Re: Be careful of advice on circumventing the hospital or by newmother ..... Pregnancy, Birth & Homebirth
Date: 6/14/2007 9:22:20 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 2,941
Thank you for your support. Oh I have not found a new doctor yet or even seen anyone for this pregnancy yet. I have conducted interviews called many midwives all the doctors I have spoken to say they don't have time to deal with a VBAC. There is very little support here in phoenix. I have been doing my homework and I have been reasearching my family history in depth. Every single VBAC has resulted in a very good outcome yet 2 sections resulted in a bad outcome. My cousing died and my mom nearly died from a blod clot. The numbers show that C-section is 10 times more risky than a VBAC. A woman is 50% more likley to die from a C-section. I have also been reaseraching home birth and un assisted birth and surpriseing the numbers show that being home is actually safer than the hospital. The hospital intervenes too much not allowing a womans body to do what it naturally does lays them in a flat position which is not good for labor, pokes and prods and causes complications and in some cases intentionally causing complicatons like what I went through. I also found out my first DR. HARRY Waters has a very high C-estion rate! This is a red flag to me again. I would never ever ever go back to him. I know this is hard from some people to believe but there is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ invloved when it comes to a section. They make twice as much on them and he made more on mine because of the removal of the cyst while he was in there which of course I never knew he did anything with it until I pulled my records. That is another reason I think it was set up. He also said in the record that he advised me of this yet he never said a word about it. I am sure there are good doctors out there that really care about women and don't want to put them under the knife for no reason, but from my experience with myself and my family and the reading I have been doing it seems there a lot more of them out there who are very un ehtical and don't believe in a womans ability to give birth. Have you read the book silent knife? I guess someone who has been through what I have been through can truly understand how hard it is. Well I also have faith in God and I believe that if I put all my trust in him that everything will be fine. Of course I will get prenatal care and if everything goes well with the pregnancy and the baby is head down face down I am going to go for the VBAC at home. If there are complications I will go for the VBAC in the hospital. This is where I am at right now. Of course I am still reading up on things. I have been doing a lot of praying also and God is leading me towards a home birth. Everything in me tells me that it will be fine. Perhaps this is because God is helping me to conquer my fears of having the baby at home. I am less afriad to do it at home.
Sarah :)
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