclear. This is not a good time to buy on the spur of the moment without investigation. This is also not a good time to purchase electronic equipment or cars.
Major purchases may be reduced in price after the retrograde period and you can save money by waiting. Major repairs or surgery performed now may be incomplete or plagued by unexpected repercussions. Double-check and reconfirm every detail. Typed or written errors are easily overlooked, paperwork mislaid, appointments forgotten. Let your sense of humor overcome the challenge of unexpected adjustments.