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More to report by shroom ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   6/14/2007 8:08:48 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   1,854

I have made a second culture and control. The first 24 hours show rapid growth. I am sure this creature was created from recombinant DNA engineering. I suspect they used c. elegans for this particular strain--but this is a guess. It is alive, does not move or readily respond to stimulus. It also shows signs of being part arthropod. You know, if I did not have these things, I would be absolutely impressed at the science! But, I am more concered than anything. This could turn anytime, for the worse. I suspect many folks out there have this, or variations of it already.
Watch out for cotton clothing supplies imported from China. Any cotton products could be comprimised [long story, but trust me].

On a lighter note, I have received my flourescence equipment, and I am being given a gift---a very, very expensive and powerful microscopic objective!! This will help me the ability to examine those plaque producing bacteria and their bio-films. And, I will get a better look at the suspected mycoplasma bacteria. Shroom

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