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Lemurian Seed Crystal -The Book of Stones by Patryc ..... Crystal Healing Forum

Date:   6/19/2007 6:26:51 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   3,038

Key Words : Connection with the Divine Feminine, unification with the soul, access to knowledge and wisdom of ancient Lemuria.

Element : Earth and Wind

Chakras : Crown (7th), Soul Star (8th)

Lemurian Seed Crystals are a special variety of clear quartz, a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. They come from the Diamantina region of Brazil, a locality famous for its long, tapered 'laser wand' crystals. The Lemurian Seeds are different in structure, displaying ladder-like grooves crossing the bodies of the crystals and very clear interiors. On many of these crystals there is a reddish pink tinge caused by a light transparent coating of iron oxide.

ROBERT SIMMONS - The name given to these lovely specimens tells one much about their energies. Lemuria is the name of the fabled ancient civilization believed to have sunk beneath the sea (pacific ocean) many thousands of years ago. The volcanos of Hawaii and other Polynesian islands are thought by some to be the tops of ancient Lemurian mountains.

Lemuria is remembered as a civilization with a different kind of conciousness - much more centred upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions than is our mentally based modern world. This deeper connection with the spiritual/emotional domains correlates with the idea of the garden of eden, a paradisical place or state of being where one felt in touch with the divine and at one with our fellow beings, from the blades of grass to the animals to our human family. There is a sense of innocence and an almost instinctual level of awareness that characterize our impression of Eden and Lemuria. Some would say that Lemuria was the basis for the stories of the Garden of Eden.

A catastrophe occuring on both inner and outer levels, befell the Lemurian people and their level of conciousness, and humanity "fell from grace". The Atlantean world is seen as one in which the attempt was made to ascend once more to the level of the Divine, this time one in which the attempt was made to ascend once more to the level of the divine, this time using powers of mind and invention. What Atlantean awareness lacked was the heart connection with spirit and the deep emotional centering it evoked. Though psychic and paranormal abilities in Atlantis were strong, without inner knowing of the hearts truth, the Atlanteans are said to have brought about their own doom.

Our time and culture offers us a unique choice. Although we, like the Atlanteans, tend to rely too heavily on our minds and technology, there are many of us who have learned to connect with and trust the intuitive, emotional knowings of our souls and spirit. To reach the next rung on evolutions ladder and to save ourselves from yet another catastrophic fall we must learn to fully experience and integrate both the emotional/intuitive and the rational/mental aspects of ourselves and reach with all our intensity for the connection with spirit.

Lemurian seed crystals are just what their name implies - they are coded, programmed with the Lemurian conciousness vibrations. When one works with them in meditation, self-healing practices, or other modalities, the crystals can infuse one with the pure emotional/intuitive/spiritual awareness of the Lemurians. With these stones there can be wonderful experience of heart opening and the healing of the emotional body. One may feel the elation of the 'return to paradise,' the reconnection with soul, the sense of becoming more whole. There may be a feeling of increased sensuality a delicious appreciation of the physical and emotional life. One may discover that the true self has emerged at last, and that the Divine Presence is an almost tangible substance, especially when one is out in the world of nature. This is the gift of the Lemurian Seeds - the 'Return to the Garden".

Of course one is meant to do more than take a permanent vacation from life as one has known it. The Lemurian Seeds can help one attain once again that balancing, nurturing, loving, spiritual and sensuous conciousness that has been long lost by much of humanity, but one ought not to abandon the rational, mental world when one does so. One must integrate both types of conciousness together to transcend both Lemuria and Atlantis.

Still the response to these crystals is often so emotional and so laden with love that one feels them as a balm to the soul. Lemurian Seeds can benefit just about everyone - Most people need the heart opening / spiritual healing they offer. And even if one doesn't 'need' healing, the feeling they offer is simply delicious, which is reason enough. Healers can use these crystals to bring such experiences to their clients.

Lemurian seed crystals emanate a decidedly yin, or feminine energy. They harmonize wonderfully with stones such as Gem Silica, Larimar, Celestite, Azeztulite, Satyaloka Quartz, Petalite, Morganite, Rose Quartz and Kunzite. Moldavite can catalyze their activations to the highest spiritual level. To bring in the courterbalance of more Atlantean energy, I suggest Herkimer Diamonds, Siberian Blue Quartz or any stone cut in the forms of the Platonic Solids and / or the Merkabah.

At a last word, the Lemurian Seeds that are also Dow Crystals offer the added traits of enhancing ones abilities in channeling and telepathy. They can aid in the activation of the transpersonal chakra above the head and they are tools which can ultimately assist in bringing the christ conciousness in oneself, and in our world.

NAISHA AHSIAN - Lemurian Seed Crystals are a variety of quartz that embodies the soft, lvoing energies of the angelic and cosmic realms. In fact, the adder-like striations present on all Lemurian Seed Crystals act as a 'stairway to heaven.' carrying one up increasingly higher frequencies to bridge the earth plane and the higher astral and spiritual realms.

These stones are powerful meditation tools which assist one in connecting with the feminine archetypal energies of the Goddess, the Great Mother and other representations of the sacred feminine. Despite this embodiment of the female polarity, these stones are powerful balancers of duality and assist one in finding the point of harmony within, which goes beyond polarity and joins one with the divine energy of the creator.

Lemurian Seed Crystals help one rise above the perceived isolation, lonliness and separation from the earth plane, to join in union with the celestial realms from which we have come. They bring a soothing balm to the soul, a sense of coming home that can make the Earth-walk a little easier. This ally reminds us that we are never alone, for we continue to exist in perfect union with the Divine and one another on the higher planes of existence.

Lemurian Seed Crystals allow one to access expanded states of conciousness easily and comfortably and enable one to receive guidance from ones Higher Self, ones Soul-level energy, and ones highest guides. It is definately a stone to employ when one wishes to access teh protection and council of the seraphim and the highest order of angelic entities. it opens the crown and soul star chakras, assisting one in opening the energy of the soul.

Spiritual : Lemurian Seed Crystals rapidly expand ones conciousness by allowing travel through the crown and soul star chakras into the highest frequency of light one can hope to encorperate while still in body. They are 'teaching stones', in that they allow one to atune to ones highest guides and to receive information from these beings.

Emotional : Lemurian Seed Crystals help counter feelings of seperation from the Divine. They aid one in feeling more connected to ones own soul-level eminations and more with others and oneself. They are excellent stones for children who have difficulty being in the body and need to be reminded of their celestial origins.

Physical : Lemurian Seed Crystals are wonderful supports for healing work and can be used as gateways for communicating with healing guides. Like other Quartz crystals, they will tend to amplify the energies of others stones they are with.

Affirmation : I reconnect with my soul and the Divine Feminine, and I call forth knowledge, wisdom and power from the ancient realm of Lemuria.

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