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Last update: the whole month is gone and so are the buggers! :-) by #77203 ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   6/18/2007 8:19:40 PM ( 17 y ago)
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Hi everyone,

Just to let you all know that a couple of days ago I took my last remaining pills of Humaworm.

For those who didn't follow my posts, the biggest breakthrogh came around day 4-5 (don't remember any more), when I had a pretty bad body odor, which I never had before. The next day it was a little better, but not entirely gone. The B.O. was caused by ammonia relased by parasites, and I am talking microscopic parasites here, and I got rid of that by going for a professionaly done colon hydrotherapy which I recommend to everyone.

A few times I had a bad case of heartburn for probably various reasons; among others I did get a stomach flu (twice!) and the first symptom with me usually is heartburn, so it's not humaworm's fault. The other times, I just didn't take it before meal, and with enough water.
I also ate a lot of grapes without seeds, and other foods that promote cleansing: pears, water with lemon, whole grains, olive oil (usually in salad), etc.

Also, I think that I will take a little break from natural remedies, and just stick to my normal doses of vitamin C and such. Then, perhaps in a month or so, I will try and see if there is anything else to take care of, like candida maybe or heavy metals, and so on.

One more thing: I am starting to take large doses of probiotics in enteric coated pills.

All in all: the whole experience was great, I really wasn't sure I had any parasites to start with, but those die off symptoms proved me wrong.

My energy level is constantly improving, at least partialy thanks to humaworm, but also to diet and other changes in my life, like amalgam removal I did some six months ago. I am less nervous, have better memory, today noticed I have much better eye sight too, and generaly have an energy level of a healthy adult, which is completely opposite from only a few months ago.

If I could give a shortlist of advice for those starting out, it would be this:

1. Plan on doing something to get rid of dead critters and their waste material. I recommend colonics, but you can pick your own weapon of choice.

2. Eat foods that speed up eliminations as mentioned above. Grapes are best, and no they do not cause you to gain weight even though they are quite sweet. I am actually still loosing weight.

3. Be persistent.

4. Feed your body best possible foods, skip junk, your body will have tons of poisons and dead parasites to get rid of, it needs all the healthy food it can get.

Thanks Humaworm and good luck everyone else!

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